The ankle is formed by the talocrural joint (image). It consists of the articulations between the talus bone of the foot and the distal ends of the tibia and fibula of the leg (crural =...
Ankle Extention
Image by Paul Galmiche
Ankle and Foot Joints
Bones of the Ankle
Image by Thomas Steiner put it under the GFDL
Bones of the Ankle
Bones of the Ankle
1) Fibula
2) Tibia
3) Talus (talus)
4) Calcaneus (heel bone)
5) Scaphoid bone (os naviculare)
6) Metatarsal bones
Image by Thomas Steiner put it under the GFDL
Ankle and Foot Joints
The ankle is formed by the talocrural joint (image). It consists of the articulations between the talus bone of the foot and the distal ends of the tibia and fibula of the leg (crural = “leg”). The superior aspect of the talus bone is square-shaped and has three areas of articulation. The top of the talus articulates with the inferior tibia. This is the portion of the ankle joint that carries the body weight between the leg and foot. The sides of the talus are firmly held in position by the articulations with the medial malleolus of the tibia and the lateral malleolus of the fibula, which prevent any side-to-side motion of the talus. The ankle is thus a uniaxial hinge joint that allows only for dorsiflexion and plantar flexion of the foot.
Additional joints between the tarsal bones of the posterior foot allow for the movements of foot inversion and eversion. Most important for these movements is the subtalar joint, located between the talus and calcaneus bones. The joints between the talus and navicular bones and the calcaneus and cuboid bones are also important contributors to these movements. All of the joints between tarsal bones are plane joints. Together, the small motions that take place at these joints all contribute to the production of inversion and eversion foot motions.
Like the hinge joints of the elbow and knee, the talocrural joint of the ankle is supported by several strong ligaments located on the sides of the joint. These ligaments extend from the medial malleolus of the tibia or lateral malleolus of the fibula and anchor to the talus and calcaneus bones. Since they are located on the sides of the ankle joint, they allow for dorsiflexion and plantar flexion of the foot. They also prevent abnormal side-to-side and twisting movements of the talus and calcaneus bones during eversion and inversion of the foot. On the medial side is the broad deltoid ligament. The deltoid ligament supports the ankle joint and also resists excessive eversion of the foot. The lateral side of the ankle has several smaller ligaments. These include the anterior talofibular ligament and the posterior talofibular ligament, both of which span between the talus bone and the lateral malleolus of the fibula, and the calcaneofibular ligament, located between the calcaneus bone and fibula. These ligaments support the ankle and also resist excess inversion of the foot.
Ankle Joint
The talocrural (ankle) joint is a uniaxial hinge joint that only allows for dorsiflexion or plantar flexion of the foot. Movements at the subtalar joint, between the talus and calcaneus bones, combined with motions at other intertarsal joints, enables eversion/inversion movements of the foot. Ligaments that unite the medial or lateral malleolus with the talus and calcaneus bones serve to support the talocrural joint and to resist excess eversion or inversion of the foot.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (6)
Lateral view of the human ankle
Image by US GOV / An svg version of image:Ankle.PNG by me (Jak)
Illustration of the anatomy of the Ankle.
Image by US GOV
Ankle Extention
Radiograph of a dancer's en pointe foot.
Image by Paul Galmiche
Ankle pain
An illustration showing a sprained ankle.
Image by
Ankle Feet Joints
Image by OpenStax College
illustration of the lateral view of an ankle
illustration of the lateral view of an ankle
Image by Baedr-9439
US GOV / An svg version of image:Ankle.PNG by me (Jak)
Ankle Extention
Paul Galmiche
Ankle pain
OpenStax College
illustration of the lateral view of an ankle
Bones of the Lower Limb
Human Leg
Image by TheVisualMD
Human Leg
Human Leg
Image by TheVisualMD
Bones of the Lower Limb - Femur, Patella, Tibia, Fibula, Tarsal Bones, Metatarsal Bones, Phalanges, and Arches
Like the upper limb, the lower limb is divided into three regions. The thigh is that portion of the lower limb located between the hip joint and knee joint. The leg is specifically the region between the knee joint and the ankle joint. Distal to the ankle is the foot. The lower limb contains 30 bones. These are the femur, patella, tibia, fibula, tarsal bones, metatarsal bones, and phalanges (see Figure 8.2). The femur is the single bone of the thigh. The patella is the kneecap and articulates with the distal femur. The tibia is the larger, weight-bearing bone located on the medial side of the leg, and the fibula is the thin bone of the lateral leg. The bones of the foot are divided into three groups. The posterior portion of the foot is formed by a group of seven bones, each of which is known as a tarsal bone, whereas the mid-foot contains five elongated bones, each of which is a metatarsal bone. The toes contain 14 small bones, each of which is a phalanx bone of the foot.
The femur, or thigh bone, is the single bone of the thigh region (Figure 8.16). It is the longest and strongest bone of the body, and accounts for approximately one-quarter of a person’s total height. The rounded, proximal end is the head of the femur, which articulates with the acetabulum of the hip bone to form the hip joint. The fovea capitis is a minor indentation on the medial side of the femoral head that serves as the site of attachment for the ligament of the head of the femur. This ligament spans the femur and acetabulum, but is weak and provides little support for the hip joint. It does, however, carry an important artery that supplies the head of the femur.
Figure 8.16 Femur and Patella The femur is the single bone of the thigh region. It articulates superiorly with the hip bone at the hip joint, and inferiorly with the tibia at the knee joint. The patella only articulates with the distal end of the femur.
The narrowed region below the head is the neck of the femur. This is a common area for fractures of the femur. The greater trochanter is the large, upward, bony projection located above the base of the neck. Multiple muscles that act across the hip joint attach to the greater trochanter, which, because of its projection from the femur, gives additional leverage to these muscles. The greater trochanter can be felt just under the skin on the lateral side of your upper thigh. The lesser trochanter is a small, bony prominence that lies on the medial aspect of the femur, just below the neck. A single, powerful muscle attaches to the lesser trochanter. Running between the greater and lesser trochanters on the anterior side of the femur is the roughened intertrochanteric line. The trochanters are also connected on the posterior side of the femur by the larger intertrochanteric crest.
The elongated shaft of the femur has a slight anterior bowing or curvature. At its proximal end, the posterior shaft has the gluteal tuberosity, a roughened area extending inferiorly from the greater trochanter. More inferiorly, the gluteal tuberosity becomes continuous with the linea aspera (“rough line”). This is the roughened ridge that passes distally along the posterior side of the mid-femur. Multiple muscles of the hip and thigh regions make long, thin attachments to the femur along the linea aspera.
The distal end of the femur has medial and lateral bony expansions. On the lateral side, the smooth portion that covers the distal and posterior aspects of the lateral expansion is the lateral condyle of the femur. The roughened area on the outer, lateral side of the condyle is the lateral epicondyle of the femur. Similarly, the smooth region of the distal and posterior medial femur is the medial condyle of the femur, and the irregular outer, medial side of this is the medial epicondyle of the femur. The lateral and medial condyles articulate with the tibia to form the knee joint. The epicondyles provide attachment for muscles and supporting ligaments of the knee. The adductor tubercle is a small bump located at the superior margin of the medial epicondyle. Posteriorly, the medial and lateral condyles are separated by a deep depression called the intercondylar fossa. Anteriorly, the smooth surfaces of the condyles join together to form a wide groove called the patellar surface, which provides for articulation with the patella bone. The combination of the medial and lateral condyles with the patellar surface gives the distal end of the femur a horseshoe (U) shape.
The patella (kneecap) is largest sesamoid bone of the body (see Figure 8.16). A sesamoid bone is a bone that is incorporated into the tendon of a muscle where that tendon crosses a joint. The sesamoid bone articulates with the underlying bones to prevent damage to the muscle tendon due to rubbing against the bones during movements of the joint. The patella is found in the tendon of the quadriceps femoris muscle, the large muscle of the anterior thigh that passes across the anterior knee to attach to the tibia. The patella articulates with the patellar surface of the femur and thus prevents rubbing of the muscle tendon against the distal femur. The patella also lifts the tendon away from the knee joint, which increases the leverage power of the quadriceps femoris muscle as it acts across the knee. The patella does not articulate with the tibia.
Runner’s Knee
Runner’s knee, also known as patellofemoral syndrome, is the most common overuse injury among runners. It is most frequent in adolescents and young adults, and is more common in females. It often results from excessive running, particularly downhill, but may also occur in athletes who do a lot of knee bending, such as jumpers, skiers, cyclists, weight lifters, and soccer players. It is felt as a dull, aching pain around the front of the knee and deep to the patella. The pain may be felt when walking or running, going up or down stairs, kneeling or squatting, or after sitting with the knee bent for an extended period.
Patellofemoral syndrome may be initiated by a variety of causes, including individual variations in the shape and movement of the patella, a direct blow to the patella, or flat feet or improper shoes that cause excessive turning in or out of the feet or leg. These factors may cause in an imbalance in the muscle pull that acts on the patella, resulting in an abnormal tracking of the patella that allows it to deviate too far toward the lateral side of the patellar surface on the distal femur.
Because the hips are wider than the knee region, the femur has a diagonal orientation within the thigh, in contrast to the vertically oriented tibia of the leg (Figure 8.17). The Q-angle is a measure of how far the femur is angled laterally away from vertical. The Q-angle is normally 10–15 degrees, with females typically having a larger Q-angle due to their wider pelvis. During extension of the knee, the quadriceps femoris muscle pulls the patella both superiorly and laterally, with the lateral pull greater in women due to their large Q-angle. This makes women more vulnerable to developing patellofemoral syndrome than men. Normally, the large lip on the lateral side of the patellar surface of the femur compensates for the lateral pull on the patella, and thus helps to maintain its proper tracking.
However, if the pull produced by the medial and lateral sides of the quadriceps femoris muscle is not properly balanced, abnormal tracking of the patella toward the lateral side may occur. With continued use, this produces pain and could result in damage to the articulating surfaces of the patella and femur, and the possible future development of arthritis. Treatment generally involves stopping the activity that produces knee pain for a period of time, followed by a gradual resumption of activity. Proper strengthening of the quadriceps femoris muscle to correct for imbalances is also important to help prevent reoccurrence.
Figure 8.17 The Q-Angle The Q-angle is a measure of the amount of lateral deviation of the femur from the vertical line of the tibia. Adult females have a larger Q-angle due to their wider pelvis than adult males.
The tibia (shin bone) is the medial bone of the leg and is larger than the fibula, with which it is paired (Figure 8.18). The tibia is the main weight-bearing bone of the lower leg and the second longest bone of the body, after the femur. The medial side of the tibia is located immediately under the skin, allowing it to be easily palpated down the entire length of the medial leg.
Figure 8.18 Tibia and Fibula The tibia is the larger, weight-bearing bone located on the medial side of the leg. The fibula is the slender bone of the lateral side of the leg and does not bear weight.
The proximal end of the tibia is greatly expanded. The two sides of this expansion form the medial condyle of the tibia and the lateral condyle of the tibia. The tibia does not have epicondyles. The top surface of each condyle is smooth and flattened. These areas articulate with the medial and lateral condyles of the femur to form the knee joint. Between the articulating surfaces of the tibial condyles is the intercondylar eminence, an irregular, elevated area that serves as the inferior attachment point for two supporting ligaments of the knee.
The tibial tuberosity is an elevated area on the anterior side of the tibia, near its proximal end. It is the final site of attachment for the muscle tendon associated with the patella. More inferiorly, the shaft of the tibia becomes triangular in shape.
The anterior apex of this triangle forms the anterior border of the tibia, which begins at the tibial tuberosity and runs inferiorly along the length of the tibia. Both the anterior border and the medial side of the triangular shaft are located immediately under the skin and can be easily palpated along the entire length of the tibia. A small ridge running down the lateral side of the tibial shaft is the interosseous border of the tibia. This is for the attachment of the interosseous membrane of the leg, the sheet of dense connective tissue that unites the tibia and fibula bones. Located on the posterior side of the tibia is the soleal line, a diagonally running, roughened ridge that begins below the base of the lateral condyle, and runs down and medially across the proximal third of the posterior tibia. Muscles of the posterior leg attach to this line.
The large expansion found on the medial side of the distal tibia is the medial malleolus (“little hammer”). This forms the large bony bump found on the medial side of the ankle region. Both the smooth surface on the inside of the medial malleolus and the smooth area at the distal end of the tibia articulate with the talus bone of the foot as part of the ankle joint. On the lateral side of the distal tibia is a wide groove called the fibular notch. This area articulates with the distal end of the fibula, forming the distal tibiofibular joint.
The fibula is the slender bone located on the lateral side of the leg (see Figure 8.18). The fibula does not bear weight. It serves primarily for muscle attachments and thus is largely surrounded by muscles. Only the proximal and distal ends of the fibula can be palpated.
The head of the fibula is the small, knob-like, proximal end of the fibula. It articulates with the inferior aspect of the lateral tibial condyle, forming the proximal tibiofibular joint. The thin shaft of the fibula has the interosseous border of the fibula, a narrow ridge running down its medial side for the attachment of the interosseous membrane that spans the fibula and tibia. The distal end of the fibula forms the lateral malleolus, which forms the easily palpated bony bump on the lateral side of the ankle. The deep (medial) side of the lateral malleolus articulates with the talus bone of the foot as part of the ankle joint. The distal fibula also articulates with the fibular notch of the tibia.
Tarsal Bones
The posterior half of the foot is formed by seven tarsal bones (Figure 8.19). The most superior bone is the talus. This has a relatively square-shaped, upper surface that articulates with the tibia and fibula to form the ankle joint. Three areas of articulation form the ankle joint: The superomedial surface of the talus bone articulates with the medial malleolus of the tibia, the top of the talus articulates with the distal end of the tibia, and the lateral side of the talus articulates with the lateral malleolus of the fibula. Inferiorly, the talus articulates with the calcaneus (heel bone), the largest bone of the foot, which forms the heel. Body weight is transferred from the tibia to the talus to the calcaneus, which rests on the ground. The medial calcaneus has a prominent bony extension called the sustentaculum tali (“support for the talus”) that supports the medial side of the talus bone.
Figure 8.19 Bones of the Foot The bones of the foot are divided into three groups. The posterior foot is formed by the seven tarsal bones. The mid-foot has the five metatarsal bones. The toes contain the phalanges.
The cuboid bone articulates with the anterior end of the calcaneus bone. The cuboid has a deep groove running across its inferior surface, which provides passage for a muscle tendon. The talus bone articulates anteriorly with the navicular bone, which in turn articulates anteriorly with the three cuneiform (“wedge-shaped”) bones. These bones are the medial cuneiform, the intermediate cuneiform, and the lateral cuneiform. Each of these bones has a broad superior surface and a narrow inferior surface, which together produce the transverse (medial-lateral) curvature of the foot. The navicular and lateral cuneiform bones also articulate with the medial side of the cuboid bone.
Metatarsal Bones
The anterior half of the foot is formed by the five metatarsal bones, which are located between the tarsal bones of the posterior foot and the phalanges of the toes (see Figure 8.19). These elongated bones are numbered 1–5, starting with the medial side of the foot. The first metatarsal bone is shorter and thicker than the others. The second metatarsal is the longest. The base of the metatarsal bone is the proximal end of each metatarsal bone. These articulate with the cuboid or cuneiform bones. The base of the fifth metatarsal has a large, lateral expansion that provides for muscle attachments. This expanded base of the fifth metatarsal can be felt as a bony bump at the midpoint along the lateral border of the foot. The expanded distal end of each metatarsal is the head of the metatarsal bone. Each metatarsal bone articulates with the proximal phalanx of a toe to form a metatarsophalangeal joint. The heads of the metatarsal bones also rest on the ground and form the ball (anterior end) of the foot.
The toes contain a total of 14 phalanx bones (phalanges), arranged in a similar manner as the phalanges of the fingers (see Figure 8.19). The toes are numbered 1–5, starting with the big toe (hallux). The big toe has two phalanx bones, the proximal and distal phalanges. The remaining toes all have proximal, middle, and distal phalanges. A joint between adjacent phalanx bones is called an interphalangeal joint.
Arches of the Foot
When the foot comes into contact with the ground during walking, running, or jumping activities, the impact of the body weight puts a tremendous amount of pressure and force on the foot. During running, the force applied to each foot as it contacts the ground can be up to 2.5 times your body weight. The bones, joints, ligaments, and muscles of the foot absorb this force, thus greatly reducing the amount of shock that is passed superiorly into the lower limb and body. The arches of the foot play an important role in this shock-absorbing ability. When weight is applied to the foot, these arches will flatten somewhat, thus absorbing energy. When the weight is removed, the arch rebounds, giving “spring” to the step. The arches also serve to distribute body weight side to side and to either end of the foot.
The foot has a transverse arch, a medial longitudinal arch, and a lateral longitudinal arch (see Figure 8.19). The transverse arch forms the medial-lateral curvature of the mid-foot. It is formed by the wedge shapes of the cuneiform bones and bases (proximal ends) of the first to fourth metatarsal bones. This arch helps to distribute body weight from side to side within the foot, thus allowing the foot to accommodate uneven terrain.
The longitudinal arches run down the length of the foot. The lateral longitudinal arch is relatively flat, whereas the medial longitudinal arch is larger (taller). The longitudinal arches are formed by the tarsal bones posteriorly and the metatarsal bones anteriorly. These arches are supported at either end, where they contact the ground. Posteriorly, this support is provided by the calcaneus bone and anteriorly by the heads (distal ends) of the metatarsal bones. The talus bone, which receives the weight of the body, is located at the top of the longitudinal arches. Body weight is then conveyed from the talus to the ground by the anterior and posterior ends of these arches. Strong ligaments unite the adjacent foot bones to prevent disruption of the arches during weight bearing. On the bottom of the foot, additional ligaments tie together the anterior and posterior ends of the arches. These ligaments have elasticity, which allows them to stretch somewhat during weight bearing, thus allowing the longitudinal arches to spread. The stretching of these ligaments stores energy within the foot, rather than passing these forces into the leg. Contraction of the foot muscles also plays an important role in this energy absorption. When the weight is removed, the elastic ligaments recoil and pull the ends of the arches closer together. This recovery of the arches releases the stored energy and improves the energy efficiency of walking.
Stretching of the ligaments that support the longitudinal arches can lead to pain. This can occur in overweight individuals, with people who have jobs that involve standing for long periods of time (such as a waitress), or walking or running long distances. If stretching of the ligaments is prolonged, excessive, or repeated, it can result in a gradual lengthening of the supporting ligaments, with subsequent depression or collapse of the longitudinal arches, particularly on the medial side of the foot. This condition is called pes planus (“flat foot” or “fallen arches”).
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (35)
Three Views of the Knee and leg
Three Views of the Knee and leg
Image by TheVisualMD
Leg Injuries and Disorders
Image by TheVisualMD
Knee and Ankle Joints and Running Leg
3D visualization based on segmented human data of the knee joint. The knee is an example of a synovial joint which is designed to ease the transfer of mechanical forces while cutting down on friction and resisting wear. Encapsulated in its own flexible bag, each such joint contains a waterproof cavity in which smooth bone ends are cushioned by a shock absorber of pearl-smooth elastic material and \"oiled\" by the thick, slippery fluid (synovia) for which it's named. The femur and tibia are connected by this type of joint and allows for movement in one plane.
Image by TheVisualMD
Human Leg
Labeled human leg bones created for use in Leg bone
Image by Jecowa at en.wikipedia
Human Fetus Lower Limb 15 Week Gestational Age,13 Week Fetal Age
Computer generated image reconstructed from scanned human data. This image presents an underside view of a 13-week-old fetus. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The limbs continue to grow and develop significantly during this phase. The feet can be observed with clearly distinctive toes. This image also reveals the curvature of the fetus. At 13 weeks, the fetus begins to move around, though the mother cannot yet sense these movements.
Image by TheVisualMD
Human Fetus Upper and Lower Limb of a seven month old fetus
Computer generated image reconstructed from scanned human data of a seven month old fetus. Actual size of fetus = 12+ inches. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The developing ear can be distinguished on the right side of the head. The eye is visible and is partially open. When the eyelids fuse, the eyes close for a period of time until around the twenty-sixth week of fetal development. At this time, they open partially and the eyelashes begin to develop. As the fetus continues to grow in size, the upper and lower limbs elongate. Fat, which serves as an insulator and energy source, forms during the seventeenth to twentieth weeks of fetal development. The skin smooths out and looks paler as the fat deposits accumulate underneath.
Image by TheVisualMD
Lower Limb Veins Anterior Posterior
Veins of the right arm of a man.
Image by OpenStax College
Lower Limb Arteries Anterior Posterior
Lower Limb Arteries Anterior Posterior
Image by OpenStax College
Lower Limb Displaying Bone and Muscle
Visualization of the anterior view of the lower body of a male. The main system shown if the skeletal muscles. The muscles on the right side of the body have been removed to reveal the underlying structure; the right kidney, the abdominal aorta and its bifurcation into the right and left common arteries, and the bones of the lower limb.
Image by TheVisualMD
Lower Limb Blood Vessel
Medical visualization of the circulatory system in the lower limbs. The circulatory system covers so much mileage for a very simple reason: millions and millions of cells need to be fed vital nutrients and drained of their waste. The concurrent and seemingly redundant presence of multiple vessels feeding and draining the same tissues is the best way to accomplish this difficult task. Connections are made as we develop, forming networks of vasculature, commonly known as anastomosis, and because of this we have a built-in back-up plan. Should any one vessel become damaged or blocked, the body can continue to circulate nutrients to that area.
Image by TheVisualMD
Human Skeletal Muscle with Tendon and Ligament
Computer generated image of human skeletal muscles, tendons, and ligaments based on segmented human data. The iliotibial tract (white) on the lateral side of the thigh receives muscle fibers from the gluteus maximus and tensor fascia lata muscles of the buttocks. Several ligaments attach bones at the joints of the knee and ankles.
Image by TheVisualMD
Sensitive content
This media may include sensitive content
Reclining Female Showing Reproductive System
3D visualization of a reclining figure revealing the female reproductive system reconstructed from scanned human data. Remaining dormant until puberty, the ultimate goal of the female reproductive system is to produce offspring. In order to do this, the body must produce gametes and prepare to nurture a developing embryo for 9 months. The primary reproductive organs of the female are the ovaries which serve two purposes; to create and nurture gametes and produce the female sex hormones, estrogens and progesterone. Accessory structures serve the needs of the reproductive cells and the developing fetus. These structures include the uterine tubes, uterus and vagina and make up the internal genitalia. The external genitalia include the structures which reside on the bodies exterior such as the labia majora, labia minora and the mons pubis.
Image by TheVisualMD
Male Skeletal System in Motion
Our bones not only bear the body's weight and make possible a remarkable range of flexible movement, they also store minerals, protect internal organs, and, in their spongy interiors (marrow), produce blood cells. Bones also perform their own maintenance. Throughout a person's lifetime, old bone is constantly being broken down and replaced with new bone, at a rate of about 10% a year. From infancy through young adulthood, new bone is added faster than old bone is removed. Bone mass peaks between the ages of 25 and 30 years; after that, bone loss outpaces bone formation.
Image by TheVisualMD
Human Skeleton and Femur
Human Skeleton and Femur
Image by TheVisualMD
Femur and Patella
Femur and Patella
Image by Anatomography
Femur Shown in red
Image by Anatomography
Knee Joint
3D visualization based on scanned human data of the patella. The patella is a sesamoid bone which is anchored by two tendons. It guards the knee joint and provides leverage of the thigh muscles. The femur, tibia and fibula form the juncture of the patella's placement.
Image by TheVisualMD
Image by BodyParts3D/Anatomography
Image by staff (2014). \"Medical gallery of Blausen Medical 2014\". WikiJournal of Medicine 1 (2). DOI:10.15347/wjm/2014.010. ISSN 2002-4436
Tibia - animation
Image by Anatomography
Tibia and fibula - Anatomy
Tibia and fibula
Image by OpenStax College
Shin splints
Red area represents tibia. MTSS pain found on inner and lower 2/3rds of tibia.
Image by Anatomography
Tibia and Fibula
The tibia is the larger, weight-bearing bone located on the medial side of the leg. The fibula is the slender bone of the lateral side of the leg and does not bear weight.
Image by CNX Openstax
Anatomy of the Leg in motion including, Long bone (Femur), tibia, fibula, knee, ankle, foot
Anatomy of the Leg in motion including, Long bone (Femur), tibia, fibula, knee, ankle, foot
Image by TheVisualMD
Tarsal Bones
Tarsal bones
Talus bone
Navicular bone
Cuboid bone
Cuneiform bones
Medial cuneiform bone
Intermediate cuneiform bone
Lateral cuneiform bone
Image by BodyParts3D is made by DBCLS.
Tarsal Bones
Tarsal bones
Talus bone
Navicular bone
Cuboid bone
Cuneiform bones
Medial cuneiform bone
Intermediate cuneiform bone
Lateral cuneiform bone
Image by BodyParts3D is made by DBCLS.
3D Medical Animation Still Showing tarsal tunnel syndrome.
3D medical animation still showing a compression, or squeezing, on the posterior tibial nerve.
Image by Scientific Animations, Inc.
Tarsus (skeleton)
Tarsal bones - Bones constituting the tarsus.
Image by BodyParts3D is made by DBCLS
Metatarsal bones
Metatarsus bones (shown in green)
Image by BodyParts3D is made by DBCLS.
Metatarsal bones
Metatarsus bones (shown in green)
Image by BodyParts3D is made by DBCLS.
Medical X-rays. Image may not be to scale
Image by Nevit Dilmen (talk)
Femur and Patella
The femur is the single bone of the thigh region. It articulates superiorly with the hip bone at the hip joint, and inferiorly with the tibia at the knee joint. The patella only articulates with the distal end of the femur.
Image by CNX Openstax
Bones of the Foot
The bones of the foot are divided into three groups. The posterior foot is formed by the seven tarsal bones. The mid-foot has the five metatarsal bones. The toes contain the phalanges.
Image by CNX Openstax
Metatarsal bones
Bones of the right foot. Dorsal surface. Metatarsus shown in yellow. (latin terminology)
Image by Ospied.jpg: VonTasha
Metatarsal bones07
Metatarsus bones (shown in green)
Image by BodyParts3D is made by DBCLS./Wikimedia
Three Views of the Knee and leg
Leg Injuries and Disorders
Knee and Ankle Joints and Running Leg
Human Leg
Jecowa at en.wikipedia
Human Fetus Lower Limb 15 Week Gestational Age,13 Week Fetal Age
Human Fetus Upper and Lower Limb of a seven month old fetus
Lower Limb Veins Anterior Posterior
OpenStax College
Lower Limb Arteries Anterior Posterior
OpenStax College
Lower Limb Displaying Bone and Muscle
Lower Limb Blood Vessel
Human Skeletal Muscle with Tendon and Ligament
Sensitive content
This media may include sensitive content
Reclining Female Showing Reproductive System
Male Skeletal System in Motion
Human Skeleton and Femur
Femur and Patella
Knee Joint
Patella staff (2014). \"Medical gallery of Blausen Medical 2014\". WikiJournal of Medicine 1 (2). DOI:10.15347/wjm/2014.010. ISSN 2002-4436
Tibia and fibula - Anatomy
OpenStax College
Shin splints
Tibia and Fibula
CNX Openstax
Anatomy of the Leg in motion including, Long bone (Femur), tibia, fibula, knee, ankle, foot
Tarsal Bones
BodyParts3D is made by DBCLS.
Tarsal Bones
BodyParts3D is made by DBCLS.
3D Medical Animation Still Showing tarsal tunnel syndrome.
Scientific Animations, Inc.
Tarsus (skeleton)
BodyParts3D is made by DBCLS
Metatarsal bones
BodyParts3D is made by DBCLS.
Metatarsal bones
BodyParts3D is made by DBCLS.
Nevit Dilmen (talk)
Femur and Patella
CNX Openstax
Bones of the Foot
CNX Openstax
Metatarsal bones
Ospied.jpg: VonTasha
Metatarsal bones07
BodyParts3D is made by DBCLS./Wikimedia
Ankle Injuries
Bone fractures - Ankle fractures
Image by Laboratoires Servier
Bone fractures - Ankle fractures
depicts: Ankle fracture
Image by Laboratoires Servier
Ankle Injuries
Harm or hurt to the ankle or ankle joint usually inflicted by an external source.
The ankle is the most frequently injured joint in the body, with the most common injury being an inversion ankle sprain. A sprain is the stretching or tearing of the supporting ligaments. Excess inversion causes the talus bone to tilt laterally, thus damaging the ligaments on the lateral side of the ankle. The anterior talofibular ligament is most commonly injured, followed by the calcaneofibular ligament. In severe inversion injuries, the forceful lateral movement of the talus not only ruptures the lateral ankle ligaments, but also fractures the distal fibula.
Less common are eversion sprains of the ankle, which involve stretching of the deltoid ligament on the medial side of the ankle. Forcible eversion of the foot, for example, with an awkward landing from a jump or when a football player has a foot planted and is hit on the lateral ankle, can result in a Pott’s fracture and dislocation of the ankle joint. In this injury, the very strong deltoid ligament does not tear, but instead shears off the medial malleolus of the tibia. This frees the talus, which moves laterally and fractures the distal fibula. In extreme cases, the posterior margin of the tibia may also be sheared off.
Above the ankle, the distal ends of the tibia and fibula are united by a strong syndesmosis formed by the interosseous membrane and ligaments at the distal tibiofibular joint. These connections prevent separation between the distal ends of the tibia and fibula and maintain the talus locked into position between the medial malleolus and lateral malleolus. Injuries that produce a lateral twisting of the leg on top of the planted foot can result in stretching or tearing of the tibiofibular ligaments, producing a syndesmotic ankle sprain or “high ankle sprain.”
Most ankle sprains can be treated using the RICE technique: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. Reducing joint mobility using a brace or cast may be required for a period of time. More severe injuries involving ligament tears or bone fractures may require surgery.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (7)
Tarsus (skeleton)
Tarsal bones - Bones constituting the tarsus.
Image by BodyParts3D is made by DBCLS
Ankle Pronation Position
Demonstration of the right foot in pronation, neutral and supinated subtalar joint placements. Over-pronation (excessive pronation) occurs when the ankle begins to roll inward by more than 5 degrees, demonstrated with the arrows
Image by Ducky2315/Wikimedia
Ankle-foot orthosis (Designation of the orthosis according to the body parts included in the orthosis fitting: ankle and foot, English abbreviation: AFO for ankle-foot orthoses)
Ankle-foot orthosis (Designation of the orthosis according to the body parts included in the orthosis fitting: ankle and foot, English abbreviation: AFO for ankle-foot orthoses)
Image by Orthokin
Human Foot and Ankle
Human Foot and Ankle
Image by TheVisualMD
Anatomy of the Leg in motion including, Long bone (Femur), tibia, fibula, knee, ankle, foot
Anatomy of the Leg in motion including, Long bone (Femur), tibia, fibula, knee, ankle, foot
Image by TheVisualMD
Foot and Ankle Injuries - Health Matters
Video by University of California Television (UCTV)/YouTube
Ankle Joint - 3D Anatomy Tutorial
Video by AnatomyZone/YouTube
Tarsus (skeleton)
BodyParts3D is made by DBCLS
Ankle Pronation Position
Ankle-foot orthosis (Designation of the orthosis according to the body parts included in the orthosis fitting: ankle and foot, English abbreviation: AFO for ankle-foot orthoses)
Human Foot and Ankle
Anatomy of the Leg in motion including, Long bone (Femur), tibia, fibula, knee, ankle, foot
Foot and Ankle Injuries - Health Matters
University of California Television (UCTV)/YouTube
Ankle Joint - 3D Anatomy Tutorial
Sprained ankle
Image by OdraciRRicardo
Sprained ankle
Sprains are injuries or tears in ligaments. Strains are injuries to muscles or tendons. Ankle sprains or strains occur when the ankle joint twists abnormally. This can happen when playing sports, jumping, or even walking on an uneven surface. Symptoms of a sprained ankle include pain, swelling, bruising, and difficulty walking or bearing weight. Tendonitis (strained ankle tendon) produces pain, swelling, and warmth. A severe tear creates weakness and instability as well.
Image by OdraciRRicardo
Disorders of the Joints
The ankle is the most frequently injured joint in the body, with the most common injury being an inversion ankle sprain. A sprain is the stretching or tearing of the supporting ligaments. Excess inversion causes the talus bone to tilt laterally, thus damaging the ligaments on the lateral side of the ankle. The anterior talofibular ligament is most commonly injured, followed by the calcaneofibular ligament. In severe inversion injuries, the forceful lateral movement of the talus not only ruptures the lateral ankle ligaments, but also fractures the distal fibula.
Less common are eversion sprains of the ankle, which involve stretching of the deltoid ligament on the medial side of the ankle. Forcible eversion of the foot, for example, with an awkward landing from a jump or when a football player has a foot planted and is hit on the lateral ankle, can result in a Pott’s fracture and dislocation of the ankle joint. In this injury, the very strong deltoid ligament does not tear, but instead shears off the medial malleolus of the tibia. This frees the talus, which moves laterally and fractures the distal fibula. In extreme cases, the posterior margin of the tibia may also be sheared off.
Above the ankle, the distal ends of the tibia and fibula are united by a strong syndesmosis formed by the interosseous membrane and ligaments at the distal tibiofibular joint. These connections prevent separation between the distal ends of the tibia and fibula and maintain the talus locked into position between the medial malleolus and lateral malleolus. Injuries that produce a lateral twisting of the leg on top of the planted foot can result in stretching or tearing of the tibiofibular ligaments, producing a syndesmotic ankle sprain or “high ankle sprain.”
Most ankle sprains can be treated using the RICE technique: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. Reducing joint mobility using a brace or cast may be required for a period of time. More severe injuries involving ligament tears or bone fractures may require surgery.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (19)
Trimalleolar Fractures
Trimalleolar Ankle Fracture Xray shown before surgery and after surgery to put in a plate and screws
Image by Chaim Mintz
Ankle replacement
A fluoroscopic image of an ankle replacement - lateral view
Image by FA RenLis
Lateral view of the human ankle
Image by US GOV / An svg version of image:Ankle.PNG by me (Jak)
What Is the RICE Method for Injuries? | UPMC HealthBeat
Video by UPMC/YouTube
Ankle pain
An illustration showing a sprained ankle.
Image by
Ankle sprain
A diagram illustrating varying severity of ankle sprain
Image by SMART-Servier Medical Art
Ankle sprain
A diagram illustrating varying severity of ankle sprain
Image by SMART-Servier Medical Art
sprained ankle
A diagram illustrating varying severity of ankle sprain
Image by SMART-Servier Medical Art
sprained ankle
Skeleton and bones - Ankle sprain
Image by SMART-Servier Medical Art
Bones of the Ankle
Bones of the Ankle
1) Fibula
2) Tibia
3) Talus (talus)
4) Calcaneus (heel bone)
5) Scaphoid bone (os naviculare)
6) Metatarsal bones
Image by Thomas Steiner put it under the GFDL
Sprained ankle
Ankle strain 2nd degree
Image by Dr. Harry Gouvas (modified and updated by FocalPoint)
how to wrap an ankle
An illustration depicting how to wrap an ankle.
Image by BruceBlaus
Ankle sprain caused by inversion
Ankle sprain caused by inversion
Image by BarneyStinson13
Ankle Foot Orthosis leg brace worn on the left foot with ankle hinge
A leg brace worn on the left foot with ankle hinge
Image by Daniel Lewis/Wikimedia
sprained ankle
Skeleton and bones - Ankle sprain
Image by SMART-Servier Medical Art
Illustration of ankle rotation.
Illustration of ankle rotation.
Image by BruceBlaus
Psoriatic Arthritis - What Research Is Being Done?
Psoriatic Arthritis Ankle : Sagittal magnetic resonance images of ankle region: psoriatic arthritis. (a) Short tau inversion recovery (STIR) image, showing high signal intensity at the Achilles tendon insertion (enthesitis, thick arrow) and in the synovium of the ankle joint (synovitis, long thin arrow). Bone marrow oedema is seen at the tendon insertion (short thin arrow). (b,c) T1 weighted images of a different section of the same patient, before (panel b) and after (panel c) intravenous contrast injection, confirm inflammation (large arrow) at the enthesis and reveal bone erosion at tendon insertion (short thin arrows).
Image by Fiona McQueen, Marissa Lassere and Mikkel Ostergaard
What Makes a Whole Food?
Any grain can be considered a whole grain. That`s as true for common grains such as corn, rice, wheat or barley as it is for more exotic grains such as millet, quinoa, wild rice or buckwheat. To be considered a whole grain food, the product must be made from the entire grain seed. Sounds simple. But if the grain (or kernel) has been cracked, crushed, ground or flaked in the course of processing, it must still retain the same relative proportions of bran, germ, and endosperm as the original grain in order to be called whole grain. Today researchers believe that whole grains are packed with health benefits; eating whole grains has been associated with less abdominal fat; lower blood pressure; lower cholesterol; and a reduced risk of a long list diseases, including diabetes, certain cancers, and cardiovascular disease. Whole grains also contain protective antioxidants in quantities as high or higher than many fruits and vegetables. Corn, for example, has almost twice the antioxidant activity of apples, while wheat and oats almost equal broccoli and spinach in antioxidant activity.
Image by TheVisualMD
Carbohydrates: Fuel for You
Carbohydrates are the most easily obtained and most readily digested fuel for the body. The primary function of these dietary nutrients is to provide energy, which the body needs not only for physical activity but for the regular and healthy operation of its systems and individual organs. Carbs are present in many foods, including dietary staples such as rice, milk, bread, fruits, and vegetables. There are three main categories of carbohydrates: sugars, such as those responsible for the sweetness in fruit (fructose) and table sugar (sucrose) are called “simple sugars” or “simple carbohydrates”; starch, the most common complex carbohydrate in our diet; and fiber, another complex carbohydrate that cannot be broken down and passes through the system essentially undigested.
Image by TheVisualMD
Trimalleolar Fractures
Chaim Mintz
Ankle replacement
FA RenLis
US GOV / An svg version of image:Ankle.PNG by me (Jak)
What Is the RICE Method for Injuries? | UPMC HealthBeat
Ankle pain
Ankle sprain
SMART-Servier Medical Art
Ankle sprain
SMART-Servier Medical Art
sprained ankle
SMART-Servier Medical Art
sprained ankle
SMART-Servier Medical Art
Bones of the Ankle
Thomas Steiner put it under the GFDL
Sprained ankle
Dr. Harry Gouvas (modified and updated by FocalPoint)
how to wrap an ankle
Ankle sprain caused by inversion
Ankle Foot Orthosis leg brace worn on the left foot with ankle hinge
Daniel Lewis/Wikimedia
sprained ankle
SMART-Servier Medical Art
Illustration of ankle rotation.
Psoriatic Arthritis - What Research Is Being Done?
Fiona McQueen, Marissa Lassere and Mikkel Ostergaard
What Makes a Whole Food?
Carbohydrates: Fuel for You
Types of Body Movements
Anatomy of the Leg in motion including, Long bone (Femur), tibia, fibula, knee, ankle, foot
Image by TheVisualMD
Anatomy of the Leg in motion including, Long bone (Femur), tibia, fibula, knee, ankle, foot
Anatomy of the Leg in motion including, Long bone (Femur), tibia, fibula, knee, ankle, foot
Image by TheVisualMD
Types of Body Movements
Synovial joints allow the body a tremendous range of movements. Each movement at a synovial joint results from the contraction or relaxation of the muscles that are attached to the bones on either side of the articulation. The type of movement that can be produced at a synovial joint is determined by its structural type. While the ball-and-socket joint gives the greatest range of movement at an individual joint, in other regions of the body, several joints may work together to produce a particular movement. Overall, each type of synovial joint is necessary to provide the body with its great flexibility and mobility. There are many types of movement that can occur at synovial joints (image). Movement types are generally paired, with one being the opposite of the other. Body movements are always described in relation to the anatomical position of the body: upright stance, with upper limbs to the side of body and palms facing forward. Refer to image as you go through this section.
Figure 9.12 Movements of the Body, Part 1 Synovial joints give the body many ways in which to move. (a)–(b) Flexion and extension motions are in the sagittal (anterior–posterior) plane of motion. These movements take place at the shoulder, hip, elbow, knee, wrist, metacarpophalangeal, metatarsophalangeal, and interphalangeal joints. (c)–(d) Anterior bending of the head or vertebral column is flexion, while any posterior-going movement is extension. (e) Abduction and adduction are motions of the limbs, hand, fingers, or toes in the coronal (medial–lateral) plane of movement. Moving the limb or hand laterally away from the body, or spreading the fingers or toes, is abduction. Adduction brings the limb or hand toward or across the midline of the body, or brings the fingers or toes together. Circumduction is the movement of the limb, hand, or fingers in a circular pattern, using the sequential combination of flexion, adduction, extension, and abduction motions. Adduction/abduction and circumduction take place at the shoulder, hip, wrist, metacarpophalangeal, and metatarsophalangeal joints. (f) Turning of the head side to side or twisting of the body is rotation. Medial and lateral rotation of the upper limb at the shoulder or lower limb at the hip involves turning the anterior surface of the limb toward the midline of the body (medial or internal rotation) or away from the midline (lateral or external rotation).
Figure 9.13 Movements of the Body, Part 2 (g) Supination of the forearm turns the hand to the palm forward position in which the radius and ulna are parallel, while forearm pronation turns the hand to the palm backward position in which the radius crosses over the ulna to form an "X." (h) Dorsiflexion of the foot at the ankle joint moves the top of the foot toward the leg, while plantar flexion lifts the heel and points the toes. (i) Eversion of the foot moves the bottom (sole) of the foot away from the midline of the body, while foot inversion faces the sole toward the midline. (j) Protraction of the mandible pushes the chin forward, and retraction pulls the chin back. (k) Depression of the mandible opens the mouth, while elevation closes it. (l) Opposition of the thumb brings the tip of the thumb into contact with the tip of the fingers of the same hand and reposition brings the thumb back next to the index finger.
Flexion and Extension
Flexion and extension are typically movements that take place within the sagittal plane and involve anterior or posterior movements of the neck, trunk, or limbs. For the vertebral column, flexion (anterior flexion) is an anterior (forward) bending of the neck or trunk, while extension involves a posterior-directed motion, such as straightening from a flexed position or bending backward. Lateral flexion of the vertebral column occurs in the coronal plane and is defined as the bending of the neck or trunk toward the right or left side. These movements of the vertebral column involve both the symphysis joint formed by each intervertebral disc, as well as the plane type of synovial joint formed between the inferior articular processes of one vertebra and the superior articular processes of the next lower vertebra.
In the limbs, flexion decreases the angle between the bones (bending of the joint), while extension increases the angle and straightens the joint. For the upper limb, all anterior-going motions are flexion and all posterior-going motions are extension. These include anterior-posterior movements of the arm at the shoulder, the forearm at the elbow, the hand at the wrist, and the fingers at the metacarpophalangeal and interphalangeal joints. For the thumb, extension moves the thumb away from the palm of the hand, within the same plane as the palm, while flexion brings the thumb back against the index finger or into the palm. These motions take place at the first carpometacarpal joint. In the lower limb, bringing the thigh forward and upward is flexion at the hip joint, while any posterior-going motion of the thigh is extension. Note that extension of the thigh beyond the anatomical (standing) position is greatly limited by the ligaments that support the hip joint. Knee flexion is the bending of the knee to bring the foot toward the posterior thigh, and extension is the straightening of the knee. Flexion and extension movements are seen at the hinge, condyloid, saddle, and ball-and-socket joints of the limbs (see Figure 9.12a-d).
Hyperextension is the abnormal or excessive extension of a joint beyond its normal range of motion, thus resulting in injury. Similarly, hyperflexion is excessive flexion at a joint. Hyperextension injuries are common at hinge joints such as the knee or elbow. In cases of “whiplash” in which the head is suddenly moved backward and then forward, a patient may experience both hyperextension and hyperflexion of the cervical region.
Abduction and Adduction
Abduction and adduction motions occur within the coronal plane and involve medial-lateral motions of the limbs, fingers, toes, or thumb. Abduction moves the limb laterally away from the midline of the body, while adduction is the opposing movement that brings the limb toward the body or across the midline. For example, abduction is raising the arm at the shoulder joint, moving it laterally away from the body, while adduction brings the arm down to the side of the body. Similarly, abduction and adduction at the wrist moves the hand away from or toward the midline of the body. Spreading the fingers or toes apart is also abduction, while bringing the fingers or toes together is adduction. For the thumb, abduction is the anterior movement that brings the thumb to a 90° perpendicular position, pointing straight out from the palm. Adduction moves the thumb back to the anatomical position, next to the index finger. Abduction and adduction movements are seen at condyloid, saddle, and ball-and-socket joints (see Figure 9.12e).
Circumduction is the movement of a body region in a circular manner, in which one end of the body region being moved stays relatively stationary while the other end describes a circle. It involves the sequential combination of flexion, adduction, extension, and abduction at a joint. This type of motion is found at biaxial condyloid and saddle joints, and at multiaxial ball-and-sockets joints (see Figure 9.12e).
Rotation can occur within the vertebral column, at a pivot joint, or at a ball-and-socket joint. Rotation of the neck or body is the twisting movement produced by the summation of the small rotational movements available between adjacent vertebrae. At a pivot joint, one bone rotates in relation to another bone. This is a uniaxial joint, and thus rotation is the only motion allowed at a pivot joint. For example, at the atlantoaxial joint, the first cervical (C1) vertebra (atlas) rotates around the dens, the upward projection from the second cervical (C2) vertebra (axis). This allows the head to rotate from side to side as when shaking the head “no.” The proximal radioulnar joint is a pivot joint formed by the head of the radius and its articulation with the ulna. This joint allows for the radius to rotate along its length during pronation and supination movements of the forearm.
Rotation can also occur at the ball-and-socket joints of the shoulder and hip. Here, the humerus and femur rotate around their long axis, which moves the anterior surface of the arm or thigh either toward or away from the midline of the body. Movement that brings the anterior surface of the limb toward the midline of the body is called medial (internal) rotation. Conversely, rotation of the limb so that the anterior surface moves away from the midline is lateral (external) rotation (see Figure 9.12f). Be sure to distinguish medial and lateral rotation, which can only occur at the multiaxial shoulder and hip joints, from circumduction, which can occur at either biaxial or multiaxial joints.
Supination and Pronation
Supination and pronation are movements of the forearm. In the anatomical position, the upper limb is held next to the body with the palm facing forward. This is the supinated position of the forearm. In this position, the radius and ulna are parallel to each other. When the palm of the hand faces backward, the forearm is in the pronated position, and the radius and ulna form an X-shape.
Supination and pronation are the movements of the forearm that go between these two positions. Pronation is the motion that moves the forearm from the supinated (anatomical) position to the pronated (palm backward) position. This motion is produced by rotation of the radius at the proximal radioulnar joint, accompanied by movement of the radius at the distal radioulnar joint. The proximal radioulnar joint is a pivot joint that allows for rotation of the head of the radius. Because of the slight curvature of the shaft of the radius, this rotation causes the distal end of the radius to cross over the distal ulna at the distal radioulnar joint. This crossing over brings the radius and ulna into an X-shape position. Supination is the opposite motion, in which rotation of the radius returns the bones to their parallel positions and moves the palm to the anterior facing (supinated) position. It helps to remember that supination is the motion you use when scooping up soup with a spoon (see Figure 9.13g).
Dorsiflexion and Plantar Flexion
Dorsiflexion and plantar flexion are movements at the ankle joint, which is a hinge joint. Lifting the front of the foot, so that the top of the foot moves toward the anterior leg is dorsiflexion, while lifting the heel of the foot from the ground or pointing the toes downward is plantar flexion. These are the only movements available at the ankle joint (see Figure 9.13h).
Inversion and Eversion
Inversion and eversion are complex movements that involve the multiple plane joints among the tarsal bones of the posterior foot (intertarsal joints) and thus are not motions that take place at the ankle joint. Inversion is the turning of the foot to angle the bottom of the foot toward the midline, while eversion turns the bottom of the foot away from the midline. The foot has a greater range of inversion than eversion motion. These are important motions that help to stabilize the foot when walking or running on an uneven surface and aid in the quick side-to-side changes in direction used during active sports such as basketball, racquetball, or soccer (see Figure 9.13i).
Protraction and Retraction
Protraction and retraction are anterior-posterior movements of the scapula or mandible. Protraction of the scapula occurs when the shoulder is moved forward, as when pushing against something or throwing a ball. Retraction is the opposite motion, with the scapula being pulled posteriorly and medially, toward the vertebral column. For the mandible, protraction occurs when the lower jaw is pushed forward, to stick out the chin, while retraction pulls the lower jaw backward. (See Figure 9.13j.)
Depression and Elevation
Depression and elevation are downward and upward movements of the scapula or mandible. The upward movement of the scapula and shoulder is elevation, while a downward movement is depression. These movements are used to shrug your shoulders. Similarly, elevation of the mandible is the upward movement of the lower jaw used to close the mouth or bite on something, and depression is the downward movement that produces opening of the mouth (see Figure 9.13k).
Excursion is the side to side movement of the mandible. Lateral excursion moves the mandible away from the midline, toward either the right or left side. Medial excursion returns the mandible to its resting position at the midline.
Superior Rotation and Inferior Rotation
Superior and inferior rotation are movements of the scapula and are defined by the direction of movement of the glenoid cavity. These motions involve rotation of the scapula around a point inferior to the scapular spine and are produced by combinations of muscles acting on the scapula. During superior rotation, the glenoid cavity moves upward as the medial end of the scapular spine moves downward. This is a very important motion that contributes to upper limb abduction. Without superior rotation of the scapula, the greater tubercle of the humerus would hit the acromion of the scapula, thus preventing any abduction of the arm above shoulder height. Superior rotation of the scapula is thus required for full abduction of the upper limb. Superior rotation is also used without arm abduction when carrying a heavy load with your hand or on your shoulder. You can feel this rotation when you pick up a load, such as a heavy book bag and carry it on only one shoulder. To increase its weight-bearing support for the bag, the shoulder lifts as the scapula superiorly rotates. Inferior rotation occurs during limb adduction and involves the downward motion of the glenoid cavity with upward movement of the medial end of the scapular spine.
Opposition and Reposition
Opposition is the thumb movement that brings the tip of the thumb in contact with the tip of a finger. This movement is produced at the first carpometacarpal joint, which is a saddle joint formed between the trapezium carpal bone and the first metacarpal bone. Thumb opposition is produced by a combination of flexion and abduction of the thumb at this joint. Returning the thumb to its anatomical position next to the index finger is called reposition (see Figure 9.13l).
Knee; elbow; ankle; interphalangeal joints of fingers and toes
Biaxial joint; allows flexion/extension, abduction/adduction, and circumduction movements
Metacarpophalangeal (knuckle) joints of fingers; radiocarpal joint of wrist; metatarsophalangeal joints for toes
Biaxial joint; allows flexion/extension, abduction/adduction, and circumduction movements
First carpometacarpal joint of the thumb; sternoclavicular joint
Multiaxial joint; allows inversion and eversion of foot, or flexion, extension, and lateral flexion of the vertebral column
Intertarsal joints of foot; superior-inferior articular process articulations between vertebrae
Multiaxial joint; allows flexion/extension, abduction/adduction, circumduction, and medial/lateral rotation movements
Shoulder and hip joints
Table 9.1
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (33)
Muscle, Skeletal and Nervous Systems
Muscle, Skeletal and Nervous Systems
Image by TheVisualMD
Visible Muscle Figure Kicking
An illustration shows the range of motion of a forward kick, with the subject bones and musculature visible from the mid-torso to the feet. The image supports content emphasizing the importance of strength, balance and range of motion in the joints.
Image by TheVisualMD
Female Skeletal System in Motion
3D visualization reconstructed from scanned human data of the female skeletal system in motion. Brilliantly engineered, the living skeleton not only bears the body's load and enables movement but also stores minerals, protects internal organs, and, in its spongy interiors, houses the main bloodworks. The efficient weight bearing capabilities of bone coupled with mobilizing joints allow for a great range of movements positioning.
Image by TheVisualMD
Fit for Life
Image by TheVisualMD
Fit for Life
Image by TheVisualMD
Exercise is a great way to Prevent and Manage Type 2 Diabetes
Exercise is a great way to Prevent and Manage Type 2 Diabetes
Image by TheVisualMD
Vertebral Column Range of Motion
3D visualization reconstructed from scanned human data. The combination of strength, flexibility and armor is accomplished by an S-shaped stack of variously shaped irregular bones, interspersed with springy disks of tough cartilage. The disks act like ball bearings, absorbing forces of up to several hundred pounds per square inch during strenuous exercise. To keep the column from over twisting or bending, the vertebrae are equipped with \"processes\" -- outgrowths - that link to form hinges and \"facet joints\", rounded ends fitted to matching hollows that work like \"hinge-pin\" doorstops, limiting movement within a prescribed arc. The S-shape adds resilience and maintains a balanced center of gravity.
Image by TheVisualMD
Image by 12019/Pixabay
Yoga as Exercise
Image by Anupam Mahapatra/Unsplash
Asian American girl doing yoga
Image by sippakorn/Pixabay
Tennis Player
Athletes rely on toned skeletal muscles to supply the force required for movement. (credit: Emmanuel Huybrechts/flickr)
Image by CNX Openstax (credit: Emmanuel Huybrechts/flickr)
Prenatal Yoga
Pregnant warrior --in a modified pose.
Image by Bonbon
Sports Fitness
Image by 422737
Sports Fitness
Yoga Stretch
Sports Fitness
Sport Silhouettes by Piotr Siedlecki
Image by Lance Cpl. Derrick K. Irions
Russian rhythmic gymnast Irina Chaschina stretching. This is an example of an oversplit, or a split that exceeds 180 degrees.
Image by Mollerjoakim
Build Better Bones
Your muscles can't make a move without your skeleton's support. Weight-bearing exercise stimulates the cells that grow new bone tissue. Regular exercise helps prevent bone loss, which can lead to the brittle-bone disease osteoporosis. Tendons and ligaments, the collagen-rich connective tissues that connect your bones and attach muscles to bones, are vital to keeping your frame strong.
Image by TheVisualMD
Yoga Stretch
A flexible yogini doing a backbend pose in the middle of a white archway. Photo by Oksana Taran.
Image by Oksana Taran/Unsplash
Man with visible Musculature Lifting Weights
Man on a weight bench, lifting free weights in a weight room at a gym. Visible musculature in his arms and shoulders. Supports content showing the importance of balancing aerobic exercise with anaerobic exercise such as weightlifting.
Image by TheVisualMD
Build Better Muscles
Every move you make, from a simple twitch of your nose to an explosive high jump, is powered by your muscles. Regular, challenging exercise builds your muscle strength, which enables your body to work more efficiently. When you train your muscles, you also train your nerve cells to signal your muscle fibers to contract at the same time, which generates force.
Image by TheVisualMD
Loose weight, exercise, prevent chronic diseases and get your Vitality back
Loose weight, exercise, prevent chronic diseases and get your Vitality back
Image by TheVisualMD
Breast Cancer Prevention Exercise
Woman with visible anatomy in an exercise pose.
Image by TheVisualMD
Fit After 50
Midlife is no time to slow down on your exercise routine. For some, revving up the frequency and duration of their activities is in order. Others may need to change to different activities to maintain bone and muscle mass while avoiding injuries. Learn about special considerations for exercise after 50.
Image by TheVisualMD
Pregnant Exercise
Pregnant Exercise
Image by Pregnant Exercise by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project
High Density Lipoprotein: Aerobic exercise
There are many factors that can potentially influence cholesterol levels. Exercise is an important one. Studies have shown that endurance athletes have higher HDL levels, and aerobic athletes in general, particularly lean ones, have lower LDL levels.
Image by TheVisualMD
Top of Their Game
Every elite athlete builds an impressive body for maximum performance in his or her sport. Many top athletes have a genetic advantage. Those with great speed and power tend to have more fast-twitch muscle fibers, which provide a burst of energy during anaerobic work. The proportion of fast-twitch to slow-twitch fibers is inherited, although training can make fast-twitch fibers work more efficiently. While top athletes` genetic luck, skill and focus propel them to great achievements, sports careers are often short. Those who play football and hockey are at higher risk of post-career knee and hip osteoarthritis. Also, evidence is piling up that football and hockey players, as well as boxers, who suffer repeated head trauma in competition may be accruing devastating brain damage over time.
Image by TheVisualMD
Keep Teens Active
As teens become more concerned with their social relationships, academic pressures and identity, their activity levels take a stunning plunge. One study monitored the activities of 1,000 kids from age 9 until age 15. The researchers found that kids who started out being active for as much as three hours a day at age 9 were down to an average of 49 minutes in motion by age 15. Research shows that 85% of obese teens will become obese adults. Making exercise part of a teen`s social life and identity seems to hold some promise, however. In a 2008 study of teens` obesity risk, the kids who came out on top were those who skated, skateboarded or biked. Skating and other “wheel” sports are social, easy to learn, and fun. That may be why teens stick with them over time.
Image by TheVisualMD
Drawing of two adults walking for exercise alongside a boy riding his bike
Exercise will keep your digestive system healthy and active.
Image by NIDDK Image Library
Exercise for Seniors
Dian Nissen straddle jump at a trampoline park
Image by Triffis
Exercise for Children
Children exercising and playing
Pregnant Exercise
Image by Pregnant Exercise by Gan Khoon Lay from the Noun Project
Pregnancy Exercise
Pregnancy Exercise
Image by Pregnancy Exercise by Gan Khoon Lay from the Noun Project
Muscle, Skeletal and Nervous Systems
Visible Muscle Figure Kicking
Female Skeletal System in Motion
Fit for Life
Fit for Life
Exercise is a great way to Prevent and Manage Type 2 Diabetes
Vertebral Column Range of Motion
Yoga as Exercise
Anupam Mahapatra/Unsplash
Asian American girl doing yoga
Tennis Player
CNX Openstax (credit: Emmanuel Huybrechts/flickr)
Prenatal Yoga
Sports Fitness
Sports Fitness
Yoga Stretch
Sports Fitness
Lance Cpl. Derrick K. Irions
Build Better Bones
Yoga Stretch
Oksana Taran/Unsplash
Man with visible Musculature Lifting Weights
Build Better Muscles
Loose weight, exercise, prevent chronic diseases and get your Vitality back
Breast Cancer Prevention Exercise
Fit After 50
Pregnant Exercise
Pregnant Exercise by Pelin Kahraman from the Noun Project
High Density Lipoprotein: Aerobic exercise
Top of Their Game
Keep Teens Active
Drawing of two adults walking for exercise alongside a boy riding his bike
NIDDK Image Library
Exercise for Seniors
Exercise for Children
Pregnant Exercise
Pregnant Exercise by Gan Khoon Lay from the Noun Project
Pregnancy Exercise
Pregnancy Exercise by Gan Khoon Lay from the Noun Project
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Ankle and Foot Joints
The ankle is formed by the talocrural joint (image). It consists of the articulations between the talus bone of the foot and the distal ends of the tibia and fibula of the leg (crural =...