Anosmia is the complete inability to detect odors. In rare cases, someone may be born without a sense of smell, a condition called congenital anosmia.
Inflammed nasal mucosa causing anosmia
Image by Scientific Animations, Inc.
Does it smell?!
Image by Luke Price from Rotterdam, Netherlands
Does it smell?!
Does it smell?!
Image by Luke Price from Rotterdam, Netherlands
Complete or severe loss of the subjective sense of smell. Loss of smell may be caused by many factors such as a cold, allergy, OLFACTORY NERVE DISEASES, viral RESPIRATORY TRACT INFECTIONS (e.g., COVID-19), aging and various neurological disorders (e.g., ALZHEIMER DISEASE).
Source: National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI)
Additional Materials (6)
This Is What It's Like to Live in a World Without Smell | Short Film Showcase
Video by National Geographic/YouTube
Restore Your Sense of Smell
Video by Dr. Eric Berg DC/YouTube
Anosmia Taste Test: Guessing Food Without Smell | GRATEFUL
Video by USA TODAY Life/YouTube
Life Without A Sense Of Smell | Congenital Anosmia
Video by Etta Winje/YouTube
Video by thisisnz/YouTube
Anosmia, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.
Video by Medical Centric/YouTube
This Is What It's Like to Live in a World Without Smell | Short Film Showcase
National Geographic/YouTube
Restore Your Sense of Smell
Dr. Eric Berg DC/YouTube
Anosmia Taste Test: Guessing Food Without Smell | GRATEFUL
USA TODAY Life/YouTube
Life Without A Sense Of Smell | Congenital Anosmia
Etta Winje/YouTube
Anosmia, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.
Medical Centric/YouTube
Aging and the Nervous System
Olfactory Bulb
Image by TheVisualMD
Olfactory Bulb
3D visualization of an olfactory bulb. The special sensory organs of smell, the olfactory bulbs, are located above the anterior aspect of the nasal cavity on the ethmoid bone. Nerve extensions of the bulb protrude through the 20 or so openings in the bone to the nasal cavities where they receive chemical information from circulating odor molecules and convey the signals to the cerebral cortex to be processed.
Image by TheVisualMD
Aging and the Nervous System: Anosmia
Anosmia is the loss of the sense of smell. It is often the result of the olfactory nerve being severed, usually because of blunt force trauma to the head. The sensory neurons of the olfactory epithelium have a limited lifespan of approximately one to four months, and new ones are made on a regular basis. The new neurons extend their axons into the CNS by growing along the existing fibers of the olfactory nerve. The ability of these neurons to be replaced is lost with age. Age-related anosmia is not the result of impact trauma to the head, but rather a slow loss of the sensory neurons with no new neurons born to replace them.
Smell is an important sense, especially for the enjoyment of food. There are only five tastes sensed by the tongue, and two of them are generally thought of as unpleasant tastes (sour and bitter). The rich sensory experience of food is the result of odor molecules associated with the food, both as food is moved into the mouth, and therefore passes under the nose, and when it is chewed and molecules are released to move up the pharynx into the posterior nasal cavity. Anosmia results in a loss of the enjoyment of food.
As the replacement of olfactory neurons declines with age, anosmia can set in. Without the sense of smell, many sufferers complain of food tasting bland. Often, the only way to enjoy food is to add seasoning that can be sensed on the tongue, which usually means adding table salt. The problem with this solution, however, is that this increases sodium intake, which can lead to cardiovascular problems through water retention and the associated increase in blood pressure.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (3)
Head Olfactory Nerve Labeled
Head anatomy with olfactory nerve, including labels for the nasal cavity, olfactory nerves, cribriform plate, olfactory bulb, and olfactory tract in English.
Derivative works of this file: Head Olfactory Nerve Labeled vi.png
Image by Patrick J. Lynch, medical illustrator/Wikimedia
Video by thisisnz/YouTube
Aging and the loss of smell, taste
Video by CBS News/YouTube
Head Olfactory Nerve Labeled
Patrick J. Lynch, medical illustrator/Wikimedia
Aging and the loss of smell, taste
CBS News/YouTube
Anosmia (3)
Image by ASzvoboda/Wikimedia
Anosmia (3)
Anosmia infographic
Image by ASzvoboda/Wikimedia
Disorders of the Olfactory System: Anosmia
Blunt force trauma to the face, such as that common in many car accidents, can lead to the loss of the olfactory nerve, and subsequently, loss of the sense of smell. This condition is known as anosmia. When the frontal lobe of the brain moves relative to the ethmoid bone, the olfactory tract axons may be sheared apart. Professional fighters often experience anosmia because of repeated trauma to face and head. In addition, certain pharmaceuticals, such as antibiotics, can cause anosmia by killing all the olfactory neurons at once. If no axons are in place within the olfactory nerve, then the axons from newly formed olfactory neurons have no guide to lead them to their connections within the olfactory bulb. There are temporary causes of anosmia, as well, such as those caused by inflammatory responses related to respiratory infections or allergies.
Loss of the sense of smell can result in food tasting bland. A person with an impaired sense of smell may require additional spice and seasoning levels for food to be tasted. Anosmia may also be related to some presentations of mild depression, because the loss of enjoyment of food may lead to a general sense of despair.
The ability of olfactory neurons to replace themselves decreases with age, leading to age-related anosmia. This explains why some elderly people salt their food more than younger people do. However, this increased sodium intake can increase blood volume and blood pressure, increasing the risk of cardiovascular diseases in the elderly.
3D visualization of an olfactory bulb. The special sensory organs of smell, the olfactory bulbs, are located above the anterior aspect of the nasal cavity on the ethmoid bone. Nerve extensions of the bulb protrude through the 20 or so openings in the bone to the nasal cavities where they receive chemical information from circulating odor molecules and convey the signals to the cerebral cortex to be processed.
Image by TheVisualMD
OpenStax College
Aging and the loss of smell, taste
CBS News/YouTube
Olfactory Bulb
loss of taste or smell because of Covid
Image by TheVisualMD/CDC
loss of taste or smell because of Covid
loss of taste or smell because of Covid
Image by TheVisualMD/CDC
What Causes Loss of Smell?
Many problems cause a loss of smell that lasts for a short time. This temporary loss of smell may be due to:
A cold or flu that causes a stuffy nose. The ability to smell will come back when you’re better.
Coronavirus infection, which sometimes causes a new loss of smell. You should regain your sense of smell after all other symptoms have gone away, however if it doesn’t return, seek medical care as soon as possible.
Allergies. Try to stay away from things you’re allergic to, like pollen and pets. Talk to your doctor about how to manage your allergies.
A harmless growth (called a polyp) in the nose or sinuses that gives you a runny nose. Having the growth removed may help.
Some medications like antibiotics or blood pressure medicine. Ask your doctor if there is another medicine you can take.
Radiation, chemotherapy, and other cancer treatments. Your sense of smell may return when treatment stops.
Some things can cause a long-lasting loss of smell. A head injury, for example, can damage the nerves related to smell.
Sometimes, losing your sense of smell may be a sign of a more serious disorder, such as Parkinson’s disease, mild cognitive impairment, or Alzheimer's disease. Be sure to tell your doctor about any change in your sense of smell.
Source: National Institute on Aging (NIA)
Additional Materials (8)
What Causes Loss of Smell and Taste?
Video by De Caro & Kaplen, LLP/YouTube
Possible causes of loss of smell - Dr. Harihara Murthy
Video by Doctors' Circle - World's Largest Health Platform/YouTube
Lost Your Sense of Smell? Here's How to Get it Back!
Video by Christy Risinger, MD/YouTube
What causes ansomia (loss of smell)? | Season 4 | The House of Wellness
Video by The House of Wellness/YouTube
Anosmia, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.
Video by Medical Centric/YouTube
Loss of taste and smell: early COVID-19 symptoms? | National Kidney Foundation
Video by National Kidney Foundation/YouTube
Coronavirus: loss of sense of smell or taste could be a symptom of Covid-19
Video by South China Morning Post/YouTube
Covid-19 and The Loss of Taste and Smell
Video by Demystifying Medicine/YouTube
What Causes Loss of Smell and Taste?
De Caro & Kaplen, LLP/YouTube
Possible causes of loss of smell - Dr. Harihara Murthy
Doctors' Circle - World's Largest Health Platform/YouTube
Lost Your Sense of Smell? Here's How to Get it Back!
Christy Risinger, MD/YouTube
What causes ansomia (loss of smell)? | Season 4 | The House of Wellness
The House of Wellness/YouTube
Anosmia, Causes, Signs and Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment.
Medical Centric/YouTube
Loss of taste and smell: early COVID-19 symptoms? | National Kidney Foundation
National Kidney Foundation/YouTube
Coronavirus: loss of sense of smell or taste could be a symptom of Covid-19
South China Morning Post/YouTube
Covid-19 and The Loss of Taste and Smell
Demystifying Medicine/YouTube
Sensory Nerves
Olfactory Bulb Receptor Cell
Image by TheVisualMD
Olfactory Bulb Receptor Cell
Nerve extensions of the olfactory bulb protrude through the 20 or so openings in the ethmoid bone to the nasal cavities. Here, the nerve extensions receive chemical information from circulating odor molecules and convey the signals to the cerebral cortex to be processed and perceived as smell.
Image by TheVisualMD
Sensory Nerves - Anosmia
The olfactory, optic, and vestibulocochlear nerves (cranial nerves I, II, and VIII) are dedicated to four of the special senses: smell, vision, equilibrium, and hearing, respectively. Taste sensation is relayed to the brain stem through fibers of the facial and glossopharyngeal nerves. The trigeminal nerve is a mixed nerve that carries the general somatic senses from the head, similar to those coming through spinal nerves from the rest of the body.
Testing smell is straightforward, as common smells are presented to one nostril at a time. The patient should be able to recognize the smell of coffee or mint, indicating the proper functioning of the olfactory system. Loss of the sense of smell is called anosmia and can be lost following blunt trauma to the head or through aging. The short axons of the first cranial nerve regenerate on a regular basis. The neurons in the olfactory epithelium have a limited life span, and new cells grow to replace the ones that die off. The axons from these neurons grow back into the CNS by following the existing axons—representing one of the few examples of such growth in the mature nervous system. If all of the fibers are sheared when the brain moves within the cranium, such as in a motor vehicle accident, then no axons can find their way back to the olfactory bulb to re-establish connections. If the nerve is not completely severed, the anosmia may be temporary as new neurons can eventually reconnect.
Olfaction is not the pre-eminent sense, but its loss can be quite detrimental. The enjoyment of food is largely based on our sense of smell. Anosmia means that food will not seem to have the same taste, though the gustatory sense is intact, and food will often be described as being bland. However, the taste of food can be improved by adding ingredients (e.g., salt) that stimulate the gustatory sense.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (7)
Olfactory bulb
Coronal image of mouse main olfactory bulb cell nuclei. Blue - Glomerular layer; Red - External Plexiform and Mitral cell layer; Green - Internal Plexiform and Granule cell layer. Top of image is dorsal aspect, right of image is lateral aspect. Scale, ventral to dorsal, is approximately 2mm.
Image by Matt Valley
Olfactory Hair (Cilia)
3D visualization of the of olfactory hairs. Receptor hairs called cilia extend off of the olfactory nerves in the nasal cavity and collect chemical information from circulating odor molecules. This information is then sent to the brain where it is processed and perceived as smell.
Image by TheVisualMD
Olfactory system
Sensory organs have cells equipped for detecting signals from the environment, such as odors. Receptors in the membranes of nerve cells in the nose bind to odor molecules, triggering a cascade of chemical reactions tranferred by G proteins into the cytoplasm.
Appears in the NIGMS booklet Inside the Cell.
Image by Judith Stoffer
Anatomy of the Structures Involved in Smell (Olfaction).
Anatomy of the Structures Involved in Smell (Olfaction). The olfactory bulb (1) contains mitral cells (2) that receive information from the olfactory cells (6). The olfactory cells are found within the nasal epithelium (4) and pass their information through the cribriform plate (3) of the ethmoid bone.
3D visualization of an olfactory bulb. The special sensory organs of smell, the olfactory bulbs, are located above the anterior aspect of the nasal cavity on the ethmoid bone. Nerve extensions of the bulb protrude through the 20 or so openings in the bone to the nasal cavities where they receive chemical information from circulating odor molecules and convey the signals to the cerebral cortex to be processed.
Image by TheVisualMD
The Other Senses
Olfactory receptors are the hair-like parts that extend from the olfactory bulb into the mucous membrane of the nasal cavity.
Image by CNX Openstax
Olfactory bulb
Matt Valley
Olfactory Hair (Cilia)
Olfactory system
Judith Stoffer
Anatomy of the Structures Involved in Smell (Olfaction).
The Olfactory System
CNX Openstax
Olfactory Bulb
The Other Senses
CNX Openstax
Taste and Smell Disorders
3D visualization of the anatomical structures related to smell and taste
Image by TheVisualMD
3D visualization of the anatomical structures related to smell and taste
Anatomical Structure Associated with Smell and Taste : 3D visualization of the anatomical structures related to smell and taste based on scanned human data. The sensations of smell and taste are closely related, in fact only 20% of the perception of taste originates from the tongue alone. The remaining 80% is interpreted through nerve cells that are situated in the uppermost portion of the nasal cavity. Two regions of the cerebral cortex are dedicated to processing information related to taste and smell. The Gustatory cortex (taste) is a small region located on the temporal lobe near the ear. The Olfactory cortex (smell) occupies an areas of the frontal lobes just above and between the eyes.
Image by TheVisualMD
Taste and Smell Disorders
Our senses of taste and smell give us great pleasure. Taste helps us enjoy food and beverages. Smell lets us enjoy the scents and fragrances like roses or coffee. Taste and smell also protect us, letting us know when food has gone bad or when there is a gas leak. They make us want to eat, ensuring we get the nutrition we need.
People with taste disorders may taste things that aren't there, may not be able to tell the difference in tastes, or can't taste at all. People with smell disorders may lose their sense of smell, or things may smell different. A smell they once enjoyed may now smell bad to them.
Many illnesses and injuries can cause taste and smell disorders, including colds and head injuries. Some drugs can also affect taste and smell. Most people lose some ability to taste and smell as they get older. Treatment varies, depending on the problem and its cause.
Source: National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders (NIDCD)
Additional Materials (1)
What it's like to have no sense of taste or smell
Video by Vox/YouTube
What it's like to have no sense of taste or smell
Mouth Disorders
Cross section of Head showing Smoke drawn in through the Mouth
Image by TheVisualMD
Cross section of Head showing Smoke drawn in through the Mouth
A cross-section of a smoker's head in profile as he inhales a puff of smoke. His nasal passage, mouth and pharynx anatomy is visible as well as part of the trachea and bones of the shoulder, head and hand. Part of an interactive depiction of nicotine's pathway through the body.
Image by TheVisualMD
Mouth Disorders
Your mouth is one of the most important parts of your body. It has many different functions. It allows you to
Take in food and drink
Breathe in air
Start digestion, with your teeth chewing the food you eat and your salivary glands releasing saliva to help break down the food
Speak and sing
Show emotion, by smiling or pouting
Any problem that affects your mouth can make it hard to eat, drink, or even smile. Some common mouth problems include
Cold sores - painful sores on the lips and around the mouth, caused by a virus
Canker sores - painful sores in the mouth, caused by bacteria or viruses
Thrush - a yeast infection that causes white patches in your mouth
Leukoplakia - white patches of excess cell growth on the cheeks, gums or tongue, common in smokers
Dry mouth - a lack of enough saliva, caused by some medicines and certain diseases
Gum or tooth problems
Bad breath
Treatment for mouth disorders varies, depending on the problem. If a mouth problem is caused by some other disease, treating that disease can help. It is also important to keep your mouth clean and healthy by brushing, flossing, and not using tobacco.
Source: National Institute of Dental and Craniofacial Research
Additional Materials (8)
Teeth, Mouth, Tongue
Image by lion6255/Pixabay
Anatomy of Upper Digestive Tract Involved in Swallowing
3D visualization reconstructed from scanned human data of anatomical structures of the head involved in digestive functions. Saliva produced in the three salivary glands (sublingual, submandibular, and parotid) is delivered to the oral cavity via salivary ducts. Saliva serves mutiple functions: lubricating and cleansing the mouth, dissolving food so that it can be detected by tate buds, and secreting enzymes that begin the chemical breakdown of starches. Swallowing, or deglutition, is a complicated process involving over 22 muscle groups and the coordination of the tongue, soft palate, pharynx, and esophagus. The first stage is voluntary, when the tongue is pressed against the roof of the mouth and is contracted to pass the food to the oropharynx. The second stage ,which is involuntary, involves the uplifting of the larynx to allow the epiglottis to cover the trachea while peristaltic contractions moves food down the pharynx and esophagus.
Image by TheVisualMD
Human mouth
Photo taken of palatal tori
Image by dozenist
Human mouth
Illustration of an open mouth with removed teeth
Image by Henry Cotton
Oral Care Teeth and Gums
Image by PFDS
Drawing of a mouth showing teeth and gums labeled
Image by NIDDK Image Library
Upper Airway
Image by CNX Openstax
Male Torso with Visible Upper Digestive Tract
3D visualization reconstructed from scanned human data of an anteriolateral view of torso revealing the upper digestive tract. The upper digestive system is primarily concerned with the ingestion and propulsion of food and is composed of the oral cavity, teeth, tongue, salivary glands, pharynx, and esophagus. Mechanical and chemical digestion begin in the mouth with the process of mastication and the action of saliva. The voluntary and involuntary process of swallowing pushes the food through the pharynx to the esophagus, where it moves to the stomach by way of peristalsis.
Image by TheVisualMD
Teeth, Mouth, Tongue
Anatomy of Upper Digestive Tract Involved in Swallowing
Human mouth
Human mouth
Henry Cotton
Oral Care Teeth and Gums
Drawing of a mouth showing teeth and gums labeled
NIDDK Image Library
Upper Airway
CNX Openstax
Male Torso with Visible Upper Digestive Tract
Nose Injuries and Disorders
Nasal Polyp - Middle meatus polyp
Image by Mustafakapadiya/Wikimedia
Nasal Polyp - Middle meatus polyp
Nasal Polyp
Image by Mustafakapadiya/Wikimedia
Nose Injuries and Disorders
Your nose is important to your health. It filters the air you breathe, removing dust, germs, and irritants. It warms and moistens the air to keep your lungs and tubes that lead to them from drying out. Your nose also contains the nerve cells that help your sense of smell. When there is a problem with your nose, your whole body can suffer. For example, the stuffy nose of the common cold can make it hard for you to breathe, sleep, or get comfortable.
Many problems besides the common cold can affect the nose. They include
Deviated septum - a shifting of the wall that divides the nasal cavity into halves
Nasal polyps - soft growths that develop on the lining of your nose or sinuses
Rhinitis - inflammation of the nose and sinuses sometimes caused by allergies. The main symptom is a runny nose.
Nasal fractures, also known as a broken nose
Source: National Institute on Deafness and Other Communication Disorders
Additional Materials (4)
Fibrous papule of the nose : Fibrous papule of the nose. Small skin-colored papule with smooth surface.
Image by M. Sand, D. Sand, C. Thrandorf, V. Paech, P. Altmeyer, F. G. Bechara
radioactive laced nasal steroids
CT scan images after application of radioactive laced nasal steroids using long nozzle. Note the reach of the medication into the area where nasal polyps originate
Image by Mustafakapadiya/Wikimedia
Depiction of a person suffering from Allergic Rhinitis
Depiction of a person suffering from Allergic Rhinitis. The typical symptoms of Allergic Rhinitis have been shown, along with the associated pathophysiology (inflammation and mucus build-up).
3D visualization of the cerebral cortex reconstructed from scanned human data. The cerebral cortex, the outermost portion of the brain, can be divided into regions depending on function. Depicted here is the region dedicated to smell, located on the medial aspects of the cerebral hemispheres just anterior to the eyes and nose. The special sensory organs of smell, the olfactory bulbs, are located in the anterior aspect of the nasal cavity. They receive chemical information from the odor molecules which circulate in air below and send the signals to the cerebral cortex to be processed.
Image by TheVisualMD
Biology of Taste and Smell
Taste, also called gustation, and smell, also called olfaction, are the most interconnected senses in that both involve molecules of the stimulus entering the body and bonding to receptors. Smell lets an animal sense the presence of food or other animals—whether potential mates, predators, or prey—or other chemicals in the environment that can impact their survival. Similarly, the sense of taste allows animals to discriminate between types of foods. While the value of a sense of smell is obvious, what is the value of a sense of taste? Different tasting foods have different attributes, both helpful and harmful. For example, sweet-tasting substances tend to be highly caloric, which could be necessary for survival in lean times. Bitterness is associated with toxicity, and sourness is associated with spoiled food. Salty foods are valuable in maintaining homeostasis by helping the body retain water and by providing ions necessary for cells to function.
Tastes and Odors
Both taste and odor stimuli are molecules taken in from the environment. The primary tastes detected by humans are sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami. The first four tastes need little explanation. The identification of umami as a fundamental taste occurred fairly recently—it was identified in 1908 by Japanese scientist Kikunae Ikeda while he worked with seaweed broth, but it was not widely accepted as a taste that could be physiologically distinguished until many years later. The taste of umami, also known as savoriness, is attributable to the taste of the amino acid L-glutamate. In fact, monosodium glutamate, or MSG, is often used in cooking to enhance the savory taste of certain foods. What is the adaptive value of being able to distinguish umami? Savory substances tend to be high in protein.
All odors that we perceive are molecules in the air we breathe. If a substance does not release molecules into the air from its surface, it has no smell. And if a human or other animal does not have a receptor that recognizes a specific molecule, then that molecule has no smell. Humans have about 350 olfactory receptor subtypes that work in various combinations to allow us to sense about 10,000 different odors. Compare that to mice, for example, which have about 1,300 olfactory receptor types, and therefore probably sense more odors. Both odors and tastes involve molecules that stimulate specific chemoreceptors. Although humans commonly distinguish taste as one sense and smell as another, they work together to create the perception of flavor. A person’s perception of flavor is reduced if he or she has congested nasal passages.
Reception and Transduction
Odorants (odor molecules) enter the nose and dissolve in the olfactory epithelium, the mucosa at the back of the nasal cavity (as illustrated below). The olfactory epithelium is a collection of specialized olfactory receptors in the back of the nasal cavity that spans an area about 5 cm2 in humans. Recall that sensory cells are neurons. An olfactory receptor, which is a dendrite of a specialized neuron, responds when it binds certain molecules inhaled from the environment by sending impulses directly to the olfactory bulb of the brain. Humans have about 12 million olfactory receptors, distributed among hundreds of different receptor types that respond to different odors. Twelve million seems like a large number of receptors, but compare that to other animals: rabbits have about 100 million, most dogs have about 1 billion, and bloodhounds—dogs selectively bred for their sense of smell—have about 4 billion. The overall size of the olfactory epithelium also differs between species, with that of bloodhounds, for example, being many times larger than that of humans.
Olfactory neurons are bipolar neurons (neurons with two processes from the cell body). Each neuron has a single dendrite buried in the olfactory epithelium, and extending from this dendrite are 5 to 20 receptor-laden, hair-like cilia that trap odorant molecules. The sensory receptors on the cilia are proteins, and it is the variations in their amino acid chains that make the receptors sensitive to different odorants. Each olfactory sensory neuron has only one type of receptor on its cilia, and the receptors are specialized to detect specific odorants, so the bipolar neurons themselves are specialized. When an odorant binds with a receptor that recognizes it, the sensory neuron associated with the receptor is stimulated. Olfactory stimulation is the only sensory information that directly reaches the cerebral cortex, whereas other sensations are relayed through the thalamus.
In the human olfactory system, (a) bipolar olfactory neurons extend from (b) the olfactory epithelium, where olfactory receptors are located, to the olfactory bulb. (credit: modification of work by Patrick J. Lynch, medical illustrator; C. Carl Jaffe, MD, cardiologist)
Smell and Taste in the Brain
Olfactory neurons project from the olfactory epithelium to the olfactory bulb as thin, unmyelinated axons. The olfactory bulb is composed of neural clusters called glomeruli, and each glomerulus receives signals from one type of olfactory receptor, so each glomerulus is specific to one odorant. From glomeruli, olfactory signals travel directly to the olfactory cortex and then to the frontal cortex and the thalamus. Recall that this is a different path from most other sensory information, which is sent directly to the thalamus before ending up in the cortex. Olfactory signals also travel directly to the amygdala, thereafter reaching the hypothalamus, thalamus, and frontal cortex. The last structure that olfactory signals directly travel to is a cortical center in the temporal lobe structure important in spatial, autobiographical, declarative, and episodic memories. Olfaction is finally processed by areas of the brain that deal with memory, emotions, reproduction, and thought.
Taste neurons project from taste cells in the tongue, esophagus, and palate to the medulla, in the brainstem. From the medulla, taste signals travel to the thalamus and then to the primary gustatory cortex. Information from different regions of the tongue is segregated in the medulla, thalamus, and cortex.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (15)
Taste Buds
Taste, it turns out, is a marvel of chemosensory perception. Every time you eat something, whether it's a hot dog at a ballgame or an 8-course meal in a fancy restaurant, five primary tastes-salty, sweet, sour, bitter and umami-give you vital information about what you just put into your mouth. The combination of these basic tastes plus the thousands of different smells you can detect is what creates your flavor experience of that food. The sensory network that delivers that flavor experience includes microscopic taste buds clustered within the tiny bumps (papillae) on your tongue, as well as olfactory nerves that carry information from odor molecules.
Image by TheVisualMD
3D visualization of the anatomical structures related to smell and taste
Anatomical Structure Associated with Smell and Taste : 3D visualization of the anatomical structures related to smell and taste based on scanned human data. The sensations of smell and taste are closely related, in fact only 20% of the perception of taste originates from the tongue alone. The remaining 80% is interpreted through nerve cells that are situated in the uppermost portion of the nasal cavity. Two regions of the cerebral cortex are dedicated to processing information related to taste and smell. The Gustatory cortex (taste) is a small region located on the temporal lobe near the ear. The Olfactory cortex (smell) occupies an areas of the frontal lobes just above and between the eyes.
Image by TheVisualMD
Anatomy and Physiology of Smell Taste Touch
Video by New Anatomy and Physiology Video/YouTube
Taste & Smell: Crash Course A&P #16
Video by CrashCourse/YouTube
Taste Bud of Tongue
Visualization of the taste buds. Projections of varying shapes and sizes, called papillae, line the surface of the tongue and house the sensitive chemoreceptors responsible for detecting dissolved food in the circulating saliva.
Image by TheVisualMD
2-Minute Neuroscience: Taste
Video by Neuroscientifically Challenged/YouTube
Video by Walter Jahn/YouTube
Your Tongue: The Taste-Maker!
Video by SciShow Kids/YouTube
Filiform papillae
Papillae on the tongue
Image by derivative work: Kjell ANDRE (talk) Kieli.svg: Antimoni
Human olfactory system. 1: Olfactory bulb 2: Mitral cells 3: Bone 4: Nasal epithelium 5: Glomerulus 6: Olfactory receptor cells
Image by OpenStax College
Taste and Smell
In the human olfactory system, (a) bipolar olfactory neurons extend from (b) the olfactory epithelium, where olfactory receptors are located, to the olfactory bulb. (credit: modification of work by Patrick J. Lynch, medical illustrator; C. Carl Jaffe, MD, cardiologist)
Image by CNX Openstax
(a) Foliate, circumvallate, and fungiform papillae are located on different regions of the tongue. (b) Foliate papillae are prominent protrusions on this light micrograph. (credit a: modification of work by NCI; scale-bar data from Matt Russell)
Image by OpenStax College
Taste and Smell
Pores in the tongue allow tastants to enter taste pores in the tongue. (credit: modification of work by Vincenzo Rizzo)
Image by CNX Openstax (credit: modification of work by Vincenzo Rizzo)
Taste Buds
3D visualization of the anatomical structures related to smell and taste
Anatomy and Physiology of Smell Taste Touch
New Anatomy and Physiology Video/YouTube
Taste & Smell: Crash Course A&P #16
Taste Bud of Tongue
2-Minute Neuroscience: Taste
Neuroscientifically Challenged/YouTube
Walter Jahn/YouTube
Your Tongue: The Taste-Maker!
SciShow Kids/YouTube
Filiform papillae
derivative work: Kjell ANDRE (talk) Kieli.svg: Antimoni
Diagram showing the parts of the mouth
Cancer Research UK / Wikimedia Commons
The Tongue
CNX Openstax
Taste and Smell Disorders Olfactory system
OpenStax College
Taste and Smell
CNX Openstax
OpenStax College
Taste and Smell
CNX Openstax (credit: modification of work by Vincenzo Rizzo)