The tongue is attached to the mandible, the styloid processes of the temporal bones, and the hyoid bone.
Surface of Tongue
Image by 1045373/Pixabay
Muscles that Move the Tongue Palatoglossus and surface
Image by OpenStax/Wikimedia
Muscles that Move the Tongue Palatoglossus and surface
Image by OpenStax/Wikimedia
Perhaps you have heard it said that the tongue is the strongest muscle in the body. Those who stake this claim cite its strength proportionate to its size. Although it is difficult to quantify the relative strength of different muscles, it remains indisputable that the tongue is a workhorse, facilitating ingestion, mechanical digestion, chemical digestion (lingual lipase), sensation (of taste, texture, and temperature of food), swallowing, and vocalization.
The tongue is attached to the mandible, the styloid processes of the temporal bones, and the hyoid bone. The hyoid is unique in that it only distantly/indirectly articulates with other bones. The tongue is positioned over the floor of the oral cavity. A medial septum extends the entire length of the tongue, dividing it into symmetrical halves.
Beneath its mucous membrane covering, each half of the tongue is composed of the same number and type of intrinsic and extrinsic skeletal muscles. The intrinsic muscles (those within the tongue) are the longitudinalis inferior, longitudinalis superior, transversus linguae, and verticalis linguae muscles. These allow you to change the size and shape of your tongue, as well as to stick it out, if you wish. Having such a flexible tongue facilitates both swallowing and speech.
The extrinsic muscles of the tongue are the mylohyoid, hyoglossus, styloglossus, and genioglossus muscles. These muscles originate outside the tongue and insert into connective tissues within the tongue. The mylohyoid is responsible for raising the tongue, the hyoglossus pulls it down and back, the styloglossus pulls it up and back, and the genioglossus pulls it forward. Working in concert, these muscles perform three important digestive functions in the mouth: (1) position food for optimal chewing, (2) gather food into a bolus (rounded mass), and (3) position food so it can be swallowed.
The top and sides of the tongue are studded with papillae, extensions of lamina propria of the mucosa, which are covered in stratified squamous epithelium (image). Fungiform papillae, which are mushroom shaped, cover a large area of the tongue; they tend to be larger toward the rear of the tongue and smaller on the tip and sides. In contrast, filiform papillae are long and thin. Fungiform papillae contain taste buds, and filiform papillae have touch receptors that help the tongue move food around in the mouth. The filiform papillae create an abrasive surface that performs mechanically, much like a cat’s rough tongue that is used for grooming. Lingual glands in the lamina propria of the tongue secrete mucus and a watery serous fluid that contains the enzyme lingual lipase, which plays a minor role in breaking down triglycerides but does not begin working until it is activated in the stomach. A fold of mucous membrane on the underside of the tongue, the lingual frenulum, tethers the tongue to the floor of the mouth. People with the congenital anomaly ankyloglossia, also known by the non-medical term “tongue tie,” have a lingual frenulum that is too short or otherwise malformed. Severe ankyloglossia can impair speech and must be corrected with surgery.
This superior view of the tongue shows the locations and types of lingual papillae.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (11)
Innervation of the Tongue, Brain and Sense Organ
3D visualization of the skull, brain and special sense organs based on scanned human data. The skin and skull provide a barrier that protects the soft internal tissues of the brain and special sense organs. Seen here are the anatomical structures that are associated with the 5 senses; taste, smell, touch, hearing and balance.
Image by TheVisualMD
Structure Of The Tongue - Functions Of The Tongue - What Are Taste Buds
Video by Whats Up Dude/YouTube
How Your Tongue Works? - The Dr. Binocs Show | Best Learning Videos For Kids | Peekaboo Kidz
Visualization of the taste buds. Projections of varying shapes and sizes, called papillae, line the surface of the tongue and house the sensitive chemoreceptors responsible for detecting dissolved food in the circulating saliva.
Image by TheVisualMD
Tongue, tracing of
Image by Hariadhi/Wikimedia
Muscles that Move the Tongue: Illustration of Muscles that Move the Tongue
Image by OpenStax College
Lingual papillae
A picture showing the Filiform papillae on my tongue taken using a USB microscope.
Image by Jonathan Whyatt
(a) Foliate, circumvallate, and fungiform papillae are located on different regions of the tongue. (b) Foliate papillae are prominent protrusions on this light micrograph. (credit a: modification of work by NCI; scale-bar data from Matt Russell)
Image by OpenStax College
Taste Bud
Pores in the tongue allow tastants to enter taste pores in the tongue.
Image by modification of work by Vincenzo Rizzo
Innervation of the Tongue, Brain and Sense Organ
Structure Of The Tongue - Functions Of The Tongue - What Are Taste Buds
Whats Up Dude/YouTube
How Your Tongue Works? - The Dr. Binocs Show | Best Learning Videos For Kids | Peekaboo Kidz
Peekaboo Kidz/YouTube
Taste buds on tongue
The Tongue
CNX Openstax
Taste Bud of Tongue
OpenStax College
Lingual papillae
Jonathan Whyatt
OpenStax College
Taste Bud
modification of work by Vincenzo Rizzo
Biology of Taste and Smell
Brain Region Dedicated to Smell
Image by TheVisualMD
Brain Region Dedicated to Smell
3D visualization of the cerebral cortex reconstructed from scanned human data. The cerebral cortex, the outermost portion of the brain, can be divided into regions depending on function. Depicted here is the region dedicated to smell, located on the medial aspects of the cerebral hemispheres just anterior to the eyes and nose. The special sensory organs of smell, the olfactory bulbs, are located in the anterior aspect of the nasal cavity. They receive chemical information from the odor molecules which circulate in air below and send the signals to the cerebral cortex to be processed.
Image by TheVisualMD
Biology of Taste and Smell
Taste, also called gustation, and smell, also called olfaction, are the most interconnected senses in that both involve molecules of the stimulus entering the body and bonding to receptors. Smell lets an animal sense the presence of food or other animals—whether potential mates, predators, or prey—or other chemicals in the environment that can impact their survival. Similarly, the sense of taste allows animals to discriminate between types of foods. While the value of a sense of smell is obvious, what is the value of a sense of taste? Different tasting foods have different attributes, both helpful and harmful. For example, sweet-tasting substances tend to be highly caloric, which could be necessary for survival in lean times. Bitterness is associated with toxicity, and sourness is associated with spoiled food. Salty foods are valuable in maintaining homeostasis by helping the body retain water and by providing ions necessary for cells to function.
Tastes and Odors
Both taste and odor stimuli are molecules taken in from the environment. The primary tastes detected by humans are sweet, sour, bitter, salty and umami. The first four tastes need little explanation. The identification of umami as a fundamental taste occurred fairly recently—it was identified in 1908 by Japanese scientist Kikunae Ikeda while he worked with seaweed broth, but it was not widely accepted as a taste that could be physiologically distinguished until many years later. The taste of umami, also known as savoriness, is attributable to the taste of the amino acid L-glutamate. In fact, monosodium glutamate, or MSG, is often used in cooking to enhance the savory taste of certain foods. What is the adaptive value of being able to distinguish umami? Savory substances tend to be high in protein.
All odors that we perceive are molecules in the air we breathe. If a substance does not release molecules into the air from its surface, it has no smell. And if a human or other animal does not have a receptor that recognizes a specific molecule, then that molecule has no smell. Humans have about 350 olfactory receptor subtypes that work in various combinations to allow us to sense about 10,000 different odors. Compare that to mice, for example, which have about 1,300 olfactory receptor types, and therefore probably sense more odors. Both odors and tastes involve molecules that stimulate specific chemoreceptors. Although humans commonly distinguish taste as one sense and smell as another, they work together to create the perception of flavor. A person’s perception of flavor is reduced if he or she has congested nasal passages.
Reception and Transduction
Odorants (odor molecules) enter the nose and dissolve in the olfactory epithelium, the mucosa at the back of the nasal cavity (as illustrated below). The olfactory epithelium is a collection of specialized olfactory receptors in the back of the nasal cavity that spans an area about 5 cm2 in humans. Recall that sensory cells are neurons. An olfactory receptor, which is a dendrite of a specialized neuron, responds when it binds certain molecules inhaled from the environment by sending impulses directly to the olfactory bulb of the brain. Humans have about 12 million olfactory receptors, distributed among hundreds of different receptor types that respond to different odors. Twelve million seems like a large number of receptors, but compare that to other animals: rabbits have about 100 million, most dogs have about 1 billion, and bloodhounds—dogs selectively bred for their sense of smell—have about 4 billion. The overall size of the olfactory epithelium also differs between species, with that of bloodhounds, for example, being many times larger than that of humans.
Olfactory neurons are bipolar neurons (neurons with two processes from the cell body). Each neuron has a single dendrite buried in the olfactory epithelium, and extending from this dendrite are 5 to 20 receptor-laden, hair-like cilia that trap odorant molecules. The sensory receptors on the cilia are proteins, and it is the variations in their amino acid chains that make the receptors sensitive to different odorants. Each olfactory sensory neuron has only one type of receptor on its cilia, and the receptors are specialized to detect specific odorants, so the bipolar neurons themselves are specialized. When an odorant binds with a receptor that recognizes it, the sensory neuron associated with the receptor is stimulated. Olfactory stimulation is the only sensory information that directly reaches the cerebral cortex, whereas other sensations are relayed through the thalamus.
In the human olfactory system, (a) bipolar olfactory neurons extend from (b) the olfactory epithelium, where olfactory receptors are located, to the olfactory bulb. (credit: modification of work by Patrick J. Lynch, medical illustrator; C. Carl Jaffe, MD, cardiologist)
Smell and Taste in the Brain
Olfactory neurons project from the olfactory epithelium to the olfactory bulb as thin, unmyelinated axons. The olfactory bulb is composed of neural clusters called glomeruli, and each glomerulus receives signals from one type of olfactory receptor, so each glomerulus is specific to one odorant. From glomeruli, olfactory signals travel directly to the olfactory cortex and then to the frontal cortex and the thalamus. Recall that this is a different path from most other sensory information, which is sent directly to the thalamus before ending up in the cortex. Olfactory signals also travel directly to the amygdala, thereafter reaching the hypothalamus, thalamus, and frontal cortex. The last structure that olfactory signals directly travel to is a cortical center in the temporal lobe structure important in spatial, autobiographical, declarative, and episodic memories. Olfaction is finally processed by areas of the brain that deal with memory, emotions, reproduction, and thought.
Taste neurons project from taste cells in the tongue, esophagus, and palate to the medulla, in the brainstem. From the medulla, taste signals travel to the thalamus and then to the primary gustatory cortex. Information from different regions of the tongue is segregated in the medulla, thalamus, and cortex.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (15)
Taste Buds
Taste, it turns out, is a marvel of chemosensory perception. Every time you eat something, whether it's a hot dog at a ballgame or an 8-course meal in a fancy restaurant, five primary tastes-salty, sweet, sour, bitter and umami-give you vital information about what you just put into your mouth. The combination of these basic tastes plus the thousands of different smells you can detect is what creates your flavor experience of that food. The sensory network that delivers that flavor experience includes microscopic taste buds clustered within the tiny bumps (papillae) on your tongue, as well as olfactory nerves that carry information from odor molecules.
Image by TheVisualMD
3D visualization of the anatomical structures related to smell and taste
Anatomical Structure Associated with Smell and Taste : 3D visualization of the anatomical structures related to smell and taste based on scanned human data. The sensations of smell and taste are closely related, in fact only 20% of the perception of taste originates from the tongue alone. The remaining 80% is interpreted through nerve cells that are situated in the uppermost portion of the nasal cavity. Two regions of the cerebral cortex are dedicated to processing information related to taste and smell. The Gustatory cortex (taste) is a small region located on the temporal lobe near the ear. The Olfactory cortex (smell) occupies an areas of the frontal lobes just above and between the eyes.
Image by TheVisualMD
Anatomy and Physiology of Smell Taste Touch
Video by New Anatomy and Physiology Video/YouTube
Taste & Smell: Crash Course A&P #16
Video by CrashCourse/YouTube
Taste Bud of Tongue
Visualization of the taste buds. Projections of varying shapes and sizes, called papillae, line the surface of the tongue and house the sensitive chemoreceptors responsible for detecting dissolved food in the circulating saliva.
Image by TheVisualMD
2-Minute Neuroscience: Taste
Video by Neuroscientifically Challenged/YouTube
Video by Walter Jahn/YouTube
Your Tongue: The Taste-Maker!
Video by SciShow Kids/YouTube
Filiform papillae
Papillae on the tongue
Image by derivative work: Kjell ANDRE (talk) Kieli.svg: Antimoni
Human olfactory system. 1: Olfactory bulb 2: Mitral cells 3: Bone 4: Nasal epithelium 5: Glomerulus 6: Olfactory receptor cells
Image by OpenStax College
Taste and Smell
In the human olfactory system, (a) bipolar olfactory neurons extend from (b) the olfactory epithelium, where olfactory receptors are located, to the olfactory bulb. (credit: modification of work by Patrick J. Lynch, medical illustrator; C. Carl Jaffe, MD, cardiologist)
Image by CNX Openstax
(a) Foliate, circumvallate, and fungiform papillae are located on different regions of the tongue. (b) Foliate papillae are prominent protrusions on this light micrograph. (credit a: modification of work by NCI; scale-bar data from Matt Russell)
Image by OpenStax College
Taste and Smell
Pores in the tongue allow tastants to enter taste pores in the tongue. (credit: modification of work by Vincenzo Rizzo)
Image by CNX Openstax (credit: modification of work by Vincenzo Rizzo)
Taste Buds
3D visualization of the anatomical structures related to smell and taste
Anatomy and Physiology of Smell Taste Touch
New Anatomy and Physiology Video/YouTube
Taste & Smell: Crash Course A&P #16
Taste Bud of Tongue
2-Minute Neuroscience: Taste
Neuroscientifically Challenged/YouTube
Walter Jahn/YouTube
Your Tongue: The Taste-Maker!
SciShow Kids/YouTube
Filiform papillae
derivative work: Kjell ANDRE (talk) Kieli.svg: Antimoni
Diagram showing the parts of the mouth
Cancer Research UK / Wikimedia Commons
The Tongue
CNX Openstax
Taste and Smell Disorders Olfactory system
OpenStax College
Taste and Smell
CNX Openstax
OpenStax College
Taste and Smell
CNX Openstax (credit: modification of work by Vincenzo Rizzo)
Glossopharyngeal Nerve and Gustation (Taste)
Taste Buds
Image by TheVisualMD
Taste Buds
Taste, it turns out, is a marvel of chemosensory perception. Every time you eat something, whether it's a hot dog at a ballgame or an 8-course meal in a fancy restaurant, five primary tastes-salty, sweet, sour, bitter and umami-give you vital information about what you just put into your mouth. The combination of these basic tastes plus the thousands of different smells you can detect is what creates your flavor experience of that food. The sensory network that delivers that flavor experience includes microscopic taste buds clustered within the tiny bumps (papillae) on your tongue, as well as olfactory nerves that carry information from odor molecules.
Image by TheVisualMD
Glossopharyngeal Nerve and Gustation (Taste)
Only a few recognized submodalities exist within the sense of taste, or gustation. Until recently, only four tastes were recognized: sweet, salty, sour, and bitter. Research at the turn of the 20th century led to recognition of the fifth taste, umami, during the mid-1980s. Umami is a Japanese word that means “delicious taste,” and is often translated to mean savory. Very recent research has suggested that there may also be a sixth taste for fats, or lipids.
Gustation is the special sense associated with the tongue. The surface of the tongue, along with the rest of the oral cavity, is lined by a stratified squamous epithelium. Raised bumps called papillae (singular = papilla) contain the structures for gustatory transduction. There are four types of papillae, based on their appearance (Figure): circumvallate, foliate, filiform, and fungiform. Within the structure of the papillae are taste buds that contain specialized gustatory receptor cells for the transduction of taste stimuli. These receptor cells are sensitive to the chemicals contained within foods that are ingested, and they release neurotransmitters based on the amount of the chemical in the food. Neurotransmitters from the gustatory cells can activate sensory neurons in the facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus cranial nerves.
Salty taste is simply the perception of sodium ions (Na+) in the saliva. When you eat something salty, the salt crystals dissociate into the component ions Na+ and Cl–, which dissolve into the saliva in your mouth. The Na+ concentration becomes high outside the gustatory cells, creating a strong concentration gradient that drives the diffusion of the ion into the cells. The entry of Na+ into these cells results in the depolarization of the cell membrane and the generation of a receptor potential.
Sour taste is the perception of H+ concentration. Just as with sodium ions in salty flavors, these hydrogen ions enter the cell and trigger depolarization. Sour flavors are, essentially, the perception of acids in our food. Increasing hydrogen ion concentrations in the saliva (lowering saliva pH) triggers progressively stronger graded potentials in the gustatory cells. For example, orange juice—which contains citric acid—will taste sour because it has a pH value of approximately 3. Of course, it is often sweetened so that the sour taste is masked.
The first two tastes (salty and sour) are triggered by the cations Na+ and H+. The other tastes result from food molecules binding to a G protein–coupled receptor. A G protein signal transduction system ultimately leads to depolarization of the gustatory cell. The sweet taste is the sensitivity of gustatory cells to the presence of glucose dissolved in the saliva. Other monosaccharides such as fructose, or artificial sweeteners such as aspartame (NutraSweet™), saccharine, or sucralose (Splenda™) also activate the sweet receptors. The affinity for each of these molecules varies, and some will taste sweeter than glucose because they bind to the G protein–coupled receptor differently.
Bitter taste is similar to sweet in that food molecules bind to G protein–coupled receptors. However, there are a number of different ways in which this can happen because there are a large diversity of bitter-tasting molecules. Some bitter molecules depolarize gustatory cells, whereas others hyperpolarize gustatory cells. Likewise, some bitter molecules increase G protein activation within the gustatory cells, whereas other bitter molecules decrease G protein activation. The specific response depends on which molecule is binding to the receptor.
One major group of bitter-tasting molecules are alkaloids. Alkaloids are nitrogen containing molecules that are commonly found in bitter-tasting plant products, such as coffee, hops (in beer), tannins (in wine), tea, and aspirin. By containing toxic alkaloids, the plant is less susceptible to microbe infection and less attractive to herbivores.
Therefore, the function of bitter taste may primarily be related to stimulating the gag reflex to avoid ingesting poisons. Because of this, many bitter foods that are normally ingested are often combined with a sweet component to make them more palatable (cream and sugar in coffee, for example). The highest concentration of bitter receptors appear to be in the posterior tongue, where a gag reflex could still spit out poisonous food.
The taste known as umami is often referred to as the savory taste. Like sweet and bitter, it is based on the activation of G protein–coupled receptors by a specific molecule. The molecule that activates this receptor is the amino acid L-glutamate. Therefore, the umami flavor is often perceived while eating protein-rich foods. Not surprisingly, dishes that contain meat are often described as savory.
Once the gustatory cells are activated by the taste molecules, they release neurotransmitters onto the dendrites of sensory neurons. These neurons are part of the facial and glossopharyngeal cranial nerves, as well as a component within the vagus nerve dedicated to the gag reflex. The facial nerve connects to taste buds in the anterior third of the tongue. The glossopharyngeal nerve connects to taste buds in the posterior two thirds of the tongue. The vagus nerve connects to taste buds in the extreme posterior of the tongue, verging on the pharynx, which are more sensitive to noxious stimuli such as bitterness.
Once the gustatory cells are activated by the taste molecules, they release neurotransmitters onto the dendrites of sensory neurons. These neurons are part of the facial and glossopharyngeal cranial nerves, as well as a component within the vagus nerve dedicated to the gag reflex. The facial nerve connects to taste buds in the anterior third of the tongue. The glossopharyngeal nerve connects to taste buds in the posterior two thirds of the tongue. The vagus nerve connects to taste buds in the extreme posterior of the tongue, verging on the pharynx, which are more sensitive to noxious stimuli such as bitterness. staff (2014). "Medical gallery of Blausen Medical 2014"
The Chemical Senses - Taste (Gustation)
Taste Bud of Tongue
Image by TheVisualMD
Taste Bud of Tongue
Visualization of the taste buds. Projections of varying shapes and sizes, called papillae, line the surface of the tongue and house the sensitive chemoreceptors responsible for detecting dissolved food in the circulating saliva.
Image by TheVisualMD
The Chemical Senses - Taste (Gustation)
The Chemical Senses
Taste (gustation) and smell (olfaction) are called chemical senses because both have sensory receptors that respond to molecules in the food we eat or in the air we breathe. There is a pronounced interaction between our chemical senses. For example, when we describe the flavor of a given food, we are really referring to both gustatory and olfactory properties of the food working in combination.
Taste (Gustation)
You have learned since elementary school that there are four basic groupings of taste: sweet, salty, sour, and bitter. Research demonstrates, however, that we have at least six taste groupings. Umami is our fifth taste. Umami is actually a Japanese word that roughly translates to yummy, and it is associated with a taste for monosodium glutamate (Kinnamon & Vandenbeuch, 2009). There is also a growing body of experimental evidence suggesting that we possess a taste for the fatty content of a given food (Mizushige, Inoue, & Fushiki, 2007).
Molecules from the food and beverages we consume dissolve in our saliva and interact with taste receptors on our tongue and in our mouth and throat. Taste buds are formed by groupings of taste receptor cells with hair-like extensions that protrude into the central pore of the taste bud (Figure 5.21). Taste buds have a life cycle of ten days to two weeks, so even destroying some by burning your tongue won’t have any long-term effect; they just grow right back. Taste molecules bind to receptors on this extension and cause chemical changes within the sensory cell that result in neural impulses being transmitted to the brain via different nerves, depending on where the receptor is located. Taste information is transmitted to the medulla, thalamus, and limbic system, and to the gustatory cortex, which is tucked underneath the overlap between the frontal and temporal lobes (Maffei, Haley, & Fontanini, 2012; Roper, 2013).
Figure 5.21 (a) Taste buds are composed of a number of individual taste receptors cells that transmit information to nerves. (b) This micrograph shows a close-up view of the tongue’s surface. (credit a: modification of work by Jonas Töle; credit b: scale-bar data from Matt Russell)
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (3)
Surface of Tongue
Visualization of the surface of the tongue. Deep inside the crevices on the surface of the tongue are the microscopic taste buds that are anchored in the lining of epithelium. The taste buds sweep the circulating saliva for dissolved food molecules. Once the molecules are detected by the chemoreceptors of the taste buds, nerve impulses are sent to the brain for interpretation.
Image by TheVisualMD
Tongue 1
Microscopy image of tongue. One is a series of two, see image 5811
Image by NIGMS/Mark Ellisman and Tom Deerinck, NCMIR
NCMIR Tongue 2
One is a series of two, see image 5810
Image by NIGMS/Mark Ellisman and Tom Deerinck, NCMIR