1. The woman’s menstrual periods have not resumed
Following childbirth, the resump- tion of menses is an important in- dicator of a woman’s return to fertility. During breastfeeding a woman is less likely to ovulate.
However, once a woman starts to menstruate, ovulation has re- turned or may be imminent.
Bleeding during the first two months postpartum is lochial dis- charge and is not considered men- strual bleeding. Menstruation is defined for LAM use as two con- secutive days of bleeding, or when a woman perceives that she has had a bleed similar to her men- strual bleed, either of which oc- curs at least two months postpartum.
2. The baby is fully or nearly fully breastfed
Full Breastfeeding is the term ap- plied to both exclusive breastfeeding (no other liquid or solid is given to infant) and almost exclusive breastfeeding (vitamins, water, juice, or ritualistic feeds given infre- quently in addition to breast- feeds). Nearly Full Breastfeeding means that the vast majority of feeds given to infants are breastfeeds.
While exclusive breastfeeding is not necessary for LAM to be effec- tive, the closer the pattern is to exclusive, the better for mother and baby. The optimal pattern for the baby is to be nursed fre- quently and for as long as the in- fant wants to remain on the breast, both day and night. At night, no interval between feedings should be greater than six hours.
3. The baby is less than six months old
At six months of age, the baby should begin receiving comple- mentary foods while continuing to breastfeed. Introduction of water, liquids, and foods can reduce the amount of sucking at the breast,
triggering the hormonal mecha- nism that causes ovulation—and menses—to resume.
A mother may not want to switch to other family planning methods when she no longer meets the LAM criteria and may choose to continue to rely on lactational amenorrhea for pregnancy delay. In this case the woman should be counseled to keep breastfeeding frequently and to breastfeed be- fore giving the infant other foods. She should be informed that her risk of pregnancy increases.
What are the advantages and disadvantages of LAM?