Vision is the ability to detect light patterns from the outside environment and interpret them into images.
Human Head Showing Visual Pathway
Image by TheVisualMD
Sensitive content
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Muscle and Nerve of Human Eye
Image by TheVisualMD
Sensitive content
This media may include sensitive content
Muscle and Nerve of Human Eye
3D visualization of the nerves associated with the human eye. Several different nerve types serve the special functions of the structures associated with sight. The optic nerves are paired bundles of fibers that send visual signals from the retina to the brain. The oculomotor, trochlear and abducent nerves control voluntary movements of the eye muscles and eyelids in addition to controlling pupil dilation and lens focusing.
Image by TheVisualMD
Vision is the ability to detect light patterns from the outside environment and interpret them into images. Animals are bombarded with sensory information, and the sheer volume of visual information can be problematic. Fortunately, the visual systems of species have evolved to attend to the most-important stimuli. The importance of vision to humans is further substantiated by the fact that about one-third of the human cerebral cortex is dedicated to analyzing and perceiving visual information.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (15)
Vision: Crash Course A&P #18
Video by CrashCourse/YouTube
Low Vision Animation
Video by Blausen Medical Corporate/YouTube
Common Vision Problems
Video by National Eye Institute, NIH/YouTube
Parents’ Guide to Baby’s Vision Development
Video by Pathways/YouTube
How My Vision Has Changed | Retinitis Pigmentosa
Video by Cayla with a C/YouTube
Vision Simulation
Video by Light12434/YouTube
Peripheral Vision and Central Vision in the Retina
Video by EyeSmart — American Academy of Ophthalmology/YouTube
Healthy Vision Resources (Write the Vision Campaign)
Video by National Eye Institute, NIH/YouTube
Double Vision and Strabismus | The Doctors
Video by Hollywood Eyes - Dr. Elise Brisco, OD, CCH/YouTube
Human Head Showing Visual Pathway
3D visualization of the visual pathway based on scanned human data. Electrical nerve impulses travel from the eyes to the occipital lobe in the back of the brain via millions of nerves that make up the "visual pathway". The white matter of the brain is made up of millions of nerve extensions (axons) which connect nerve fibers to other nerve fibers, target tissues or organs. In this illustration, bundles of axons in the white matter (colored blue and red) are seen radiating from the eyes to the visual centers of the brain.
Image by TheVisualMD
African Americans and Low Vision Rehabilitation (Write the Vision Campaign)
Video by National Eye Institute, NIH/YouTube
What is Vision Impairment? - Vision Awareness Training Part One
Video by ouhnhs/YouTube
Low Vision Part 4: How Can People With Low Vision Maintain a Positive Outlook?
Video by National Eye Institute, NIH/YouTube
Common Eye Symptoms (Part 1): Blurred Vision, Cloudy Vision, Halos and Glare
Video by SingHealth/YouTube
Color Vision 7: Primate Color Vision
Video by Craig Blackwell/YouTube
Vision: Crash Course A&P #18
Low Vision Animation
Blausen Medical Corporate/YouTube
Common Vision Problems
National Eye Institute, NIH/YouTube
Parents’ Guide to Baby’s Vision Development
How My Vision Has Changed | Retinitis Pigmentosa
Cayla with a C/YouTube
Vision Simulation
Peripheral Vision and Central Vision in the Retina
EyeSmart — American Academy of Ophthalmology/YouTube
Healthy Vision Resources (Write the Vision Campaign)
National Eye Institute, NIH/YouTube
Double Vision and Strabismus | The Doctors
Hollywood Eyes - Dr. Elise Brisco, OD, CCH/YouTube
Human Head Showing Visual Pathway
African Americans and Low Vision Rehabilitation (Write the Vision Campaign)
National Eye Institute, NIH/YouTube
What is Vision Impairment? - Vision Awareness Training Part One
Low Vision Part 4: How Can People With Low Vision Maintain a Positive Outlook?
National Eye Institute, NIH/YouTube
Common Eye Symptoms (Part 1): Blurred Vision, Cloudy Vision, Halos and Glare
Color Vision 7: Primate Color Vision
Craig Blackwell/YouTube
Visual Perception
Image by CNX Openstax
This illustration shows the optic chiasm at the front of the brain and the pathways to the occipital lobe at the back of the brain, where visual sensations are processed into meaningful perceptions.
Image by CNX Openstax
Visual Perception
The visual system constructs a mental representation of the world around us (Figure). This contributes to our ability to successfully navigate through physical space and interact with important individuals and objects in our environments. This section will provide an overview of the basic anatomy and function of the visual system. In addition, we will explore our ability to perceive color and depth.
Our eyes take in sensory information that helps us understand the world around us. (credit "top left”: modification of work by "rajkumar1220"/Flickr"; credit “top right”: modification of work by Thomas Leuthard; credit “middle left”: modification of work by Demietrich Baker; credit “middle right”: modification of work by "kaybee07"/Flickr; credit “bottom left”: modification of work by "Isengardt"/Flickr; credit “bottom right”: modification of work by Willem Heerbaart)
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (2)
Visual sensory information | Processing the Environment | MCAT | Khan Academy
Video by khanacademymedicine/YouTube
Human Head Showing Visual Pathway
3D visualization of the visual pathway based on scanned human data. Electrical nerve impulses travel from the eyes to the occipital lobe in the back of the brain via millions of nerves that make up the \"visual pathway.\" The white matter of the brain is made up of millions of nerve extensions (axons) which connect nerve fibers to other nerve fibers, target tissues or organs. In this illustration, bundles of axons in the white matter (colored blue and red) are seen radiating from the eyes to the visual centers of the brain.
Image by TheVisualMD
Visual sensory information | Processing the Environment | MCAT | Khan Academy
Human Head Showing Visual Pathway
Anatomy of the Visual System
Depiction of how visual information has sidedness in the brain.
Image by Cenveo
Depiction of how visual information has sidedness in the brain.
Depiction of how visual information has sidedness in the brain. The diagram shows how information from the right visual field is delivered to the left brain and how information from the left visual field is delivered to the right side of the brain.
Image by Cenveo
Anatomy of the Visual System
The eye is the major sensory organ involved in vision (Figure 1). Light waves are transmitted across the cornea and enter the eye through the pupil. The cornea is the transparent covering over the eye. It serves as a barrier between the inner eye and the outside world, and it is involved in focusing light waves that enter the eye. The pupil is the small opening in the eye through which light passes, and the size of the pupil can change as a function of light levels as well as emotional arousal. When light levels are low, the pupil will become dilated, or expanded, to allow more light to enter the eye. When light levels are high, the pupil will constrict, or become smaller, to reduce the amount of light that enters the eye. The pupil’s size is controlled by muscles that are connected to the iris, which is the colored portion of the eye.
Figure 1. The anatomy of the eye is illustrated in this diagram.
After passing through the pupil, light crosses the lens, a curved, transparent structure that serves to provide additional focus. The lens is attached to muscles that can change its shape to aid in focusing light that is reflected from near or far objects. In a normal-sighted individual, the lens will focus images perfectly on a small indentation in the back of the eye known as the fovea, which is part of the retina, the light-sensitive lining of the eye. The fovea contains densely packed specialized photoreceptor cells (Figure 2). These photoreceptor cells, known as cones, are light-detecting cells. The cones are specialized types of photoreceptors that work best in bright light conditions. Cones are very sensitive to acute detail and provide tremendous spatial resolution. They also are directly involved in our ability to perceive color.
While cones are concentrated in the fovea, where images tend to be focused, rods, another type of photoreceptor, are located throughout the remainder of the retina. Rods are specialized photoreceptors that work well in low light conditions, and while they lack the spatial resolution and color function of the cones, they are involved in our vision in dimly lit environments as well as in our perception of movement on the periphery of our visual field.
Figure 2. The two types of photoreceptors are shown in this image. Cones are colored green and rods are blue.
We have all experienced the different sensitivities of rods and cones when making the transition from a brightly lit environment to a dimly lit environment. Imagine going to see a blockbuster movie on a clear summer day. As you walk from the brightly lit lobby into the dark theater, you notice that you immediately have difficulty seeing much of anything. After a few minutes, you begin to adjust to the darkness and can see the interior of the theater. In the bright environment, your vision was dominated primarily by cone activity. As you move to the dark environment, rod activity dominates, but there is a delay in transitioning between the phases. If your rods do not transform light into nerve impulses as easily and efficiently as they should, you will have difficulty seeing in dim light, a condition known as night blindness.
Rods and cones are connected (via several interneurons) to retinal ganglion cells. Axons from the retinal ganglion cells converge and exit through the back of the eye to form the optic nerve. The optic nerve carries visual information from the retina to the brain. There is a point in the visual field called the blind spot: Even when light from a small object is focused on the blind spot, we do not see it. We are not consciously aware of our blind spots for two reasons: First, each eye gets a slightly different view of the visual field; therefore, the blind spots do not overlap. Second, our visual system fills in the blind spot so that although we cannot respond to visual information that occurs in that portion of the visual field, we are also not aware that information is missing.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (6)
Partially Sectioned Human Eye Exposing front and back of the eye including the Retina
Three-dimensional visualization reconstructed from human data. Anteriolateral view of a partially sectioned eye, as well as associated eye muscles. As well as being protected by the bony orbital cavity of the skull, the eyeball is anchored in place by several thin strap muscles that attach to virtually every one of its sides except the front. These muscles tug in concert, allowing the eye to move in any direction to track objects. The clear cornea covers and protects the front exterior of the eye while the colored iris dilates and constricts to insure the proper amount of light is striking the back of the eye. The lens contorts to focus the incoming light back to the retina, which covers roughly the entire back half of the eye. Special cells embedded within the retina are responsible for the sensation of light: the cones, for color perception, and rods, for black and white perception. Electrical nerve impulses are channeled into the optic nerve at the back of the eye to the visual cortex in the brain.
Image by TheVisualMD
Human Eye with Visible Retina, cilia, lens, Uvea, optic nerve, sclera, cornea
3D visualization of the of anteriolateral view of a sectioned eye. The retina, the layer of tissue on the inner wall of the eye, contains specialized cells called rods and cones that are responsible for the sensation of light. The dilation and constriction of the iris and the focusing of the lens guide light into the eye and on to the rods and cones which respond by sending electrical nerve impulses through the optic nerves to the brain.
Image by TheVisualMD
Anatomy - Eye Overview
Video by Armando Hasudungan/YouTube
The Visual System: How Your Eyes Work
Video by National Eye Institute, NIH/YouTube
Sensitive content
This media may include sensitive content
Muscle and Nerve of Human Eye
3D visualization of the nerves associated with the human eye. Several different nerve types serve the special functions of the structures associated with sight. The optic nerves are paired bundles of fibers that send visual signals from the retina to the brain. The oculomotor, trochlear and abducent nerves control voluntary movements of the eye muscles and eyelids in addition to controlling pupil dilation and lens focusing.
Image by TheVisualMD
Muscle of Human Eye
This 3D image of the eye musculature is based on reconstructed segmented human data. The levator palpebrae superioris, superior rectus, lateral rectus, inferior rectus, and inferior oblique muscles are all depicted. These muscles allow the eyes to turn in direction in a variety of directions.
Image by TheVisualMD
Partially Sectioned Human Eye Exposing front and back of the eye including the Retina
Human Eye with Visible Retina, cilia, lens, Uvea, optic nerve, sclera, cornea
Anatomy - Eye Overview
Armando Hasudungan/YouTube
The Visual System: How Your Eyes Work
National Eye Institute, NIH/YouTube
Sensitive content
This media may include sensitive content
Muscle and Nerve of Human Eye
Muscle of Human Eye
Vision of Color
Color blindness Normal Vision
Deuteranopia sight
Tritanopia color-blind
Monochromacy sight
Color Blindness 1) Normal Vision 2) Deuteranopia sight 3) Tritanopia sight 4) Monochromacy sight
Interactive by Wikipedia
Color blindness Normal Vision
Deuteranopia sight
Tritanopia color-blind
Monochromacy sight
Color Blindness 1) Normal Vision 2) Deuteranopia sight 3) Tritanopia sight 4) Monochromacy sight
Color Blindness 1) Normal Vision 2) Deuteranopia sight 3) Tritanopia sight 4) Monochromacy sight
Interactive by Wikipedia
Vision of Color
We do not see the world in black and white. Let’s look at how color vision works.
Color Vision
Normal-sighted individuals have three different types of cones that mediate color vision. Each of these cone types is maximally sensitive to a slightly different wavelength of light. According to the trichromatic theory of color vision, shown in Figure, all colors in the spectrum can be produced by combining red, green, and blue. The three types of cones are each receptive to one of the colors.
This figure illustrates the different sensitivities for the three cone types found in a normal-sighted individual. (credit: modification of work by Vanessa Ezekowitz)
The trichromatic theory of color vision is not the only theory—another major theory of color vision is known as the opponent-process theory. According to this theory, color is coded in opponent pairs: black-white, yellow-blue, and green-red. The basic idea is that some cells of the visual system are excited by one of the opponent colors and inhibited by the other. So, a cell that was excited by wavelengths associated with green would be inhibited by wavelengths associated with red, and vice versa. One of the implications of opponent processing is that we do not experience greenish-reds or yellowish-blues as colors. Another implication is that this leads to the experience of negative afterimages. An afterimage describes the continuation of a visual sensation after removal of the stimulus. For example, when you stare briefly at the sun and then look away from it, you may still perceive a spot of light although the stimulus (the sun) has been removed. When color is involved in the stimulus, the color pairings identified in the opponent-process theory lead to a negative afterimage. You can test this concept using the flag in Figure.
Stare at the white dot for 30–60 seconds and then move your eyes to a blank piece of white paper. What do you see? This is known as a negative afterimage, and it provides empirical support for the opponent-process theory of color vision.
But these two theories—the trichromatic theory of color vision and the opponent-process theory—are not mutually exclusive. Research has shown that they just apply to different levels of the nervous system. For visual processing on the retina, trichromatic theory applies: the cones are responsive to three different wavelengths that represent red, blue, and green. But once the signal moves past the retina on its way to the brain, the cells respond in a way consistent with opponent-process theory (Land, 1959; Kaiser, 1997).
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (5)
Tritanopia color-blind
How tritanopia color-blind people see the world.
Image by Tohaomg
How we see color - Colm Kelleher
Video by TED-Ed/YouTube
Visual Perception – How It Works
Video by simpleshow foundation/YouTube
Simulation of Different Color Deficiencies, Color Blindness
Simulation of Different Color Deficiencies, Color Blindness
"normal" color vision
green-blindness (deuteranopia)
red-blindness (protanopia)
blue-blindness (tritanopia)
Image by Johannes Ahlmann
Bilateral achromatopsia vs. normal vision
Left side Black and White. Right side 2×3 grid of squares colored with the primary and secondary colors of the RYB color model. Each tile has an ellipse colored complementary to the square that it’s in.
Image by Ellywa
Tritanopia color-blind
How we see color - Colm Kelleher
Visual Perception – How It Works
simpleshow foundation/YouTube
Simulation of Different Color Deficiencies, Color Blindness
Johannes Ahlmann
Bilateral achromatopsia vs. normal vision
Depth Perception
Black and white wiggler
Image by Jahobr/Wikimedia
Black and white wiggler
Wiggling striped cone.
Image by Jahobr/Wikimedia
Depth Perception
Our ability to perceive spatial relationships in three-dimensional (3-D) space is known as depth perception. With depth perception, we can describe things as being in front, behind, above, below, or to the side of other things.
Our world is three-dimensional, so it makes sense that our mental representation of the world has three-dimensional properties. We use a variety of cues in a visual scene to establish our sense of depth. Some of these are binocular cues, which means that they rely on the use of both eyes. One example of a binocular depth cue is binocular disparity, the slightly different view of the world that each of our eyes receives. To experience this slightly different view, do this simple exercise: extend your arm fully and extend one of your fingers and focus on that finger. Now, close your left eye without moving your head, then open your left eye and close your right eye without moving your head. You will notice that your finger seems to shift as you alternate between the two eyes because of the slightly different view each eye has of your finger.
A 3-D movie works on the same principle: the special glasses you wear allow the two slightly different images projected onto the screen to be seen separately by your left and your right eye. As your brain processes these images, you have the illusion that the leaping animal or running person is coming right toward you.
Although we rely on binocular cues to experience depth in our 3-D world, we can also perceive depth in 2-D arrays. Think about all the paintings and photographs you have seen. Generally, you pick up on depth in these images even though the visual stimulus is 2-D. When we do this, we are relying on a number of monocular cues, or cues that require only one eye. If you think you can’t see depth with one eye, note that you don’t bump into things when using only one eye while walking—and, in fact, we have more monocular cues than binocular cues.
An example of a monocular cue would be what is known as linear perspective. Linear perspective refers to the fact that we perceive depth when we see two parallel lines that seem to converge in an image (Figure). Some other monocular depth cues are interposition, the partial overlap of objects, and the relative size and closeness of images to the horizon.
We perceive depth in a two-dimensional figure like this one through the use of monocular cues like linear perspective, like the parallel lines converging as the road narrows in the distance. (credit: Marc Dalmulder)
Bruce Bridgeman was born with an extreme case of lazy eye that resulted in him being stereoblind, or unable to respond to binocular cues of depth. He relied heavily on monocular depth cues, but he never had a true appreciation of the 3-D nature of the world around him. This all changed one night in 2012 while Bruce was seeing a movie with his wife.
The movie the couple was going to see was shot in 3-D, and even though he thought it was a waste of money, Bruce paid for the 3-D glasses when he purchased his ticket. As soon as the film began, Bruce put on the glasses and experienced something completely new. For the first time in his life he appreciated the true depth of the world around him. Remarkably, his ability to perceive depth persisted outside of the movie theater.
There are cells in the nervous system that respond to binocular depth cues. Normally, these cells require activation during early development in order to persist, so experts familiar with Bruce’s case (and others like his) assume that at some point in his development, Bruce must have experienced at least a fleeting moment of binocular vision. It was enough to ensure the survival of the cells in the visual system tuned to binocular cues. The mystery now is why it took Bruce nearly 70 years to have these cells activated (Peck, 2012).
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (2)
Visual cues | Processing the Environment | MCAT | Khan Academy
Video by khanacademymedicine/YouTube
Peripheral Vision
Peripheral vision of the human eye
Image by Zyxwv99
Visual cues | Processing the Environment | MCAT | Khan Academy
Peripheral Vision
Vision and Light
Light and Dark
Image by guge66621/Pixabay
Light and Dark
Image by guge66621/Pixabay
Vision and Light
As with auditory stimuli, light travels in waves. The compression waves that compose sound must travel in a medium—a gas, a liquid, or a solid. In contrast, light is composed of electromagnetic waves and needs no medium; light can travel in a vacuum (Figure 36.17). The behavior of light can be discussed in terms of the behavior of waves and also in terms of the behavior of the fundamental unit of light—a packet of electromagnetic radiation called a photon. A glance at the electromagnetic spectrum shows that visible light for humans is just a small slice of the entire spectrum, which includes radiation that we cannot see as light because it is below the frequency of visible red light and above the frequency of visible violet light.
Certain variables are important when discussing perception of light. Wavelength (which varies inversely with frequency) manifests itself as hue. Light at the red end of the visible spectrum has longer wavelengths (and is lower frequency), while light at the violet end has shorter wavelengths (and is higher frequency). The wavelength of light is expressed in nanometers (nm); one nanometer is one billionth of a meter. Humans perceive light that ranges between approximately 380 nm and 740 nm. Some other animals, though, can detect wavelengths outside of the human range. For example, bees see near-ultraviolet light in order to locate nectar guides on flowers, and some non-avian reptiles sense infrared light (heat that prey gives off).
Figure 36.17 In the electromagnetic spectrum, visible light lies between 380 nm and 740 nm. (credit: modification of work by NASA)
Wave amplitude is perceived as luminous intensity, or brightness. The standard unit of intensity of light is the candela, which is approximately the luminous intensity of one common candle.
Light waves travel 299,792 km per second in a vacuum, (and somewhat slower in various media such as air and water), and those waves arrive at the eye as long (red), medium (green), and short (blue) waves. What is termed “white light” is light that is perceived as white by the human eye. This effect is produced by light that stimulates equally the color receptors in the human eye. The apparent color of an object is the color (or colors) that the object reflects. Thus a red object reflects the red wavelengths in mixed (white) light and absorbs all other wavelengths of light.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (2)
Science of LIGHT for Kids | Reflection & Vision | Lesson for Grades 3-5
Video by GenerationGenius/YouTube
Fluorescein angiography
Fluorescein retinography of a 33 years old patient (right eye), showing the optical disc at the inferior right quadrant and the macula lutea at the inferior left quadrant (darker spot). No anomalies detected.
Image by Mekhahertz
Science of LIGHT for Kids | Reflection & Vision | Lesson for Grades 3-5
Fluorescein angiography
Anatomy of the Eye - Vision
Anatomical features of the eye
Image by Cenveo
Anatomical features of the eye
Anatomical features of the eye
Image by Cenveo
Anatomy of the Eye - Vision
Anatomy of the Eye
The photoreceptive cells of the eye, where transduction of light to nervous impulses occurs, are located in the retina (shown in Figure 36.18) on the inner surface of the back of the eye. But light does not impinge on the retina unaltered. It passes through other layers that process it so that it can be interpreted by the retina (Figure 36.18b). The cornea, the front transparent layer of the eye, and the crystalline lens, a transparent convex structure behind the cornea, both refract (bend) light to focus the image on the retina. The iris, which is conspicuous as the colored part of the eye, is a circular muscular ring lying between the lens and cornea that regulates the amount of light entering the eye. In conditions of high ambient light, the iris contracts, reducing the size of the pupil at its center. In conditions of low light, the iris relaxes and the pupil enlarges.
Figure 36.18 (a) The human eye is shown in cross section. (b) A blowup shows the layers of the retina.
The main function of the lens is to focus light on the retina and fovea centralis. The lens is dynamic, focusing and re-focusing light as the eye rests on near and far objects in the visual field. The lens is operated by muscles that stretch it flat or allow it to thicken, changing the focal length of light coming through it to focus it sharply on the retina. With age comes the loss of the flexibility of the lens, and a form of farsightedness called presbyopia results. Presbyopia occurs because the image focuses behind the retina. Presbyopia is a deficit similar to a different type of farsightedness called hyperopia caused by an eyeball that is too short. For both defects, images in the distance are clear but images nearby are blurry. Myopia (nearsightedness) occurs when an eyeball is elongated and the image focus falls in front of the retina. In this case, images in the distance are blurry but images nearby are clear.
There are two types of photoreceptors in the retina: rods and cones, named for their general appearance as illustrated in Figure 36.19. Rods are strongly photosensitive and are located in the outer edges of the retina. They detect dim light and are used primarily for peripheral and nighttime vision. Cones are weakly photosensitive and are located near the center of the retina. They respond to bright light, and their primary role is in daytime, color vision.
Figure 36.19 Rods and cones are photoreceptors in the retina. Rods respond in low light and can detect only shades of gray. Cones respond in intense light and are responsible for color vision. (credit: modification of work by Piotr Sliwa)
The fovea is the region in the center back of the eye that is responsible for acute vision. The fovea has a high density of cones. When you bring your gaze to an object to examine it intently in bright light, the eyes orient so that the object’s image falls on the fovea. However, when looking at a star in the night sky or other object in dim light, the object can be better viewed by the peripheral vision because it is the rods at the edges of the retina, rather than the cones at the center, that operate better in low light. In humans, cones far outnumber rods in the fovea.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (2)
Anatomy - Eye Overview
Video by Armando Hasudungan/YouTube
Human Eye with Visible Retina, cilia, lens, Uvea, optic nerve, sclera, cornea
3D visualization of the of anteriolateral view of a sectioned eye. The retina, the layer of tissue on the inner wall of the eye, contains specialized cells called rods and cones that are responsible for the sensation of light. The dilation and constriction of the iris and the focusing of the lens guide light into the eye and on to the rods and cones which respond by sending electrical nerve impulses through the optic nerves to the brain.
Image by TheVisualMD
Anatomy - Eye Overview
Armando Hasudungan/YouTube
Human Eye with Visible Retina, cilia, lens, Uvea, optic nerve, sclera, cornea
Vision - Transduction of Light
Image of the primate retina and distribution of cells
Image by NSF/Wikimedia
Image of the primate retina and distribution of cells
Image of the primate retina and distribution of cells
Image by NSF/Wikimedia
Vision - Transduction of Light
The rods and cones are the site of transduction of light to a neural signal. Both rods and cones contain photopigments. In vertebrates, the main photopigment, rhodopsin, has two main parts (Figure 36.20): an opsin, which is a membrane protein (in the form of a cluster of α-helices that span the membrane), and retinal—a molecule that absorbs light. When light hits a photoreceptor, it causes a shape change in the retinal, altering its structure from a bent (cis) form of the molecule to its linear (trans) isomer. This isomerization of retinal activates the rhodopsin, starting a cascade of events that ends with the closing of Na+ channels in the membrane of the photoreceptor. Thus, unlike most other sensory neurons (which become depolarized by exposure to a stimulus) visual receptors become hyperpolarized and thus driven away from threshold (Figure 36.21).
Figure 36.20 (a) Rhodopsin, the photoreceptor in vertebrates, has two parts: the trans-membrane protein opsin, and retinal. When light strikes retinal, it changes shape from (b) a cis to a trans form. The signal is passed to a G-protein called transducin, triggering a series of downstream events.
Figure 36.21 When light strikes rhodopsin, the G-protein transducin is activated, which in turn activates phosphodiesterase. Phosphodiesterase converts cGMP to GMP, thereby closing sodium channels. As a result, the membrane becomes hyperpolarized. The hyperpolarized membrane does not release glutamate to the bipolar cell.
Trichromatic Coding
There are three types of cones (with different photopsins), and they differ in the wavelength to which they are most responsive, as shown in Figure 36.22. Some cones are maximally responsive to short light waves of 420 nm, so they are called S cones (“S” for “short”); others respond maximally to waves of 530 nm (M cones, for “medium”); a third group responds maximally to light of longer wavelengths, at 560 nm (L, or “long” cones). With only one type of cone, color vision would not be possible, and a two-cone (dichromatic) system has limitations. Primates use a three-cone (trichromatic) system, resulting in full color vision.
The color we perceive is a result of the ratio of activity of our three types of cones. The colors of the visual spectrum, running from long-wavelength light to short, are red (700 nm), orange (600 nm), yellow (565 nm), green (497 nm), blue (470 nm), indigo (450 nm), and violet (425 nm). Humans have very sensitive perception of color and can distinguish about 500 levels of brightness, 200 different hues, and 20 steps of saturation, or about 2 million distinct colors.
Figure 36.22 Human rod cells and the different types of cone cells each have an optimal wavelength. However, there is considerable overlap in the wavelengths of light detected.
Retinal Processing
Visual signals leave the cones and rods, travel to the bipolar cells, and then to ganglion cells. A large degree of processing of visual information occurs in the retina itself, before visual information is sent to the brain.
Photoreceptors in the retina continuously undergo tonic activity. That is, they are always slightly active even when not stimulated by light. In neurons that exhibit tonic activity, the absence of stimuli maintains a firing rate at a baseline; while some stimuli increase firing rate from the baseline, and other stimuli decrease firing rate. In the absence of light, the bipolar neurons that connect rods and cones to ganglion cells are continuously and actively inhibited by the rods and cones. Exposure of the retina to light hyperpolarizes the rods and cones and removes their inhibition of bipolar cells. The now active bipolar cells in turn stimulate the ganglion cells, which send action potentials along their axons (which leave the eye as the optic nerve). Thus, the visual system relies on change in retinal activity, rather than the absence or presence of activity, to encode visual signals for the brain. Sometimes horizontal cells carry signals from one rod or cone to other photoreceptors and to several bipolar cells. When a rod or cone stimulates a horizontal cell, the horizontal cell inhibits more distant photoreceptors and bipolar cells, creating lateral inhibition. This inhibition sharpens edges and enhances contrast in the images by making regions receiving light appear lighter and dark surroundings appear darker. Amacrine cells can distribute information from one bipolar cell to many ganglion cells.
You can demonstrate this using an easy demonstration to “trick” your retina and brain about the colors you are observing in your visual field. Look fixedly at Figure 36.23 for about 45 seconds. Then quickly shift your gaze to a sheet of blank white paper or a white wall. You should see an afterimage of the Norwegian flag in its correct colors. At this point, close your eyes for a moment, then reopen them, looking again at the white paper or wall; the afterimage of the flag should continue to appear as red, white, and blue. What causes this? According to an explanation called opponent process theory, as you gazed fixedly at the green, black, and yellow flag, your retinal ganglion cells that respond positively to green, black, and yellow increased their firing dramatically. When you shifted your gaze to the neutral white ground, these ganglion cells abruptly decreased their activity and the brain interpreted this abrupt downshift as if the ganglion cells were responding now to their “opponent” colors: red, white, and blue, respectively, in the visual field. Once the ganglion cells return to their baseline activity state, the false perception of color will disappear.
Figure 36.23 View this flag to understand how retinal processing works. Stare at the center of the flag (indicated by the white dot) for 45 seconds, and then quickly look at a white background, noticing how colors appear.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (4)
Visual development with age
Visual development with age
Visual development with age
Visual development with age
Visual development with age
Visual development with age
Visual development with age
Visual development with age
DHA and the Eye
Explore the anatomy of a baby's eye from the outer features, such as the cornea, to the molecules that comprise the inner lining. Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) plays a key role as a structural and signaling component in cell membranes in the brain and eye. Just as babies learn a language, they also "learn" to see, to pick out borders and backgounds, and "read" shadows and symmetry. The apparatus of the eye (iris, pupil, cornea, lens and muscles) work together to focus ilght on the retina, which is rich in nerve cells. The remarkable retina is a sheet of tissue that converts light energy into nerve signals so precisely we can see specks of floating dust. The retina is made of several different layers, but is still only 1/100th of an inch thick. The retina can rightly claim to be part of te brain.Cells called rods allow us to see in dim light, while cones enable us to see in sharp detail and distinguish millions of different color shades. There are about 120 million of the long and slender rod cells and some 6-7 million of the fatter cone cells in the retina. Nature is very fond of folded membranes. The outer segments of rods are filled with stacks of discs packed with a light-sensitive protein. The protein rhodopsin transforms the energy of photons into nerve signals that carry the visual news of the world into our perception.
Interactive by TheVisualMD
This figure illustrates the different sensitivities for the three cone types found in a normal-sighted individual. (credit: modification of work by Vanessa Ezekowitz)
Image by CNX Openstax (credit: modification of work by Vanessa Ezekowitz)
2-Minute Neuroscience: Phototransduction
Video by Neuroscientifically Challenged/YouTube
An Ishihara test image as seen by subjects with normal color vision and by those with a variety of color deficiencies.
Image by Eddau processed File:Ishihara 2.svg by User:Sakurambo,
DHA and the Eye
CNX Openstax (credit: modification of work by Vanessa Ezekowitz)
2-Minute Neuroscience: Phototransduction
Neuroscientifically Challenged/YouTube
Eddau processed File:Ishihara 2.svg by User:Sakurambo,
Vision - Higher Processing
Macula of Retina
Image by Eric Wiessner
Macula of Retina
Animation of Optic cup and macula - 3D motion parallax -The optic cup and macula of a healthy 24 year old female. Image is released to wikimedia commons with patient consent. GIF displays a three dimensional view of the cup via motion parallax. Imaged with a non-mydriatic fundus camera at Pacific University College of Optometry.
Image by Eric Wiessner
Vision - Higher Processing
The myelinated axons of ganglion cells make up the optic nerves. Within the nerves, different axons carry different qualities of the visual signal. Some axons constitute the magnocellular (big cell) pathway, which carries information about form, movement, depth, and differences in brightness. Other axons constitute the parvocellular (small cell) pathway, which carries information on color and fine detail. Some visual information projects directly back into the brain, while other information crosses to the opposite side of the brain. This crossing of optical pathways produces the distinctive optic chiasma (Greek, for “crossing”) found at the base of the brain and allows us to coordinate information from both eyes.
Once in the brain, visual information is processed in several places, and its routes reflect the complexity and importance of visual information to humans and other animals. One route takes the signals to the thalamus, which serves as the routing station for all incoming sensory impulses except olfaction. In the thalamus, the magnocellular and parvocellular distinctions remain intact, and there are different layers of the thalamus dedicated to each. When visual signals leave the thalamus, they travel to the primary visual cortex at the rear of the brain. From the visual cortex, the visual signals travel in two directions. One stream that projects to the parietal lobe, in the side of the brain, carries magnocellular (“where”) information. A second stream projects to the temporal lobe and carries both magnocellular (“where”) and parvocellular (“what”) information.
Another important visual route is a pathway from the retina to the superior colliculus in the midbrain, where eye movements are coordinated and integrated with auditory information. Finally, there is the pathway from the retina to the suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) of the hypothalamus. The SCN is a cluster of cells that is considered to be the body’s internal clock, which controls our circadian (day-long) cycle. The SCN sends information to the pineal gland, which is important in sleep/wake patterns and annual cycles.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (7)
Optic Nerve and tract
(Top) Bi-hemispheric reconstructions of the optic nerve and tract (red) as well as of the optic radiation (yellow). (Bottom) Dissection of the optic radiation into Meyer's loop (yellow), central bundle (green), and dorsal bundle (blue). R, right, L, left.
Image by Hofer S, Karaus A and Frahm J
Left Hemisphere of the brain and Optic Nerve/tract
Brain Cross Section Optic Nerve
Image by TheVisualMD
Optic Nerve
Healthy optic nerve
Image by Esteve.olm
Optic Nerve - A bundle of more than 1 million nerve fibers that carries visual messages from the retina to the brain.
Optic Nerve - A bundle of more than 1 million nerve fibers that carries visual messages from the retina to the brain.
Image by TheVisualMD
Optic Nerve
Optic Nerve vs Optic Tract
Image by OpenStax College
We perceive depth in a two-dimensional figure like this one through the use of monocular cues like linear perspective, like the parallel lines converging as the road narrows in the distance. (credit: Marc Dalmulder)
Image by CNX Openstax (credit: Marc Dalmulder)
Visual Processing and the Visual Cortex
Video by Professor Dave Explains/YouTube
Optic Nerve and tract
Hofer S, Karaus A and Frahm J
Left Hemisphere of the brain and Optic Nerve/tract
Optic Nerve
Optic Nerve - A bundle of more than 1 million nerve fibers that carries visual messages from the retina to the brain.
Optic Nerve
OpenStax College
CNX Openstax (credit: Marc Dalmulder)
Visual Processing and the Visual Cortex
Professor Dave Explains/YouTube
Everyday Eye Care
Eye glasses
Image by Leo Karstens
Eye glasses
Image by Leo Karstens
Everyday Eye Care
Make sure to:
Get regular eye exams to assure the continued health of your eyes.
Always have a back-up pair of glasses with a current prescription in the event that you have problems with your contact lenses.
Always ask your eye care professional before using any medicine or using topical eye products, even those you buy without a prescription. Some medicines may affect your vision or irritate your eyes.
Ask your eye care professional about wearing glasses or contact lenses during sports activities to minimize your chance of injury.
Apply cosmetics after inserting lenses and remove your lenses before removing makeup.
Apply any aerosol products (hairspray, cologne, and deodorant) before inserting lenses.
Always inform your employer if you wear contact lenses. Some jobs may require the use of eye protection equipment or may require that you not wear lenses.
Follow and save the directions that come with your lenses. If you didn’t get a patient information booklet, request one from your eye care professional or look for one on the manufacturer’s website.
Replace contacts as recommended by your eye care professional. Throw away disposable lenses after recommended wearing period.
Do Not:
Sleep in daily wear lenses because it may increase your chance of infection or irritation.
Purchase contact lenses from gas stations, video stores, record shops, or any other vendor not authorized by law to dispense contact lenses. Contact lenses are medical devices that require a prescription.
Swap contact lens with another person. Swapping provides a way to transfer germs between people. Contact lenses are individually fitted. Incorrectly fitted lenses may cause permanent eye injury, infection and may potentially lead to blindness.
Smoke. Studies show that smokers who wear contact lenses have a higher rate of problems (adverse reactions) than nonsmokers.
Swim while wearing contact lenses. There is a risk of eye infection from bacteria in swimming pool water, hot tubs, lakes and the ocean
Source: FDA Consumer Health Information
Additional Materials (7)
Relieve Eye Strain with these Expert Tips
Video by UC San Diego Health/YouTube
Glasses, Spectacles, Eye Wear
Image by MabelAmber/Pixabay
Occupational Health
A plastic hardhat, leather work gloves, and clear plastic safety goggles that stand a symbol for occupational safety.A plastic hardhat, leather work gloves, and clear plastic safety goggles that stand a symbol for occupational safety.
Image by Compliance and Safety LLC
7 Tips for Using Contact Lenses Safely
Video by U.S. Food and Drug Administration/YouTube
You Only Have One Pair of Eyes
Follow these tips for healthy contact lens wear and care.
Document by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Eye Wise – Contact Lenses 101: No H2O – Keep Water Away From Contacts
Don’t rinse or store contacts in water, and avoid showering or swimming while wearing contacts.
Document by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
You Only Have One Pair of Eyes – Your Habits
Follow these tips about healthy contact lens wear habits.
Document by Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Relieve Eye Strain with these Expert Tips
UC San Diego Health/YouTube
Glasses, Spectacles, Eye Wear
Occupational Health
Compliance and Safety LLC
7 Tips for Using Contact Lenses Safely
U.S. Food and Drug Administration/YouTube
You Only Have One Pair of Eyes
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Eye Wise – Contact Lenses 101: No H2O – Keep Water Away From Contacts