The spinal cord—an extension of the brain—lies protected inside the bony spinal column. It contains bundles of nerves that carry messages between the brain and other parts of the body, such as instructions from the brain to move an arm or information from the skin that signals pain.
Cut away of the back of the human muscular system exposing the spinal cord
Image by TheVisualMD
Brain and Spinal Cord
Posterior-lateral view of the central nervous system
Image by TheVisualMD
Posterior-lateral view of the central nervous system
3D visualization reconstructed from scanned human data of a posterior-lateral view of the central nervous system. The central nervous system is made up of brain and spinal cord. Enclosed within, and protected by, the bony vertebral column, the spinal cord functions primarily in the transmission of neural signals between the brain and the rest of the body.
Image by TheVisualMD
Overview of the Brain and Spinal Cord
The brain has three major parts:
brain stem—This lowest part of the brain (above the neck) connects to the spinal cord and relays information between the brain and the body using bundles of long nerves. It controls basic life-sustaining functions, including blood pressure, heartbeat, breathing, consciousness, swallowing, and body temperature.
cerebrum—This largest and outermost part of the brain processes information from our senses to tell the body how to respond. It controls functions including movement, touch, judgment, learning, speech, emotions, and thinking.
cerebellum—Located at the lower rear of the brain, above the brain stem, the cerebellum controls balance, helps maintain equilibrium, and coordinates complex muscle movements like walking and talking.
The brain's two halves, or hemispheres, use nerve cells (neurons) to speak with each other. Each hemisphere has four sections, called lobes, which handle different neurological functions.
The frontal lobes manage voluntary movement, such as writing, and let us set and prioritize goals. A frontal lobe tumor can cause changes in personality, intellect, reasoning, and behavior; affect coordination and walking, and cause speech loss.
The temporal lobes are linked to perception, memory, and understanding sounds and words. A tumor here might cause speech and hearing problems, blackouts, seizures, or sensations such as a feeling of fear.
The parietal lobes let us simultaneously receive and understand sensations such as pressure and pain. A parietal lobe tumor might cause difficulty understanding or speaking words, problems with coordination, seizures, and numbness or weakness on one side of the body.
The occipital lobes receive and process light and visual images and detect motion. An occipital lobe tumor can affect the field of vision, usually on one side, and the way we understand written words.
The spinal cord—an extension of the brain—lies protected inside the bony spinal column. It contains bundles of nerves that carry messages between the brain and other parts of the body, such as instructions to move an arm or information from the skin that signals pain.
A tumor that forms on or near the spinal cord can disrupt communication between the brain and the nerves or restrict the cord's supply of blood. Because the spinal column is narrow, a tumor here—unlike a brain tumor—can cause symptoms on both sides of the body.
Spinal cord tumors, regardless of location, often cause pain, numbness, weakness or lack of coordination in the arms and legs, usually on both sides of the body. They also often cause bladder or bowel problems.
Spinal cord tumors are described based on where on the cord the tumor is located and each vertebra (part of a series of bones that form the backbone) is numbered from top to bottom. The neck region is called cervical (C), the back region is called thoracic (T), and the lower back region is called lumbar (L) or sacral/cauda equina (S). Tumors are further described by whether the tumor begins in the cells inside the spinal cord (intramedullary) or outside the spinal cord (extramedullary). Extramedullary tumors grow in the membrane surrounding the spinal cord (intradural) or outside (extradural).
Source: National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke (NINDS)
Additional Materials (14)
Anatomy and Physiology of Nervous System Part Brain
Video by New Anatomy and Physiology Video/YouTube
2. The Anatomy of the Spinal Cord and How it Works - Spinal Cord Injury 101
Video by KPKinteractive/YouTube
Neurology | Gross Anatomy of the Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves
Spinal Cord Anatomy - Blood Supply - 3D Anatomy Tutorial
Levels of Function in Spinal Cord Injury
VERTEBRAL COLUMN ANATOMY (2/2) - Ligaments and the Spinal Cord
Neural Academy/YouTube
2-Minute Neuroscience: Exterior of the Spinal Cord
Neuroscientifically Challenged/YouTube
2-Minute Neuroscience: Spinal Cord Cross-section
Neuroscientifically Challenged/YouTube
Understanding the brain & spinal cord connection in the nervous system
Spinal cord Gray matter
The Noted Anatomist/YouTube
Anatomy of the Spinal Cord and How it Works
Shepherd Center/YouTube
Spinal Cord
Spine and Spinal Cord
Image by TheVisualMD
Spine and Spinal Cord
Spinal reflexes are generated by the spinal cord in response to a signal from the PNS, without the need for further processing. Interestingly, you actually can control some reflexes, if you're aware that they're about to occur. For instance, you might very well stop that knee jerk if your favorite pet was directly in the line of fire.
Image by TheVisualMD
Spinal Cord
The Spinal Cord
The description of the CNS is concentrated on the structures of the brain, but the spinal cord is another major organ of the system. Whereas the brain develops out of expansions of the neural tube into primary and then secondary vesicles, the spinal cord maintains the tube structure and is only specialized into certain regions. As the spinal cord continues to develop in the newborn, anatomical features mark its surface. The anterior midline is marked by the anterior median fissure, and the posterior midline is marked by the posterior median sulcus. Axons enter the posterior side through the dorsal (posterior) nerve root, which marks the posterolateral sulcus on either side. The axons emerging from the anterior side do so through the ventral (anterior) nerve root. Note that it is common to see the terms dorsal (dorsal = “back”) and ventral (ventral = “belly”) used interchangeably with posterior and anterior, particularly in reference to nerves and the structures of the spinal cord. You should learn to be comfortable with both.
On the whole, the posterior regions are responsible for sensory functions and the anterior regions are associated with motor functions. This comes from the initial development of the spinal cord, which is divided into the basal plate and the alar plate. The basal plate is closest to the ventral midline of the neural tube, which will become the anterior face of the spinal cord and gives rise to motor neurons. The alar plate is on the dorsal side of the neural tube and gives rise to neurons that will receive sensory input from the periphery.
The length of the spinal cord is divided into regions that correspond to the regions of the vertebral column. The name of a spinal cord region corresponds to the level at which spinal nerves pass through the intervertebral foramina. Immediately adjacent to the brain stem is the cervical region, followed by the thoracic, then the lumbar, and finally the sacral region. The spinal cord is not the full length of the vertebral column because the spinal cord does not grow significantly longer after the first or second year, but the skeleton continues to grow. The nerves that emerge from the spinal cord pass through the intervertebral formina at the respective levels. As the vertebral column grows, these nerves grow with it and result in a long bundle of nerves that resembles a horse’s tail and is named the cauda equina. The sacral spinal cord is at the level of the upper lumbar vertebral bones. The spinal nerves extend from their various levels to the proper level of the vertebral column.
Gray Horns
In cross-section, the gray matter of the spinal cord has the appearance of an ink-blot test, with the spread of the gray matter on one side replicated on the other—a shape reminiscent of a bulbous capital “H.” As shown in image, the gray matter is subdivided into regions that are referred to as horns. The posterior horn is responsible for sensory processing. The anterior horn sends out motor signals to the skeletal muscles. The lateral horn, which is only found in the thoracic, upper lumbar, and sacral regions, is the central component of the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system.
Some of the largest neurons of the spinal cord are the multipolar motor neurons in the anterior horn. The fibers that cause contraction of skeletal muscles are the axons of these neurons. The motor neuron that causes contraction of the big toe, for example, is located in the sacral spinal cord. The axon that has to reach all the way to the belly of that muscle may be a meter in length. The neuronal cell body that maintains that long fiber must be quite large, possibly several hundred micrometers in diameter, making it one of the largest cells in the body.
White Columns
Just as the gray matter is separated into horns, the white matter of the spinal cord is separated into columns. Ascending tracts of nervous system fibers in these columns carry sensory information up to the brain, whereas descending tracts carry motor commands from the brain. Looking at the spinal cord longitudinally, the columns extend along its length as continuous bands of white matter. Between the two posterior horns of gray matter are the posterior columns. Between the two anterior horns, and bounded by the axons of motor neurons emerging from that gray matter area, are the anterior columns. The white matter on either side of the spinal cord, between the posterior horn and the axons of the anterior horn neurons, are the lateral columns. The posterior columns are composed of axons of ascending tracts. The anterior and lateral columns are composed of many different groups of axons of both ascending and descending tracts—the latter carrying motor commands down from the brain to the spinal cord to control output to the periphery.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (29)
Cut away of the back of the human muscular system exposing the spinal cord
Cut away of the back of the human muscular system exposing the spinal cord
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 44 Day Old (Week 8 for Gestational Age) Brain and Spinal Cord
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 13.0 mm - This left-sided image of the embryo at the end of the sixth week of development has been manipulated to concentrate on the brain and spinal cord. These structures were among the first structures to develop. The three major components of the brain can be seen highlighted in purplish red. The forebrain is the largest, the narrower part of the brain is the midbrain, and the hindbrain leads to the spinal cord. The spinal cord is marked in dark orange. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization.
Image by TheVisualMD
Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nerve
3D visualization reconstructed from scanned from human data of the spinal cord and peripheral nerves. The body requires rapid, two-way communications with all its territories. Branching symmetrically from the spinal cord, 31 pairs of nerves penetrate every inch of muscle and skin and every gland via a 30,000 mile network that relays information almost instantaneously to and from the brain. The peripheral nerves - the main trunk lines - subdivide the body into front and back, then again by region. The regions in the trunk are roughly horizontal, but those in the limbs are aligned lengthwise.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 40 Day Old (Week 7 for Gestational Age) Brain and Spinal Cord
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 8.0 mm - This image has been manipulated so that the concentration is focused on the major structures of the central nervous system, the brain and the spinal cord. This is a left-sided view of the brain and spinal cord, highlighted orange. The image of the brain indicates the beginnings of differentiation in this region. The three major components are the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain. The central nervous system was one of the first organ systems to develop, and it continues to grow well into the sixth week of embryonic development. This age is calculated from the day of fertilization.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 51 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) with Visible Spinal Cord
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 18.0 mm - This image provides a dorsal view of an embryo during the eighth week of development. Age is calculated from the day of fertilization. This image emphasizes the growth and the thickening of the spinal cord. On both sides of the spinal cord are the nerve endings, indicated in white, which provide the means for signaling and communication between the brain, spinal cord, and other internal systems. The elongated arm limbs can be seen protruding outwards in the upper region and lower regions.
Image by TheVisualMD
Anterior spinal artery syndrome
Incomplete lesions of the spinal cord. Brown-Séquard syndrome is shown in the bottom diagram
Image by Niels Olson
Segment of Spinal Cord and Spine
3D visualization reconstructed from scanned human data of a segment of the spinal cord. Depicted are the 5th, 6th, and 7th cervical, and the 1st thoracic vertebra. The solid vertebra provide a movable protective case for the spinal cord and branching nerves.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 48 Day Old (Week 8 for Gestational Age) Brain and Spinal Cord
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 18.0 mm - This image presents a right-dorsal view of the embryo during the eighth week of development. This age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The spinal cord can be discerned. The groove-like structure on the bottom part of the head indicates a developing external ear, called the auricle. The bulging, round structure near the front of the face is the eye where developing eyelids begin to close up. The limbs can be seen to have elongated.
Image by TheVisualMD
Cross section spinal cord
Cross section spinal cord
Image by TheVisualMD
Spinal Cord
Under a magnification of 450X, this photomicrograph reveals some of the histopathology seen in a sample of spinal cord tissue that had been processed using myelin stain, in a case of tabes dorsalis, also known as tabetic neurosyphilis. Here, you are able to see what is referred to as demyelination of the posterior columns of the spinal cord. These pathologic changes were due to a long-standing syphilitic disease. Demyelination of the spinal cord’s posterior columns, can result in a staggering, wide based gait, postural instability, pain and paresthesia.
Image by CDC/ Susan Lindsley
Sensory Neurons: Testing the Water
(1) The sensory neuron has endings in the skin that sense a stimulus such as water temperature. The strength of the signal that starts here is dependent on the strength of the stimulus. (2) The graded potential from the sensory endings, if strong enough, will initiate an action potential at the initial segment of the axon (which is immediately adjacent to the sensory endings in the skin). (3) The axon of the peripheral sensory neuron enters the spinal cord and contacts another neuron in the gray matter. The contact is a synapse where another graded potential is caused by the release of a chemical signal from the axon terminals. (4) An action potential is initiated at the initial segment of this neuron and travels up the sensory pathway to a region of the brain called the thalamus. Another synapse passes the information along to the next neuron. (5) The sensory pathway ends when the signal reaches the cerebral cortex. (6) After integration with neurons in other parts of the cerebral cortex, a motor command is sent from the precentral gyrus of the frontal cortex. (7) The upper motor neuron sends an action potential down to the spinal cord. The target of the upper motor neuron is the dendrites of the lower motor neuron in the gray matter of the spinal cord. (8) The axon of the lower motor neuron emerges from the spinal cord in a nerve and connects to a muscle through a neuromuscular junction to cause contraction of the target muscle.
Image by CNX Openstax
Signaling Spinal Cord
Combined sketch of the signal pathway from the periphery to the CNS and up the spinal cord. Secondary order neurons pass through both the spinoreticular and the spinothalamic tract, but only the latter is depicted here due to simplification.
Spinal cord compression: Cervical Spine MRI of patient with SCI: C4 fracture and dislocation, spinal cord compression
Image by Андрей Королев 86
Posterior-lateral view of the central nervous system
3D visualization reconstructed from scanned human data of a posterior-lateral view of the central nervous system. The central nervous system is made up of brain and spinal cord. Enclosed within, and protected by, the bony vertebral column, the spinal cord functions primarily in the transmission of neural signals between the brain and the rest of the body.
Image by TheVisualMD
Spinal Cord
Diagram of the spinal cord
Image by Cancer Research UK / Wikimedia Commons
Spinal Cord
Tracts of the spinal cord.
Image by Polarlys and Mikael Haggstrom
Spinal Cord
Spinal Cord Sectional Anatomy
Image by BruceBlaus
Spinal Cord Sensory Pathways
A medical illustration depicting the spinal cord's sensory pathways.
Spinal Cord Injury / Paralysis - Everything You Need To Know - Dr. Nabil Ebraheim
nabil ebraheim/YouTube
Levels of Function in Spinal Cord Injury
More on Spinal Cord
Vertebral Column
Vertebral Column
Vertebral Column - Lumbar spine
Vertebral Column
Bones of the Vertebral Column
Interactive by TheVisualMD
Vertebral Column
Vertebral Column
Vertebral Column - Lumbar spine
Vertebral Column
Bones of the Vertebral Column
Your vertebral column is divided into four regions: the cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and sacral spines. Vertebrae are increasingly large toward the bottom of the spine to support the weight of the upper body. Most back pain originates in the lumbar spine.
Interactive by TheVisualMD
Spinal Cord
The spinal cord extends from the foramen magnum at the base of the skull to the level of the first lumbar vertebra. The cord is continuous with the medulla oblongata at the foramen magnum. Like the brain, the spinal cord is surrounded by bone, meninges, and cerebrospinal fluid.
The spinal cord is divided into 31 segments, with each segment giving rise to a pair of spinal nerves. At the distal end of the cord, many spinal nerves extend beyond the conus medullaris to form a collection that resembles a horse's tail. This is the cauda equina. In cross section, the spinal cord appears oval in shape.
Source: SEER Training National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Additional Materials (6)
Thoracic Vertebra with Spinal Cord
3D visualization reconstructed from scanned human data of a superior view of a thoracic vertebra. The spinal cord is visible within the vertebral foramen. Gray and white matter, ventral and dorsal roots, dura mater, arachnoid matter are depicted.
Image by TheVisualMD
Spinal Nerve Plexuses
Spinal Nerve Plexuses - Superimposed image of the spinal plexuses on a human back.
Image by OpenStax College
Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nerve
3D visualization reconstructed from scanned from human data of the spinal cord and peripheral nerves. The body requires rapid, two-way communications with all its territories. Branching symmetrically from the spinal cord, 31 pairs of nerves penetrate every inch of muscle and skin and every gland via a 30,000 mile network that relays information almost instantaneously to and from the brain. The peripheral nerves - the main trunk lines - subdivide the body into front and back, then again by region. The regions in the trunk are roughly horizontal, but those in the limbs are aligned lengthwise.
Image by TheVisualMD
Anatomy of the Spinal Cord and How it Works
Video by Shepherd Center/YouTube
When the spinal cord is injured, the damaged nerve fibers — called axons
When the spinal cord is injured, the damaged nerve fibers — called axons — are normally incapable of regrowth, leading to permanent loss of function. An NIH-funded research project in mice is providing insight into why nerves fail to regrow following injury and shows that boosting energy levels within damaged nerves may help them heal. In this image: After injury (see damage at the center of the image), nerve fibers (in red) regrow past the injury (right) when energy levels in the tissue are increased.
Image by NIH Image Gallery from Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Sensitive content
This media may include sensitive content
Spine Anatomy and Functions
Spinal cord tumors are described based on where on the cord the tumor is located and each vertebra is numbered from top to bottom. The neck region is called cervical (C), the back region is called thoracic (T), and the lower back region is called lumbar (L) or sacral/cauda equina (S). Tumors are further described by whether the tumor begins in the cells inside the spinal cord (intramedullary) or outside the spinal cord (extramedullary). Extramedullary tumors grow in the membrane surrounding the spinal cord (intradural) or outside (extradural).
Image by National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Thoracic Vertebra with Spinal Cord
Spinal Nerve Plexuses
OpenStax College
Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nerve
Anatomy of the Spinal Cord and How it Works
Shepherd Center/YouTube
When the spinal cord is injured, the damaged nerve fibers — called axons
NIH Image Gallery from Bethesda, Maryland, USA
Sensitive content
This media may include sensitive content
Spine Anatomy and Functions
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Spinal Nerves
Nervous System
Image by TheVisualMD
Nervous System
Nervous System
Image by TheVisualMD
Spinal Nerves
Spinal nerves transmit sensory and motor information between the spinal cord and the rest of the body. Each of the 31 spinal nerves (in humans) contains both sensory and motor axons. The sensory neuron cell bodies are grouped in structures called dorsal root ganglia and are shown in Figure. Each sensory neuron has one projection-with a sensory receptor ending in skin, muscle, or sensory organs-and another that synapses with a neuron in the dorsal spinal cord. Motor neurons have cell bodies in the ventral gray matter of the spinal cord that project to muscle through the ventral root. These neurons are usually stimulated by interneurons within the spinal cord but are sometimes directly stimulated by sensory neurons.
Spinal nerves contain both sensory and motor axons. The somas of sensory neurons are located in dorsal root ganglia. The somas of motor neurons are found in the ventral portion of the gray matter of the spinal cord.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (29)
Nervous System
Nervous System
Image by TheVisualMD
Nervous System
Nervous System
Image by TheVisualMD
Segment of Spinal Cord, cervical and thoracic vertebrae
3D visualization reconstructed from scanned human data of a segment of the spinal cord. Depicted are the 5th, 6th, and 7th cervical, and the 1st thoracic vertebra. The solid vertebra provide a movable protective case for the spinal cord and branching nerves.
Drawing of the outline of a body showing the nervous system with descriptions of each of the four types of nerves. Cranial nerves go from your brain to your eyes, mouth, ears, and other parts of your head. Central nerves are in your brain and spinal cord. Peripheral nerves go from your spinal cord to your arms, hands, legs, and feet. Autonomic nerves go from your spinal cord to your lungs, heart, stomach, intestines, bladder, and sex organs
The nervous system has four main parts—cranial, central, peripheral, and autonomic. Diabetes can damage the peripheral, autonomic, and cranial nerves.
Image by NIDDK Image Library
Central and Peripheral Nervous System
The structures of the PNS are referred to as ganglia and nerves, which can be seen as distinct structures. The equivalent structures in the CNS are not obvious from this overall perspective and are best examined in prepared tissue under the microscope.
Image by CNX Openstax
Embryo 54 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Without Skin
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 26.0 mm - This image provides a left-sided view of the embryo undergoing its eighth week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The primary focus of this image is on the internal organ structures of the embryo. The two major components of the central nervous system, the brain and the spinal cord are highlighted in brown. The three major parts of the brain can be observed. The largest part facing downwards is the forebrain. The narrow segment in the middle is the midbrain. The hindbrain connects the midbrain and spinal cord. The left eye is indicated in pink. The heart is marked in bright red and is situated alongside the lung, marked in orange. The tube-like structure shown above the heart is the esophagus. The large red structure shown below the heart and lungs is the liver. The red structure protruding outwards from the embryo is the umbilical cord, which serves as a mechanism for gas exchange, nutrient delivery and waste removal.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 54 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Central Nervous System
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 26.0 mm - This image provides a dorsal view from the left side of the embryo during its eighth week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The image has been manipulated so that the skin appears translucent. The primary focus of this image is the central nervous system. The two main organs that comprise this system are the brain and spinal cord which are highlighted in orange. The three main components of the brain can be observed. The largest portion in the front of the head is called the forebrain, the narrow middle segment is called the midbrain, and the hindbrain is the portion that connects the midbrain with the spinal cord. The nerve endings surrounding the spinal cord are indicated in white.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 54 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Central Nervous System
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 26.0 mm - This image provides a left-sided view from the left side of the embryo during its eighth week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The image has been manipulated so that the skin appears translucent. The primary focus of this image is the central nervous system. The two main organs that comprise this system are the brain and spinal cord which are highlighted in orange. The three main components of the brain can be observed. The largest portion in the front of the head is called the forebrain, the narrow middle segment is called the midbrain, and the hindbrain is the portion that connects the midbrain with the spinal cord. The nerve endings surrounding the spinal cord are indicated in white.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 54 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Central Nervous System
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 26.0 mm - This image provides a dorsal view of the embryo during its eighth week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The image has been manipulated so that the skin appears translucent. The primary focus of this image is the central nervous system. The two main organs that comprise this system are the brain and spinal cord which are highlighted in orange. The three main components of the brain can be observed. The largest portion in the front of the head is called the forebrain, the narrow middle segment is called the midbrain, and the hindbrain is the portion that connects the midbrain with the spinal cord. The nerve endings surrounding the spinal cord are indicated in white.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 54 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Central Nervous System
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 26.0 mm - This image provides a right-sided view of the embryo during its eighth week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The image has been manipulated so that the skin appears translucent. The primary focus of this image is the central nervous system. The two main organs that comprise this system are the brain and spinal cord which are highlighted in orange. The three main components of the brain can be observed. The largest portion in the front of the head is called the forebrain, the narrow middle segment is called the midbrain, and the hindbrain is the portion that connects the midbrain with the spinal cord. The nerve endings surrounding the spinal cord are indicated in white.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 54 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Central Nervous System
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 26.0 mm - This image provides a frontal view of the embryo during its eighth week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The image has been manipulated so that the skin appears translucent. The primary focus of this image is the central nervous system. The two main organs that comprise this system are the brain and spinal cord which are highlighted in orange. The three main components of the brain can be observed. The largest portion in the front of the head is called the forebrain, the narrow middle segment is called the midbrain, and the hindbrain is the portion that connects the midbrain with the spinal cord. The nerve endings surrounding the spinal cord are indicated in white.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 54 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Internal Anatomy
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 26.0 mm - This image provides a left-sided view of the embryo as it undergoes its eighth week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The skin and surface anatomy has been excluded in order to focus on the internal organs. The brain and the spinal cord, primary components of the central nervous system, are indicated in orange. The nerve endings surrounding the spinal cord are highlighted in light yellow. The two eyes are marked as two gray orbs situated near the brain. The esophagus is indicated as the yellow tube-like structure near the spinal cord. The heart, marked in bright red, is situated beneath the esophagus. The lung is marked in orange. The liver is the indicated as the purplish-red organ below the lung.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 54 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Internal Organ
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 26.0 mm - This image provides a right-sided view of the embryo as it undergoes its eighth week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The skin and surface anatomy has been excluded in order to focus on the internal organs. The brain and the spinal cord, primary components of the central nervous system, are indicated in orange. The nerve endings surrounding the spinal cord are highlighted in light yellow. The two eyes are marked as two gray orbs situated near the brain. The esophagus is indicated as the yellow tube-like structure near the spinal cord. The heart, marked in bright red, is situated beneath the esophagus. The lung is marked in orange. The liver is the indicated as the purplish-red organ below the lung.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 54 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Internal Anatomy
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 26.0 mm - This image provides a left-sided view of the embryo as it undergoes its eighth week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The skin and surface anatomy has been excluded in order to focus on the internal organs. The brain and the spinal cord, primary components of the central nervous system, are indicated in orange. The nerve endings surrounding the spinal cord are highlighted in light yellow. The two eyes are marked as two gray orbs situated near the brain. The esophagus is indicated as the yellow tube-like structure near the spinal cord. The heart, marked in bright red, is situated beneath the esophagus. The lung is marked in orange. The liver is the indicated as the purplish-red organ below the lung.
Image by TheVisualMD
Sensitive content
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Spine Anatomy and Functions
Spinal cord tumors are described based on where on the cord the tumor is located and each vertebra is numbered from top to bottom. The neck region is called cervical (C), the back region is called thoracic (T), and the lower back region is called lumbar (L) or sacral/cauda equina (S). Tumors are further described by whether the tumor begins in the cells inside the spinal cord (intramedullary) or outside the spinal cord (extramedullary). Extramedullary tumors grow in the membrane surrounding the spinal cord (intradural) or outside (extradural).
Image by National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Thoracic Vertebra with Spinal Cord
3D visualization reconstructed from scanned human data of a superior view of a thoracic vertebra. The spinal cord is visible within the vertebral foramen. Gray and white matter, ventral and dorsal roots, dura mater, arachnoid matter are depicted.
Image by TheVisualMD
What Are the Symptoms of Spinal Stenosis?
Neck MRI : Spinal Stenosis
Image by Nevit Dilmen (talk)
Spinal Nerve Plexuses
Spinal Nerve Plexuses - Superimposed image of the spinal plexuses on a human back.
Image by OpenStax College
Axon Terminal
A normal spinal cord reflex arc, whereas the axon reflex would bypass the interneuron. This distinction is important because early researchers had to differentiate between the spinal cord reflex and the axon reflex to understand the body's response to stimuli.
Image by MartaAguayo
Drawing of a brain, spinal cord, and bladder
Drawing of a brain, spinal cord, and bladder. Labels point to the brain, spinal cord, bladder, urethra, and sphincter muscles. An additional label explains that the brain and spinal cord make up the central nervous system. Arrows pointing from the spinal cord to the bladder and sphincter muscles represent nerve signals. Nerves carry signals from the brain to the bladder and sphincter.
Image by NIDDK Image Library
Connections of Sympathetic Division of the Autonomic Nervous System
Neurons from the lateral horn of the spinal cord (preganglionic nerve fibers - solid lines)) project to the chain ganglia on either side of the vertebral column or to collateral (prevertebral) ganglia that are anterior to the vertebral column in the abdominal cavity. Axons from these ganglionic neurons (postganglionic nerve fibers - dotted lines) then project to target effectors throughout the body.
Image by CNX Openstax
Comparison of Somatic and Visceral Reflexes
The afferent inputs to somatic and visceral reflexes are essentially the same, whereas the efferent branches are different. Somatic reflexes, for instance, involve a direct connection from the ventral horn of the spinal cord to the skeletal muscle. Visceral reflexes involve a projection from the central neuron to a ganglion, followed by a second projection from the ganglion to the target effector.
Image by CNX Openstax
Nervous System
Nervous System
Image by TheVisualMD
CNS, Spinal cord, Cerebrum, Facial Nerves, brain lobes with Visible Sulci and Gyri
CNS, Spinal cord, Cerebrum, Facial Nerves, brain lobes with Visible Sulci and Gyri : 3D visualization reconstructed from scanned human data of the cerebrum. The cerebrum, the largest part of the brain, presents a complexly convoluted surface characterized by sulci (grooves) and gyri (fissures) which outline functional areas that enable the conscious acts of thinking and creating. The specific functional regions are differentiated by color in this image.
Image by TheVisualMD
Female Figure with Back Muscles and Vertebral Column
Your spine is an amazing creation. The 33 vertebral bones protect the delicate spinal cord that sends out nerves to every part of your body. The vertebrae of the spinal column, divided into the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar vertebrae, are composed of porous bone surrounded by harder cortical bone. They increase in diameter as they progress down the spine because they must carry more of your body's weight. The intervertebral discs are spongy pads of cartilage packed between the unfused vertebrae, cushioning and stabilizing them. The spinal cord runs through the cervical and thoracic vertebrae. It ends at the bottom of the thoracic vertebrae, where nerve roots come off the end of the spinal cord like the hairs of a horse's tail. A huge array of muscles, arranged in layers, allow you to stand upright and give you a broad range of motion. But this broad range of motion can cause problems when the soft tissues of your back are damaged.
Image by TheVisualMD
Cervical Vertebra with Spinal Cord
3D visualization reconstructed from scanned human data of a superior view of a cervical vertebra. The spinal cord is visible within the vertebral foramen. Gray and white matter, ventral and dorsal roots, dura mater, arachnoid matter are depicted.
Image by TheVisualMD
Nervous System
Nervous System
Segment of Spinal Cord, cervical and thoracic vertebrae
Drawing of the outline of a body showing the nervous system with descriptions of each of the four types of nerves. Cranial nerves go from your brain to your eyes, mouth, ears, and other parts of your head. Central nerves are in your brain and spinal cord. Peripheral nerves go from your spinal cord to your arms, hands, legs, and feet. Autonomic nerves go from your spinal cord to your lungs, heart, stomach, intestines, bladder, and sex organs
NIDDK Image Library
Central and Peripheral Nervous System
CNX Openstax
Embryo 54 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Without Skin
Embryo 54 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Central Nervous System
Embryo 54 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Central Nervous System
Embryo 54 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Central Nervous System
Embryo 54 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Central Nervous System
Embryo 54 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Central Nervous System
Embryo 54 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Internal Anatomy
Embryo 54 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Internal Organ
Embryo 54 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Internal Anatomy
Sensitive content
This media may include sensitive content
Spine Anatomy and Functions
National Cancer Institute (NCI)
Thoracic Vertebra with Spinal Cord
What Are the Symptoms of Spinal Stenosis?
Nevit Dilmen (talk)
Spinal Nerve Plexuses
OpenStax College
Axon Terminal
Drawing of a brain, spinal cord, and bladder
NIDDK Image Library
Connections of Sympathetic Division of the Autonomic Nervous System
CNX Openstax
Comparison of Somatic and Visceral Reflexes
CNX Openstax
Nervous System
CNS, Spinal cord, Cerebrum, Facial Nerves, brain lobes with Visible Sulci and Gyri
Female Figure with Back Muscles and Vertebral Column
Cervical Vertebra with Spinal Cord
Descending Pathways
Ventromedial Nerve Pathways Descending
Image by BruceBlaus/Wikimedia
Ventromedial Nerve Pathways Descending
Image by BruceBlaus/Wikimedia
Descending Pathways
The motor output from the cortex descends into the brain stem and to the spinal cord to control the musculature through motor neurons. Neurons located in the primary motor cortex, named Betz cells, are large cortical neurons that synapse with lower motor neurons in the brain stem or in the spinal cord. The two descending pathways travelled by the axons of Betz cells are the corticobulbar tract and the corticospinal tract, respectively. Both tracts are named for their origin in the cortex and their targets—either the brain stem (the term “bulbar” refers to the brain stem as the bulb, or enlargement, at the top of the spinal cord) or the spinal cord.
These two descending pathways are responsible for the conscious or voluntary movements of skeletal muscles. Any motor command from the primary motor cortex is sent down the axons of the Betz cells to activate upper motor neurons in either the cranial motor nuclei or in the ventral horn of the spinal cord. The axons of the corticobulbar tract are ipsilateral, meaning they project from the cortex to the motor nucleus on the same side of the nervous system. Conversely, the axons of the corticospinal tract are largely contralateral, meaning that they cross the midline of the brain stem or spinal cord and synapse on the opposite side of the body. Therefore, the right motor cortex of the cerebrum controls muscles on the left side of the body, and vice versa.
The corticospinal tract descends from the cortex through the deep white matter of the cerebrum. It then passes between the caudate nucleus and putamen of the basal nuclei as a bundle called the internal capsule. The tract then passes through the midbrain as the cerebral peduncles, after which it burrows through the pons. Upon entering the medulla, the tracts make up the large white matter tract referred to as the pyramids (image). The defining landmark of the medullary-spinal border is the pyramidal decussation, which is where most of the fibers in the corticospinal tract cross over to the opposite side of the brain. At this point, the tract separates into two parts, which have control over different domains of the musculature.
Appendicular Control
The lateral corticospinal tract is composed of the fibers that cross the midline at the pyramidal decussation (see image). The axons cross over from the anterior position of the pyramids in the medulla to the lateral column of the spinal cord. These axons are responsible for controlling appendicular muscles.
This influence over the appendicular muscles means that the lateral corticospinal tract is responsible for moving the muscles of the arms and legs. The ventral horn in both the lower cervical spinal cord and the lumbar spinal cord both have wider ventral horns, representing the greater number of muscles controlled by these motor neurons. The cervical enlargement is particularly large because there is greater control over the fine musculature of the upper limbs, particularly of the fingers. The lumbar enlargement is not as significant in appearance because there is less fine motor control of the lower limbs.
Axial Control
The anterior corticospinal tract is responsible for controlling the muscles of the body trunk (see image). These axons do not decussate in the medulla. Instead, they remain in an anterior position as they descend the brain stem and enter the spinal cord. These axons then travel to the spinal cord level at which they synapse with a lower motor neuron. Upon reaching the appropriate level, the axons decussate, entering the ventral horn on the opposite side of the spinal cord from which they entered. In the ventral horn, these axons synapse with their corresponding lower motor neurons. The lower motor neurons are located in the medial regions of the ventral horn, because they control the axial muscles of the trunk.
Because movements of the body trunk involve both sides of the body, the anterior corticospinal tract is not entirely contralateral. Some collateral branches of the tract will project into the ipsilateral ventral horn to control synergistic muscles on that side of the body, or to inhibit antagonistic muscles through interneurons within the ventral horn. Through the influence of both sides of the body, the anterior corticospinal tract can coordinate postural muscles in broad movements of the body. These coordinating axons in the anterior corticospinal tract are often considered bilateral, as they are both ipsilateral and contralateral.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Ventral Horn Output
Spinal Cord Sectional Anatomy
Image by BruceBlaus
Spinal Cord Sectional Anatomy
Spinal Cord Sectional Anatomy.
Image by BruceBlaus
Ventral Horn Output
The somatic nervous system provides output strictly to skeletal muscles. The lower motor neurons, which are responsible for the contraction of these muscles, are found in the ventral horn of the spinal cord. These large, multipolar neurons have a corona of dendrites surrounding the cell body and an axon that extends out of the ventral horn. This axon travels through the ventral nerve root to join the emerging spinal nerve. The axon is relatively long because it needs to reach muscles in the periphery of the body. The diameters of cell bodies may be on the order of hundreds of micrometers to support the long axon; some axons are a meter in length, such as the lumbar motor neurons that innervate muscles in the first digits of the feet.
The axons will also branch to innervate multiple muscle fibers. Together, the motor neuron and all the muscle fibers that it controls make up a motor unit. Motor units vary in size. Some may contain up to 1000 muscle fibers, such as in the quadriceps, or they may only have 10 fibers, such as in an extraocular muscle. The number of muscle fibers that are part of a motor unit corresponds to the precision of control of that muscle. Also, muscles that have finer motor control have more motor units connecting to them, and this requires a larger topographical field in the primary motor cortex.
Motor neuron axons connect to muscle fibers at a neuromuscular junction. This is a specialized synaptic structure at which multiple axon terminals synapse with the muscle fiber sarcolemma. The synaptic end bulbs of the motor neurons secrete acetylcholine, which binds to receptors on the sarcolemma. The binding of acetylcholine opens ligand-gated ion channels, increasing the movement of cations across the sarcolemma. This depolarizes the sarcolemma, initiating muscle contraction. Whereas other synapses result in graded potentials that must reach a threshold in the postsynaptic target, activity at the neuromuscular junction reliably leads to muscle fiber contraction with every nerve impulse received from a motor neuron. However, the strength of contraction and the number of fibers that contract can be affected by the frequency of the motor neuron impulses.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Sensory Nerves
Stretch Reflex
Image by Cenveo
Stretch Reflex
Stretch Reflex. When a muscle is stretched (1), muscle spindles (2) send information to the spinal cord (3) where it synapses on motor neuron of the same muscle (4) causing it to contract (5). At the same time, stimulation of an inhibitory interneuron (6) prevents contraction of the antagonistic muscle (7 and 8).
Image by Cenveo
Sensory Nerves
Once any sensory cell transduces a stimulus into a nerve impulse, that impulse has to travel along axons to reach the CNS. In many of the special senses, the axons leaving the sensory receptors have a topographical arrangement, meaning that the location of the sensory receptor relates to the location of the axon in the nerve. For example, in the retina, axons from RGCs in the fovea are located at the center of the optic nerve, where they are surrounded by axons from the more peripheral RGCs.
Spinal Nerves
Generally, spinal nerves contain afferent axons from sensory receptors in the periphery, such as from the skin, mixed with efferent axons travelling to the muscles or other effector organs. As the spinal nerve nears the spinal cord, it splits into dorsal and ventral roots. The dorsal root contains only the axons of sensory neurons, whereas the ventral roots contain only the axons of the motor neurons. Some of the branches will synapse with local neurons in the dorsal root ganglion, posterior (dorsal) horn, or even the anterior (ventral) horn, at the level of the spinal cord where they enter. Other branches will travel a short distance up or down the spine to interact with neurons at other levels of the spinal cord. A branch may also turn into the posterior (dorsal) column of the white matter to connect with the brain. For the sake of convenience, we will use the terms ventral and dorsal in reference to structures within the spinal cord that are part of these pathways. This will help to underscore the relationships between the different components. Typically, spinal nerve systems that connect to the brain are contralateral, in that the right side of the body is connected to the left side of the brain and the left side of the body to the right side of the brain.
Cranial Nerves
Cranial nerves convey specific sensory information from the head and neck directly to the brain. Whereas spinal information is contralateral, cranial nerve systems, with some exceptions, are mostly ipsilateral, meaning that a cranial nerve on the right side of the head is connected to the right side of the brain. Some cranial nerves contain only sensory axons, such as the olfactory, optic, and vestibulocochlear nerves. Other cranial nerves contain both sensory and motor axons, including the trigeminal, facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves (however, the vagus nerve is not associated with the somatic nervous system). The general senses of somatosensation for the face travel through the trigeminal system.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (5)
Somatosensory tracts | Organ Systems | MCAT | Khan Academy
Video by khanacademymedicine/YouTube
What Makes You Unique?
Image by TheVisualMD
What Makes You Unique
Everything you think of as making up your essential "self," your intellect, emotions and feelings, desires, thoughts and perceptions, and dreams, all depend on a 3-pound mass of cells inside your skull: your brain. Your brain joins with your spine and billions of nerve cells, or neurons, to form your nervous system. The nervous system is both an internal network of consciousness and connections, and your sensory pathway to the outside world.
Image by TheVisualMD
Comparison of Somatic and Visceral Reflexes
Crossed-Extensor Reflex
Crossed-Extensor Reflex. In this reflex, as withdrawal from the damaging stimulus occurs in the ipsilateral leg, extension occurs in the contralateral leg as a way of maintaining balance.
Image by Cenveo
Somatosensory tracts | Organ Systems | MCAT | Khan Academy
What Makes You Unique?
What Makes You Unique
Crossed-Extensor Reflex
Sensory Pathways
What Makes You Unique?
Image by TheVisualMD
What Makes You Unique?
Image by TheVisualMD
Sensory Pathways
Sensory Pathways
Specific regions of the CNS coordinate different somatic processes using sensory inputs and motor outputs of peripheral nerves. A simple case is a reflex caused by a synapse between a dorsal sensory neuron axon and a motor neuron in the ventral horn. More complex arrangements are possible to integrate peripheral sensory information with higher processes. The important regions of the CNS that play a role in somatic processes can be separated into the spinal cord brain stem, diencephalon, cerebral cortex, and subcortical structures.
Spinal Cord and Brain Stem
A sensory pathway that carries peripheral sensations to the brain is referred to as an ascending pathway, or ascending tract. The various sensory modalities each follow specific pathways through the CNS. Tactile and other somatosensory stimuli activate receptors in the skin, muscles, tendons, and joints throughout the entire body. However, the somatosensory pathways are divided into two separate systems on the basis of the location of the receptor neurons. Somatosensory stimuli from below the neck pass along the sensory pathways of the spinal cord, whereas somatosensory stimuli from the head and neck travel through the cranial nerves—specifically, the trigeminal system.
The dorsal column system (sometimes referred to as the dorsal column–medial lemniscus) and the spinothalamic tract are two major pathways that bring sensory information to the brain (image). The sensory pathways in each of these systems are composed of three successive neurons.
The dorsal column system begins with the axon of a dorsal root ganglion neuron entering the dorsal root and joining the dorsal column white matter in the spinal cord. As axons of this pathway enter the dorsal column, they take on a positional arrangement so that axons from lower levels of the body position themselves medially, whereas axons from upper levels of the body position themselves laterally. The dorsal column is separated into two component tracts, the fasciculus gracilis that contains axons from the legs and lower body, and the fasciculus cuneatus that contains axons from the upper body and arms.
The axons in the dorsal column terminate in the nuclei of the medulla, where each synapses with the second neuron in their respective pathway. The nucleus gracilis is the target of fibers in the fasciculus gracilis, whereas the nucleus cuneatus is the target of fibers in the fasciculus cuneatus. The second neuron in the system projects from one of the two nuclei and then decussates, or crosses the midline of the medulla. These axons then continue to ascend the brain stem as a bundle called the medial lemniscus. These axons terminate in the thalamus, where each synapses with the third neuron in their respective pathway. The third neuron in the system projects its axons to the postcentral gyrus of the cerebral cortex, where somatosensory stimuli are initially processed and the conscious perception of the stimulus occurs.
The spinothalamic tract also begins with neurons in a dorsal root ganglion. These neurons extend their axons to the dorsal horn, where they synapse with the second neuron in their respective pathway. The name “spinothalamic” comes from this second neuron, which has its cell body in the spinal cord gray matter and connects to the thalamus. Axons from these second neurons then decussate within the spinal cord and ascend to the brain and enter the thalamus, where each synapses with the third neuron in its respective pathway. The neurons in the thalamus then project their axons to the spinothalamic tract, which synapses in the postcentral gyrus of the cerebral cortex.
These two systems are similar in that they both begin with dorsal root ganglion cells, as with most general sensory information. The dorsal column system is primarily responsible for touch sensations and proprioception, whereas the spinothalamic tract pathway is primarily responsible for pain and temperature sensations. Another similarity is that the second neurons in both of these pathways are contralateral, because they project across the midline to the other side of the brain or spinal cord. In the dorsal column system, this decussation takes place in the brain stem; in the spinothalamic pathway, it takes place in the spinal cord at the same spinal cord level at which the information entered. The third neurons in the two pathways are essentially the same. In both, the second neuron synapses in the thalamus, and the thalamic neuron projects to the somatosensory cortex.
Anterior View of Ascending Sensory Pathways of the Spinal Cord
The dorsal column system and spinothalamic tract are the major ascending pathways that connect the periphery with the brain.
The trigeminal pathway carries somatosensory information from the face, head, mouth, and nasal cavity. As with the previously discussed nerve tracts, the sensory pathways of the trigeminal pathway each involve three successive neurons. First, axons from the trigeminal ganglion enter the brain stem at the level of the pons. These axons project to one of three locations. The spinal trigeminal nucleus of the medulla receives information similar to that carried by spinothalamic tract, such as pain and temperature sensations. Other axons go to either the chief sensory nucleus in the pons or the mesencephalic nuclei in the midbrain. These nuclei receive information like that carried by the dorsal column system, such as touch, pressure, vibration, and proprioception. Axons from the second neuron decussate and ascend to the thalamus along the trigeminothalamic tract. In the thalamus, each axon synapses with the third neuron in its respective pathway. Axons from the third neuron then project from the thalamus to the primary somatosensory cortex of the cerebrum.
The sensory pathway for gustation travels along the facial and glossopharyngeal cranial nerves, which synapse with neurons of the solitary nucleus in the brain stem. Axons from the solitary nucleus then project to the ventral posterior nucleus of the thalamus. Finally, axons from the ventral posterior nucleus project to the gustatory cortex of the cerebral cortex, where taste is processed and consciously perceived.
The sensory pathway for audition travels along the vestibulocochlear nerve, which synapses with neurons in the cochlear nuclei of the superior medulla. Within the brain stem, input from either ear is combined to extract location information from the auditory stimuli. Whereas the initial auditory stimuli received at the cochlea strictly represent the frequency—or pitch—of the stimuli, the locations of sounds can be determined by comparing information arriving at both ears.
Sound localization is a feature of central processing in the auditory nuclei of the brain stem. Sound localization is achieved by the brain calculating the interaural time difference and the interaural intensity difference. A sound originating from a specific location will arrive at each ear at different times, unless the sound is directly in front of the listener. If the sound source is slightly to the left of the listener, the sound will arrive at the left ear microseconds before it arrives at the right ear (image). This time difference is an example of an interaural time difference. Also, the sound will be slightly louder in the left ear than in the right ear because some of the sound waves reaching the opposite ear are blocked by the head. This is an example of an interaural intensity difference.
Auditory Brain Stem Mechanisms of Sound Localization
Localizing sound in the horizontal plane is achieved by processing in the medullary nuclei of the auditory system. Connections between neurons on either side are able to compare very slight differences in sound stimuli that arrive at either ear and represent interaural time and intensity differences.
Auditory processing continues on to a nucleus in the midbrain called the inferior colliculus. Axons from the inferior colliculus project to two locations, the thalamus and the superior colliculus. The medial geniculate nucleus of the thalamus receives the auditory information and then projects that information to the auditory cortex in the temporal lobe of the cerebral cortex. The superior colliculus receives input from the visual and somatosensory systems, as well as the ears, to initiate stimulation of the muscles that turn the head and neck toward the auditory stimulus.
Balance is coordinated through the vestibular system, the nerves of which are composed of axons from the vestibular ganglion that carries information from the utricle, saccule, and semicircular canals. The system contributes to controlling head and neck movements in response to vestibular signals. An important function of the vestibular system is coordinating eye and head movements to maintain visual attention. Most of the axons terminate in the vestibular nuclei of the medulla. Some axons project from the vestibular ganglion directly to the cerebellum, with no intervening synapse in the vestibular nuclei. The cerebellum is primarily responsible for initiating movements on the basis of equilibrium information.
Neurons in the vestibular nuclei project their axons to targets in the brain stem. One target is the reticular formation, which influences respiratory and cardiovascular functions in relation to body movements. A second target of the axons of neurons in the vestibular nuclei is the spinal cord, which initiates the spinal reflexes involved with posture and balance. To assist the visual system, fibers of the vestibular nuclei project to the oculomotor, trochlear, and abducens nuclei to influence signals sent along the cranial nerves. These connections constitute the pathway of the vestibulo-ocular reflex (VOR), which compensates for head and body movement by stabilizing images on the retina (image). Finally, the vestibular nuclei project to the thalamus to join the proprioceptive pathway of the dorsal column system, allowing conscious perception of equilibrium.
Vestibulo-ocular Reflex
Connections between the vestibular system and the cranial nerves controlling eye movement keep the eyes centered on a visual stimulus, even though the head is moving. During head movement, the eye muscles move the eyes in the opposite direction as the head movement, keeping the visual stimulus centered in the field of view.
The connections of the optic nerve are more complicated than those of other cranial nerves. Instead of the connections being between each eye and the brain, visual information is segregated between the left and right sides of the visual field. In addition, some of the information from one side of the visual field projects to the opposite side of the brain. Within each eye, the axons projecting from the medial side of the retina decussate at the optic chiasm. For example, the axons from the medial retina of the left eye cross over to the right side of the brain at the optic chiasm. However, within each eye, the axons projecting from the lateral side of the retina do not decussate. For example, the axons from the lateral retina of the right eye project back to the right side of the brain. Therefore the left field of view of each eye is processed on the right side of the brain, whereas the right field of view of each eye is processed on the left side of the brain (image).
Segregation of Visual Field Information at the Optic Chiasm
Contralateral visual field information from the lateral retina projects to the ipsilateral brain, whereas ipsilateral visual field information has to decussate at the optic chiasm to reach the opposite side of the brain. (Note that this is an inferior view.)
A unique clinical presentation that relates to this anatomic arrangement is the loss of lateral peripheral vision, known as bilateral hemianopia. This is different from “tunnel vision” because the superior and inferior peripheral fields are not lost. Visual field deficits can be disturbing for a patient, but in this case, the cause is not within the visual system itself. A growth of the pituitary gland presses against the optic chiasm and interferes with signal transmission. However, the axons projecting to the same side of the brain are unaffected. Therefore, the patient loses the outermost areas of their field of vision and cannot see objects to their right and left.
Extending from the optic chiasm, the axons of the visual system are referred to as the optic tract instead of the optic nerve. The optic tract has three major targets, two in the diencephalon and one in the midbrain. The connection between the eyes and diencephalon is demonstrated during development, in which the neural tissue of the retina differentiates from that of the diencephalon by the growth of the secondary vesicles. The connections of the retina into the CNS are a holdover from this developmental association. The majority of the connections of the optic tract are to the thalamus—specifically, the lateral geniculate nucleus. Axons from this nucleus then project to the visual cortex of the cerebrum, located in the occipital lobe. Another target of the optic tract is the superior colliculus.
In addition, a very small number of RGC axons project from the optic chiasm to the suprachiasmatic nucleus of the hypothalamus. These RGCs are photosensitive, in that they respond to the presence or absence of light. Unlike the photoreceptors, however, these photosensitive RGCs cannot be used to perceive images. By simply responding to the absence or presence of light, these RGCs can send information about day length. The perceived proportion of sunlight to darkness establishes the circadian rhythm of our bodies, allowing certain physiological events to occur at approximately the same time every day.
The diencephalon is beneath the cerebrum and includes the thalamus and hypothalamus. In the somatic nervous system, the thalamus is an important relay for communication between the cerebrum and the rest of the nervous system. The hypothalamus has both somatic and autonomic functions. In addition, the hypothalamus communicates with the limbic system, which controls emotions and memory functions.
Sensory input to the thalamus comes from most of the special senses and ascending somatosensory tracts. Each sensory system is relayed through a particular nucleus in the thalamus. The thalamus is a required transfer point for most sensory tracts that reach the cerebral cortex, where conscious sensory perception begins. The one exception to this rule is the olfactory system. The olfactory tract axons from the olfactory bulb project directly to the cerebral cortex, along with the limbic system and hypothalamus.
The thalamus is a collection of several nuclei that can be categorized into three anatomical groups. White matter running through the thalamus defines the three major regions of the thalamus, which are an anterior nucleus, a medial nucleus, and a lateral group of nuclei. The anterior nucleus serves as a relay between the hypothalamus and the emotion and memory-producing limbic system. The medial nuclei serve as a relay for information from the limbic system and basal ganglia to the cerebral cortex. This allows memory creation during learning, but also determines alertness. The special and somatic senses connect to the lateral nuclei, where their information is relayed to the appropriate sensory cortex of the cerebrum.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (9)
Patellar Reflex (Knee Jerk)
Spinal reflexes are generated by the spinal cord in response to a signal from the PNS, without the need for further processing. Interestingly, you actually can control some reflexes, if you're aware that they're about to occur. For instance, you might very well stop that knee jerk if your favorite pet was directly in the line of fire.
Image by TheVisualMD
Spinal Cord Sensory Pathways
A medical illustration depicting the spinal cord's sensory pathways.
Image by BruceBlaus
Crossed-Extensor Reflex
Crossed-Extensor Reflex. In this reflex, as withdrawal from the damaging stimulus occurs in the ipsilateral leg, extension occurs in the contralateral leg as a way of maintaining balance.
Image by Cenveo
A neurological condition in which stimulation of one sensory or cognitive pathway leads to automatic, involuntary experiences in a second sensory or cognitive pathway, like feeling music notes on certain parts of the body.
Image by KristenStacy
An image of neural pathways in the brain taken using diffusion tensor imaging
Visualization of a DTI measurement of a human brain. Depicted are reconstructed fiber tracts that run through the mid-sagittal plane. Especially prominent are the U-shaped fibers that connect the two hemispheres through the corpus callosum (the fibers come out of the image plane and consequently bend towards the top) and the fiber tracts that descend toward the spine (blue, within the image plane)
Image by Thomas Schultz
Afferent Pathway of Pain
In the afferent pathway, afferent neurons (sensory or receptor neurons), carry nerve impulses from receptors or sense organs toward the central nervous system.
Image by TheVisualMD
Ascending Sensory Pathways of the Spinal Cord
The dorsal column system and spinothalamic tract are the major ascending pathways that connect the periphery with the brain.
What is a Reflex Arc | Physiology | Biology | FuseSchool
FuseSchool - Global Education/YouTube
Sensory and Motor Exams
Difference in the physical exam findings seen between UMN vs LMN lesions.
Image by Rcchang16
Difference in the physical exam findings seen between UMN vs LMN lesions.
Difference in the physical exam findings seen between UMN vs LMN lesions.
Image by Rcchang16
Sensory and Motor Exams
Connections between the body and the CNS occur through the spinal cord. The cranial nerves connect the head and neck directly to the brain, but the spinal cord receives sensory input and sends motor commands out to the body through the spinal nerves. Whereas the brain develops into a complex series of nuclei and fiber tracts, the spinal cord remains relatively simple in its configuration (image). From the initial neural tube early in embryonic development, the spinal cord retains a tube-like structure with gray matter surrounding the small central canal and white matter on the surface in three columns. The dorsal, or posterior, horns of the gray matter are mainly devoted to sensory functions whereas the ventral, or anterior, and lateral horns are associated with motor functions. In the white matter, the dorsal column relays sensory information to the brain, and the anterior column is almost exclusively relaying motor commands to the ventral horn motor neurons. The lateral column, however, conveys both sensory and motor information between the spinal cord and brain.
Locations of Spinal Fiber Tracts
Figure 16.12 Locations of Spinal Fiber Tracts
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (5)
Spinal Cord and Peripheral Nerve
3D visualization reconstructed from scanned from human data of the spinal cord and peripheral nerves. The body requires rapid, two-way communications with all its territories. Branching symmetrically from the spinal cord, 31 pairs of nerves penetrate every inch of muscle and skin and every gland via a 30,000 mile network that relays information almost instantaneously to and from the brain. The peripheral nerves - the main trunk lines - subdivide the body into front and back, then again by region. The regions in the trunk are roughly horizontal, but those in the limbs are aligned lengthwise.
Image by TheVisualMD
Upper Limb Neurological Examination - OSCE Guide (New Version)
UBC Medicine Neurology Clinical Skills - Cranial Nerves Examination
UBC Medicine - Educational Media/YouTube
Spinal Cord Disorders
Spinal cord injury
Image by Frank Gaillard
Spinal cord injury
Cervical fracture dislocation C6-C7 : Sagittal CT reconstruction demonstrating a fracture dislocation at C6/7
Image by Frank Gaillard
Disorders of the Spinal Cord
In certain situations, such as a motorcycle accident, only half of the spinal cord may be damaged in what is known as a hemisection. Forceful trauma to the trunk may cause ribs or vertebrae to fracture, and debris can crush or section through part of the spinal cord. The full section of a spinal cord would result in paraplegia, or loss of voluntary motor control of the lower body, as well as loss of sensations from that point down. A hemisection, however, will leave spinal cord tracts intact on one side. The resulting condition would be hemiplegia on the side of the trauma—one leg would be paralyzed. The sensory results are more complicated.
The ascending tracts in the spinal cord are segregated between the dorsal column and spinothalamic pathways. This means that the sensory deficits will be based on the particular sensory information each pathway conveys. Sensory discrimination between touch and painful stimuli will illustrate the difference in how these pathways divide these functions.
On the paralyzed leg, a patient will acknowledge painful stimuli, but not fine touch or proprioceptive sensations. On the functional leg, the opposite is true. The reason for this is that the dorsal column pathway ascends ipsilateral to the sensation, so it would be damaged the same way as the lateral corticospinal tract. The spinothalamic pathway decussates immediately upon entering the spinal cord and ascends contralateral to the source; it would therefore bypass the hemisection.
The motor system can indicate the loss of input to the ventral horn in the lumbar enlargement where motor neurons to the leg are found, but motor function in the trunk is less clear. The left and right anterior corticospinal tracts are directly adjacent to each other. The likelihood of trauma to the spinal cord resulting in a hemisection that affects one anterior column, but not the other, is very unlikely. Either the axial musculature will not be affected at all, or there will be bilateral losses in the trunk.
Sensory discrimination can pinpoint the level of damage in the spinal cord. Below the hemisection, pain stimuli will be perceived in the damaged side, but not fine touch. The opposite is true on the other side. The pain fibers on the side with motor function cross the midline in the spinal cord and ascend in the contralateral lateral column as far as the hemisection. The dorsal column will be intact ipsilateral to the source on the intact side and reach the brain for conscious perception. The trauma would be at the level just before sensory discrimination returns to normal, helping to pinpoint the trauma. Whereas imaging technology, like magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) scanning, could localize the injury as well, nothing more complicated than a cotton-tipped applicator can localize the damage. That may be all that is available on the scene when moving the victim requires crucial decisions be made.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (4)
Christopher Reeve discusses the potential benefits of stem cell research at a neuroscience conference at MIT. Christopher Reeve who was paralyzed in an accident.
Image by Christopher_Reeve_MIT.jpg: Mike Lin derivative work: Entheta (talk)
Neurogenic shock
Neurogenic shock_Cervical Spine MRI of patient with SCI: C4 fracture and dislocation, spinal cord compression
Image by Андрей Королев 86
Spinal Cord
Spinal Cord
Image by BruceBlaus
Differentiating intramedullary pathology: location within the cord
Differentiating intramedullary pathology: location within the cord
Image by Nadezdha D. Kiriyak
Christopher_Reeve_MIT.jpg: Mike Lin derivative work: Entheta (talk)
Neurogenic shock
Андрей Королев 86
Spinal Cord
Differentiating intramedullary pathology: location within the cord
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Spinal Cord
The spinal cord—an extension of the brain—lies protected inside the bony spinal column. It contains bundles of nerves that carry messages between the brain and other parts of the body, such as instructions from the brain to move an arm or information from the skin that signals pain.