The best characteristics an embryo could have include:
Large degree of expansion
Uniformly-sized cells in the trophectoderm
A thick-looking inner cell mass with many cells tightly packed together
The final score assigned to an embryo is based on those three characteristics. Each embryo is given two letter scores, the first one for the inner cell mass appearance and the second one for the trophectoderm appearance, along with a description of the degree of expansion, which is scored with a number from 2 to 6. The letter grades are A, B, or C, with A being the best.
This scoring system gives room for a lot of variation, and since the score is based on what the healthcare practitioner sees on the microscope, the final score can vary between fertility clinics.
Based on the degree of expansion of the embryo’s cavity, the embryo score could be:
2: the cavity fills 1/3 of the embryo
3: the expansion is partial, filling 70% of the embryo
4: a fully expanded cavity
5: the embryo has expanded and split open the zona pellucida
6: the embryo has completely hatched from the zona pellucida
Based on the inner cell mass, the embryo score could be:
A: many cells, tightly packed and well defined
B: several cells, loosely grouped, may appear as grainy
C: very few dark cells
Based on the trophectoderm, the embryo score could be:
A: many smooth equally-sized cells, forming a neat layer
B: a few irregular grainy cells, forming a loose epithelium
C: very few large cells, which may be dark or grainy
In this scoring method, an embryo with a final score of 4AA would be a blastocyst of very good appearance (a fully expanded cavity, many cells tightly packed and well defined in the inner cell mass, and a trophectoderm with many smooth equally-sized cells that form a neat layer).
However, there is no need for an embryo to have a perfect AA score in order to result in a baby. Most babies, in fact, come from grade BB and BC embryos.
It is important to notice that an embryo score only indicates its potential to implant in the uterus successfully and has no connection to how beautiful or intelligent your baby will be.