How a Healthy Gut Makes for a Healthier You
Why is the gut important?
When talking about your health, the word “gut” means the stomach and intestines. The medical word for the gut is the gastrointestinal, or GI, system. Food first must pass through the esophagus to get to the stomach, then the small intestine, the large intestine, and finally the rectum. The large intestine is also called the colon. We often think of the gut as a long, hollow tube for food to pass through, but it is much more than that. The gut plays an important role in the body. Science continues to make new discoveries about all of the important things it does, such as the following:
- Break down food into digestible parts
- Absorb nutrients like vitamins, minerals, carbohydrates, protein, and fat
- Absorb water
- Get rid of waste products, including toxins
- Serve as a “gateway” for the immune system to
- Keep out bacteria, viruses, fungi, and parasites that can cause disease
- Help our immune system learn to tell the difference between what is dangerous and what is safe
- Receive signals from the brain through the nervous system
- Send signals back to the brain through the nervous system
The gut can’t do all of this on its own. It needs the help of the microbes that live in the gut. These microbes are mostly bacteria and a few yeast. Altogether, they are called the “gut microbiota.” Believe it or not, there are trillions of microbes that live in the gut. This is more than the number of cells in the entire human body! We as human beings evolved a complex relationship with these microbes. We now depend on each other to live. It’s true – your life actually depends on the microbes in your gut!
How does my gut health connect to other parts of my whole health?
There are obvious ways in which the gut is connected to your health and wellbeing. For example, if you get a “stomachache” and have nausea or abdominal pain, or you get severe heartburn, this can interfere with your daily life. Diseases such as celiac disease, Crohn’s disease, or cancer can have an even bigger impact. They may even become quite serious. Science continues to discover other ways in which gut health relates to practically all systems of the body. For example, what happens in your gut may be directly related to all of the following:
- Autoimmune diseases (where the body attacks itself), such as rheumatoid arthritis
- Bone health and osteoporosis (disease resulting in weak bones)
- Metabolic diseases (diseases that involve chemical changes in the body that support life) such as diabetes and obesity
- Heart disease
- Mental health, including depression and anxiety.
Why are these bacteria in my gut so important?
Science is discovering that the gut microbiota play a central role in how gut health affects the rest of the body. How does this happen, you might ask? The action happens with the cells of the gut and their “neighborhood.”
Healthy competition. There are “helpful bacteria” that live in your gut. These bacteria support healthy gut functioning and whole health. There are also “harmful bacteria.” They can cause disease when there are too many of them. It is not necessary to have 100% helpful bacteria. The important thing is to have diversity and a good balance. Competition between different types of bacteria living in the gut is happening all the time.
Intestinal barrier. The cells that line the intestine need to let some things into the bloodstream and keep some things out. This barrier changes based on signals that the bacteria send to the intestine cells. The signals tell the cells to either tighten up the spaces in between or loosen them. When these spaces are too loose, they become “leaky” and can let too many things into the blood. Helpful bacteria tell the intestines to keep the cells nice and tight, so it’s not too leaky.
Mucus layer. On top of the intestinal cells is the mucus layer. This mucus layer is very important and also works as a kind of barrier. It is also where the bacteria live and a lot of digestion happens. Helpful bacteria help to keep this mucus layer nice and thick.
Immune system. Your own immune cells move throughout your whole body. There are special areas that line the intestine where they gather in large numbers. In these areas, the immune system interacts with the different bacteria in the gut, together with the things we eat. The immune system then produces signals that are then passed on throughout your body
Nutrition. The bacteria in your gut help break down food into nutrients that can be absorbed. They can also even use these breakdown products to build new nutrients, such as vitamins, that we would otherwise not be able to get enough of.
Metabolism. Bacteria in our gut also make products that then turn on or off signals in our hormone system. These hormone signals then affect our metabolism – including appetite, hunger, and whether we store or burn fat.
Mind and emotions. The gut has its own branch of the nervous system, called the enteric nervous system. This system is so large that it’s sometimes called our “second brain.” Bacteria directly make signals or stimulate the intestinal cells to make signals that the enteric nervous system uses. These signals talk to the central nervous system, including the brain. This connection is called the gut-brain axis. This means that the bacteria in your gut can actually affect your mind and emotions, such as depression and anxiety.
Repair. The bacteria in your gut also affect how your body repairs damaged cells. When damaged cells are not repaired well, it may, in some people, lead to cancer. For example, certain types of bacteria are more common in people who get colon cancer.
What can happen when the bacteria in the gut are out of balance?
When you have a good balance of helpful bacteria in the gut, the eight areas above are also in better balance. On the other hand, when you have more of certain types of bacteria and fewer helpful bacteria in the gut, there is more chance of having health problems. In that case, one or more of these eight areas might not work well. Also, when these areas are not working well, there is more inflammation. That’s because there is more stress that the body has to deal with. Inflammation is a part of many diseases. This is how the bacteria in your gut may play a role in whether you gain too much weight, have high blood pressure, get diabetes, have a fatty liver, or are more at risk for a heart attack.
Is there actually research showing that the bacteria in the gut can affect the brain and mental health?
Yes, a growing field of research shows how closely connected the gut and the brain are. So far, it looks like bacteria, along with the cells in the intestine, help to make chemicals that communicate with nerves and the brain. These chemicals are actually the same type that medications for depression and anxiety (such as Prozac) affect. This seems to be one way in which gut bacteria may affect depression and anxiety. A very interesting research study used a fermented milk drink containing healthy bacteria. The study compared brain scans of women who drank this milk to women who did not drink it. The women who drank the fermented milk had changes in an area of the brain that handles emotions.
Source: U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs