Although the Vitamin K shot is safe and, as recommended by the American Academy of Pediatrics, has been routinely given to newborns at birth since 1961, some parents refuse the shot due to myths and misperceptions about its safety. This puts babies at risk for dangerous bleeding which can lead to brain damage and even death.
Purpose of Vitamin K
Vitamin K refers to a group of structurally similar fat- soluble molecules that are primarily involved in the synthetic pathways of a number of clotting factors. Vitamin K is also involved in bone metabolism.
Sources of Vitamin K
Adults get vitamin K from food — mainly leafy green vegetables — and from bacterial synthesis in the gut. Babies have very little vitamin K in their bodies at birth because only small amounts of the vitamin pass through the placenta. Also, the bacteria that produce the vitamin in the newborn’s intestines are not yet present. Breast milk contains only low levels of vitamin K, and it may take weeks to months for the infant’s ‘sterile’ gut to become established and functional. Infants are therefore predisposed to having low vitamin K levels, resulting in low levels of vitamin K-dependent clotting factors, and an increased risk for bleeding, termed vitamin K deficiency bleeding.
What is vitamin K deficiency bleeding (VKDB)?
Infants who do not receive the vitamin K shot are at risk for developing VKDB.
VKDB can be classified according to the time of presentation after birth into early (0–24 hours), classical (1–7 days) and late (2–12 weeks) VKDB. Early VKDB is severe, and is mainly found in infants whose mothers used certain medications during pregnancy that interfere with vitamin K metabolism, such as certain anticonvulsants or isoniazid. Classical VKDB is typically characterized by bruising or bleeding from the umbilicus. Late VKDB is the most concerning type — this bleeding occurs up to 6 months of age in previously healthy infants, and between 30–60% of late VKDB presents as an intracranial bleed. This life-threatening complication tends to occur in exclusively breastfed infants who have received no or inadequate vitamin K prophylaxis; warning bleeds before an initial severe event are rare.
Infants who do not get the vitamin K shot at birth are at 81 times greater risk for developing VKDB than infants who do get the shot. VKDB is effectively prevented by the vitamin K shot — incidence of late VKDB, the most concerning type, falls to less than 1/100,000 infants when vitamin K is given at birth.
What are the warning signs of VKDB?
In the majority of cases of VKDB, there are NO WARNING SIGNS at all before a life-threatening bleed occurs. Infants who do not get vitamin K at birth might develop any of these signs of VKDB:
- Bulging fontanelles
- Diffused bruising and ecchymosis
- Feeding intolerance, irritabilities
- Epistaxis
- Jaundice and pallor