What Is Sacroiliitis?
Sacroiliitis is inflammation of your sacroiliac joint. This is one of the largest joints in your body. It connects your ilium (a part of your hip bone) to your sacrum (a triangle shaped bone found at the bottom of your spine). You have 2 of these joints, one on each side of your body.
Sacroiliitis is a common cause of lower back pain. It can affect your quality of life. With proper treatment you can recover.
Key facts
- Sacroiliitis is inflammation of one or both of your sacroiliac joints, which connects part of your hip to the bottom of your spine.
- Lower back pain is the main symptom of sacroiliitis; it can be a sharp and stabbing pain, or dull and achy, felt at your lower back all the way down your leg and gets worse when you sit or stand for a while.
- There are many causes of sacroiliitis, including trauma, pregnancy, getting older, inflammatory diseases, infection or arthritis.
- Your doctor can diagnose you with sacroiliitis by doing a physical examination, asking you about your symptoms and medical history, ordering tests, asking you to move in different ways, and by injecting numbing solution into your joint to see if it makes your pain disappear.
- Treatments for sacroiliitis include medicines to help manage pain, physiotherapy, radiofrequency denervation or surgery.
Source: Healthdirect Australia