What Is Fatty Acid Hydroxylase-Associated Neurodegeneration?
Fatty acid hydroxylase-associated neurodegeneration (FAHN) is a progressive disorder of the nervous system (neurodegeneration) characterized by problems with movement and vision that begin during childhood or adolescence.
Changes in the way a person walks (gait) and frequent falls are usually the first noticeable signs of FAHN. Affected individuals gradually develop extreme muscle stiffness (spasticity) and exaggerated reflexes. They typically have involuntary muscle cramping (dystonia), problems with coordination and balance (ataxia), or both. The movement problems worsen over time, and some people with this condition eventually require wheelchair assistance.
People with FAHN often develop vision problems, which occur due to deterioration (atrophy) of the nerves that carry information from the eyes to the brain (the optic nerves) and difficulties with the muscles that control eye movement. Affected individuals may have a loss of sharp vision (reduced visual acuity), decreased field of vision, impaired color perception, eyes that do not look in the same direction (strabismus), rapid involuntary eye movements (nystagmus), or difficulty moving the eyes intentionally (supranuclear gaze palsy).
Speech impairment (dysarthria) also occurs in FAHN, and severely affected individuals may lose the ability to speak. People with this disorder may also have difficulty chewing or swallowing (dysphagia). In severe cases, they may develop malnutrition and require a feeding tube. The swallowing difficulties can lead to a bacterial lung infection called aspiration pneumonia, which can be life-threatening. As the disorder progresses, some affected individuals experience seizures and a decline in intellectual function.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) of the brain in people with FAHN shows signs of iron accumulation, especially in an area of the brain called the globus pallidus, which is involved in regulating movement. Similar patterns of iron accumulation are seen in certain other neurological disorders such as infantile neuroaxonal dystrophy and pantothenate kinase-associated neurodegeneration. All these conditions belong to a class of disorders called neurodegeneration with brain iron accumulation (NBIA).
Source: MedlinePlus Genetics