What Is Nonketotic Hyperglycinemia?
Nonketotic hyperglycinemia is a disorder characterized by abnormally high levels of a molecule called glycine in the body (hyperglycinemia). The excess glycine builds up in tissues and organs, particularly the brain. Affected individuals have serious neurological problems.
Nonketotic hyperglycinemia has two forms, the severe form and the attenuated form. Both forms usually begin shortly after birth, although in some cases, signs and symptoms can begin in the first few months of life. Only the attenuated form begins later in infancy. The forms are distinguished by the seriousness of the signs and symptoms. Severe nonketotic hyperglycinemia is more common. Affected babies experience extreme sleepiness (lethargy) that worsens over time and can lead to coma. They can also have weak muscle tone (hypotonia) and life-threatening breathing problems in the first days or weeks of life. Most children who survive these early signs and symptoms develop feeding difficulties, abnormal muscle stiffness (spasticity), profound intellectual disability and seizures that are difficult to control. Most affected children do not achieve normal developmental milestones, such as drinking from a bottle, sitting up, or grabbing objects, and they may lose any acquired skills over time.
The signs and symptoms of the attenuated form of nonketotic hyperglycinemia are similar to, but milder than, those of the severe form of the condition. Children with attenuated nonketotic hyperglycinemia typically reach developmental milestones, although the skills they achieve vary widely. Despite delayed development, many affected children eventually learn to walk and are able to interact with others, often using sign language. Some affected children develop seizures; if present, seizures are usually mild and can be treated. Other features can include spasticity, involuntary jerking movements (chorea), or hyperactivity.
Individuals with nonketotic hyperglycinemia can also have certain changes in the brain, which can be seen using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). For example, in children with the severe form of the condition, the tissue that connects the left and right halves of the brain (the corpus callosum) is smaller than average.
Source: MedlinePlus Genetics