Early embryonic development is an intricate process that marks the beginning of life itself. From a single fertilized egg, complex cellular interactions and transformations set the stage for the formation of various tissues and organs. Dive into the mysteries of embryonic development by exploring our comprehensive guide on this journey of life.
Embryo with Prominent Yolk Sac, somites, neural tube
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Embryo 40 Day Old (Week 7 for Gestational Age) with Pharyngeal Arch
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Embryo 40 Day Old (Week 7 for Gestational Age) with Pharyngeal Arch
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 8.0 mm - This image provides a left-sided view of the developing embryo at six weeks. This age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The image has been given pale pink appearance and the concentration is on the general shape and form of the embryo's growth. The pharyngeal arches are seen as the ridge-like markings on the side of the embryo's head region. Throughout development, the arches will be transformed into features and structures such as the lips, jaw, and pharynx. The slight ridges seen along the spinal cord are the nerve endings. The left upper and lower limbs are elongated and will develop into the arms and legs.
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Early Embryonic Development Overview
Embryonic and fetal ages are expressed in terms of weeks from fertilization, commonly called conception. The period of time required for full development of a fetus in utero is referred to as gestation (gestare = “to carry” or “to bear”). It can be subdivided into distinct gestational periods. The first 2 weeks of prenatal development are referred to as the pre-embryonic stage. A developing human is referred to as an embryo during weeks 3–8, and a fetus from the ninth week of gestation until birth. In this section, we’ll cover the pre-embryonic and embryonic stages of development, which are characterized by cell division, migration, and differentiation. By the end of the embryonic period, all of the organ systems are structured in rudimentary form, although the organs themselves are either nonfunctional or only semi-functional.
As the zygote travels toward the uterus, it undergoes numerous cleavages in which the number of cells doubles (blastomeres). Upon reaching the uterus, the conceptus has become a tightly packed sphere of cells called the morula, which then forms into a blastocyst consisting of an inner cell mass within a fluid-filled cavity surrounded by trophoblasts. The blastocyst implants in the uterine wall, the trophoblasts fuse to form a syncytiotrophoblast, and the conceptus is enveloped by the endometrium. Four embryonic membranes form to support the growing embryo: the amnion, the yolk sac, the allantois, and the chorion. The chorionic villi of the chorion extend into the endometrium to form the fetal portion of the placenta. The placenta supplies the growing embryo with oxygen and nutrients; it also removes carbon dioxide and other metabolic wastes.
Following implantation, embryonic cells undergo gastrulation, in which they differentiate and separate into an embryonic disc and establish three primary germ layers (the endoderm, mesoderm, and ectoderm). Through the process of embryonic folding, the fetus begins to take shape. Neurulation starts the process of the development of structures of the central nervous system and organogenesis establishes the basic plan for all organ systems.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (44)
Embryo with Prominent Yolk Sac, somites, neural tube
Embryo with Prominent Yolk Sac, somites, neural tube
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From Conception to Birth
Explore and uncover the miraculous story of a new life forming. Conception begins when a male reproductive cell (sperm cell), successfully fuses with the female reproductive cell (egg cell). After the fusion of the sperm and egg is the fusion of their genetic materials. Cell division follows. The zygote (cell formed by the fusion of the sperm and egg) divides into two, four, eight, and so on. Changes happen in every stage of embryonic development. At 25 days, the embryo curves into C-shape and the arches that form the face and neck are becoming evident under the enlarging forebrain. The primitive heart is beating. The development of the limb buds are also visible, and the hand plates are noticeable in day 44. At 56 days, the circulatory system is given an emphasis as well as the developed organs of the embryo: the brain, heart, umbilical cord, vertebrae, stomach, kidneys, lungs, and liver. At this stage, all the major organs are in place. The genitalia of a 56 day old fetus inside womb is visible. Though the indifferent penis is visible, the sex of the baby is not clear from external appearance until week 12. At 7 months, it is noticeable that the fetus is in fetal position where the legs are drawn up, because of the limited space in the uterus. The arms, legs, and toenails are fully formed. At 9 months, the skull can be seen showing the unconnected bony plates called fontanels. These fontanels are significant for fetal brain's protection and they allow the head to elongate and mold during childbirth, then return to a rounded shape. At 9 months, the baby is ready for delivery. The baby in position for birth, the baby then rotates down, pushes out and comes out headfirst. In order to squeeze the baby through the pelvic canal, the mother's bones pop open in the middle.
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Cleavage in Developing Embryo
Being shown is the embryonic cleavage or rapid division of a zygote to form a multicellular morula. A morula is an embryo at an early stage of embryonic development, consisting of approximately 12-32 cells (blastomeres) in a sold ball contained within the zona pellucida.
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Anatomical Technology Demo
The computer generated clip depicts the process of how Anatomical Travelogue creates their visualizations. The scanned data, micro MRI in this case, gets processed, segmented and reconstructed in 3d. Next, organs and tissues get classified by color to create a compelling, quantitatively accurate recreation of the original subject.
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Embryo Inside Womb Carnegie Stage 16
Room full of women doing yoga. Slow zoom into one of the woman's torso to reveal the womb and an embryo at Carnegie stage 16, about 40 days developing. The Micro Magnetic Resonance Imaging based visualization reveals upper limb buds that are paddle-shaped and lower limb buds that are flipper-like. The heart is the prominent pink structure at the center of the embryo. Right above the heart is the first and second pharyngeal arches which have overgrown to make the third and forth arches indistinct.
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Explore and uncover the miraculous story of a new life forming.
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Embryo at Carnegie Stage 23 Inside Womb
Video footage of a doctor and a woman discussing an image of a sonogram. Camera zooms down a hallway and into the woman's belly. Cut to womb environment showing a developing embryo at about Carnegie stage 23. Skin is translucent and shows some underlying structures. Camera zooms in to the face and there is subtle movement of the mouth.
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Embryo at Carnegie Stage 24 Showing Facial Expression
Slow zoom in on a fetus at Carnegie stage 23 in utero. The umbilical cord is large in comparison to the fetus. The environment is dark and textured suggesting the womb. The camera zooms onto the face of the fetus where a subtle movement of the face is seen.
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3 Week Old Embryo with Beating Rudimentary Heart
A VG Max animation of a three week old embryo in the womb. The scene opens with the camera traveling through the semi-transparent tissue of the chorion and comes upon a three week old fetus and yolk sac. As the camera comes closer to the embryo, a red rudimentary heart is seen beating in it's pericardial cavity. The camera then rotates around the embryo and travels though the tissue of the chorion.
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Four timepoints in gastrulation
It has been said that gastrulation is the most important event in a person's life. This part of early embryonic development transforms a simple ball of cells and begins to define cell fate and the body axis. In a study published in Science magazine in March 2012, NIGMS grantee Bob Goldstein and his research group studied how contractions of actomyosin filaments in C. elegans and Drosophila embryos lead to dramatic rearrangements of cell and embryonic structure.
This research is described in detail in the following article: "Triggering a Cell Shape Change by Exploiting Preexisting Actomyosin Contractions." In these images, myosin (green) and plasma membrane (red) are highlighted at four timepoints in gastrulation in the roundworm C. elegans. The blue highlights in the top three frames show how cells are internalized, and the site of closure around the involuting cells is marked with an arrow in the last frame.
See related image 3297.
Video by Chris Higgins, UNC Chapel Hill, and Liang Gao, Janelia Farm
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7 week old embryo
Slow zoom out from an extreme close up of the face and than back to a close up of a face of a Carnegie19 stage, about 7 weeks old embryo. Well developed eyes, nasal openings and separated fingers are already present.
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From a Cell to a Baby
Animation using artistic license to show how a cell turns into a baby.
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Embryo 40 Day Old (Week 7 for Gestational Age) External and Internal Anatomy
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 8.0 mm - This image provides a frontal perspective of the embryo during its sixth week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The head region is bent forward, characterized by the mass of the brain in comparison to the rest of the body. This promotes a C-shaped curvature. The end of the tail can be seen protruding upwards from the bottom of the embryo. The two lower limb buds can be seen protruding outward from the sides of the embryo. They will serve as the template for developing the legs.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 36 Day Old (Week 7 for Gestational Age) Brain and Cardiovascular System
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 6.0 mm. This image offers a left-sided perspective of the internal organ development of an embryo at the beginning of six weeks. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The most prominent organs displayed are those of the cardiovascular system which continue to develop at a rapid rate during this phase. The heart (seen here as a bright red rounded structure on top of a dark red bulge) is the first functional organ to develop in the human embryo. It begins its existence as two simple tubes that quickly fuse to form a single chamber or heart tube that is busily pumping blood by the 23nd day. At around the 25th day, it exhibits four slightly bulged areas that represent the earliest heart chambers called sinus venosus, atrium, ventricle, bulbous cordis. During the next three weeks of development, the heart tube undergoes dramatic contortions so as to change its structure to become a four-chambered organ capable of acting as a double pump. This image depicts the heart at the 36th day of development. The tubes have undergone the aforementioned changes and the heart is divided into its four definitive chambers. They will assume their adult positions in just one more month. This image also offers a clear depiction of the vessels that convey blood to and from the heart and brain. By the fourth week of development, the heart is pumping blood through the rudimentary vascular system. The blood largely bypasses the liver (seen here as the dark red bulge posterior to the heart). The umbilical vessels (posterior and anterior to the heart and liver) convey blood between the fetal circulation and the placenta where gas and nutrient exchanges occur with the mothers blood. Once the fetal circulatory system is formed, few vascular changes occur until birth and the umbilical vessels closed. In the eye region (as represented by a red dot surrounded by a green ring) the lens is almost completely closed and are starting to undergo retinal pigmentation. The growing nerve endings around the spinal cord are indicated in white. The brain is also undergoing rapid differentiation as the irregularly shaped vesicles continue to form. The prominent uppermost bump in this image represents the future cerebellum. Continual development in the brain will bring about three major components, the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 36 Day Old (Week 7 for Gestational Age) External and Internal Anatomy
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 6.0 mm. These images offer several perspectives of the internal and external development of an embryo at the beginning of six weeks. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The upper left image depicts a left anterolateral view of the external anatomy of the embryo. The liver region is semi-transparent so as to display the vasculature. The upper right image reveals the a right anterior view of the internal structures of the same embryo. The lower left image illustrates limb development as seen from a superior right view. The lower right image reveals the inner structural development from the same perpective. The cardiovascular system continues to develop at a rapid rate during this phase. The heart is the first functional organ to develop in the human embryo. It begins its existence as two simple tubes that quickly fuse to form a single chamber or heart tube that is busily pumping blood by the 23nd day. At around the 25th day, it exhibits four slightly bulged areas that represent the earliest heart chambers called sinus venosus, atrium, ventricle, bulbous cordis. During the next three weeks of development, the heart tube undergoes dramatic contortions so as to change its structure to become a four-chambered organ capable of acting as a double pump. This upper and lower right hand images depict the heart at the 36th day of development. The tubes have undergone the aforementioned changes and the heart is divided into its four definitive chambers. They will assume their adult positions in just one more month. These two images also offer a clear depiction of the vessels that convey blood to and from the heart and brain. By the fourth week of development, the heart is pumping blood through the rudimentary vascular system. The blood largely bypasses the liver (as seen in the upper left, upper right and lower right images). The umbilical vessels (posterior and anterior to the heart and liver) convey blood between the fetal circulation and the placenta where gas and nutrient exchanges occur with the mothers blood. Once the fetal circulatory system is formed, few vascular changes occur until birth and the umbilical vessels close. In the eye region (as represented by a red dot surrounded by a green ring the two upper and right lower images) the lens is almost completely closed and are starting to undergo retinal pigmentation. The growing nerve endings around the spinal cord are indicated in white in the two right hand images. The brain is also undergoing rapid differentiation as the irregularly shaped vesicles continue to form. The prominent uppermost bump in these images represent the future cerebellum. Continual development in the brain will bring about three major components, the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain. During this phase of development the limbs buds become visible as outpocketings from the body walls (as seen in the lower left-hand image). Six week old embryos, the distal portions of the limb buds become flattened to form the handplates and footplates. Fingers and toes will develop when a process called cell death separates the these structures into five distinct parts.
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Embryo 36 Day Old (Week 7 for Gestational Age) Brain and Cardiovascular System
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 6.0 mm - This left-sided image reveals the internal organs developing in the embryo at six weeks. This age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The eyes are starting to undergo retinal pigmentation; this process is highlighted in the green ring around the red dot, which represents the eye. The nerve endings around the spinal cord are indicated in white. The cardiovascular system continues to develop. In particular, this image shows red blood vessels connecting the heart and the brain together. The liver is highlighted in purple, shown underneath the heart. The brain is marked in dark orange. The tail can be seen protruding upwards from the bottom of the embryo.
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Embryo 51 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Liver and Nervous System
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 18.0 mm - This image presents a left-sided view of the embryo during the eighth week of embryonic development, the age being calculated from the day of fertilization. The three major, differentiated components of the brain can be seen, with the forebrain protruding downwards, the midbrain as the narrow part of the brain, and the hindbrain that connects with the spinal cord. The light pink ring-like structure in the facial region is the developing eye, the rings highlighting eyelid formation. The larger groove with a black hole in the middle represents the growing external ear, the ring-like appearance indicating the auricle of the external ear. The hand plate has a web-like appearance as the digital rays slowly become more distinguishable from one another. The foot plate has the digital rays, but remains less distinguished than the hand plate. It typically develops a few days after the hand plate. The large red organ protruding is the liver. As well, the red tube-like structure near the foot of the embryo indicates the umbilical cord, which provides a means of transporting nutrients and wastes between mother and embryo.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 54 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Without Skin
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 26.0 mm - This image provides a left-sided view of the embryo undergoing its eighth week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The primary focus of this image is on the internal organ structures of the embryo. The two major components of the central nervous system, the brain and the spinal cord are highlighted in brown. The three major parts of the brain can be observed. The largest part facing downwards is the forebrain. The narrow segment in the middle is the midbrain. The hindbrain connects the midbrain and spinal cord. The left eye is indicated in pink. The heart is marked in bright red and is situated alongside the lung, marked in orange. The tube-like structure shown above the heart is the esophagus. The large red structure shown below the heart and lungs is the liver. The red structure protruding outwards from the embryo is the umbilical cord, which serves as a mechanism for gas exchange, nutrient delivery and waste removal.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 51 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Nervous System and Liver
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 18.0 mm - This image provides a frontal view of the embryo undergoing its eighth week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The image has been manipulated so that the skin appears translucent so that the internal organs can be observed. The embryo still maintains a semblance of a curvature with the head bent downwards, but due to the strengthening neck muscles, the curve has decreased. The brain is highlighted orange. The large red structure in the trunk of the embryo is the liver. The red, tube-like structure protruding outwards from the embryo is the umbilical cord, a which serves as a mechanism for gas exchange, nutrient delivery and waste removal. Outlined in yellow are the arms and legs which have elongated. The hand plates have undergone distinction earlier than foot plates.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 54 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Heart and Nervous System
Embryo 54 Day Old Heart and Nervous System: Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 26.0 mm - This image provides a left-sided view from the left side of the embryo during its eighth week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The image has been manipulated so that the skin appears translucent. The primary focus of this image is the central nervous system. The two main organs that comprise this system are the brain and spinal cord which are highlighted in orange. The three main components of the brain can be observed. The largest portion in the front of the head is called the forebrain, the narrow middle segment is called the midbrain, and the hindbrain is the portion that connects the midbrain with the spinal cord. The nerve endings surrounding the spinal cord are indicated in white. Proportionately, the brain and central nervous system make up far less of the baby's body mass. The embryonic brain has yet to develop the iconic folds and wrinkles we recognize in adult brains. The heart is highlighted in bright red.
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Embryo 51 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) with Visible Brain
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 18.0 mm - This image presents a frontal view of the embryo during the eighth week of embryonic development. Age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The three major, differentiated components of the brain can be seen, with the forebrain protruding downwards, the midbrain as the narrow part of the brain, and the hindbrain connecting to the spinal cord. The light pink ring-like structure in the facial region is the developing eye, the rings highlighting eyelid formation. The larger groove with a black hole in the middle represents the growing external ear, the ring-like appearance indicating the auricle of the external ear. The arms bend at newly formed elbows and the knee begins to develop as well. The hand plate has a web-like appearance as the digital rays slowly become more distinguishable from one another. The foot plate has the digital rays, but remains less distinguished than the hand plate. It typically develops a few days after the hand plate. The large red organ protruding is the liver. As well, the red tube-like structure near the foot of the embryo indicates the umbilical cord, which provides a means of transporting nutrients and wastes between mother and embryo.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 36 Day Old (Week 7 for Gestational Age) Cardiovascular System
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 6.0 mm. This image offers a left-sided perspective of the internal organ development of an embryo at the beginning of six weeks. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The most prominent organs displayed are those of the cardiovascular system which continue to develop at a rapid rate during this phase. The heart (seen here as a bright red rounded structure on top of a dark red bulge) is the first functional organ to develop in the human embryo. It begins its existence as two simple tubes that quickly fuse to form a single chamber or heart tube that is busily pumping blood by the 23nd day. At around the 25th day, it exhibits four slightly bulged areas that represent the earliest heart chambers called sinus venosus, atrium, ventricle, bulbous cordis. During the next three weeks of development, the heart tube undergoes dramatic contortions so as to change its structure to become a four-chambered organ capable of acting as a double pump. This image depicts the heart at the 36th day of development. The tubes have undergone the aforementioned changes and the heart is divided into its four definitive chambers. They will assume their adult positions in just one more month. This image also offers a clear depiction of the vessels that convey blood to and from the heart and brain. By the fourth week of development, the heart is pumping blood through the rudimentary vascular system. The blood largely bypasses the liver (seen here as the dark red bulge posterior to the heart). The umbilical vessels (posterior and anterior to the heart and liver) convey blood between the fetal circulation and the placenta where gas and nutrient exchanges occur with the mother's blood. Once the fetal circulatory system is formed, few vascular changes occur until birth and the umbilical vessels closed. In the eye region (as represented by a red dot surrounded by a green ring) the lens is almost completely closed and are starting to undergo retinal pigmentation. The growing nerve endings around the spinal cord are indicated in white. The brain is also undergoing rapid differentiation as the irregularly shaped vesicles continue to form. The prominent uppermost bump in this image represents the future cerebellum. Continual development in the brain will bring about three major components, the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 36 Day Old (Week 7 for Gestational Age) Brain and Cardiovascular System
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 6.0 mm. This image offers a left-sided perspective of the internal organ development of an embryo at the beginning of six weeks. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The most prominent organs displayed are those of the cardiovascular system which continue to develop at a rapid rate during this phase. The heart (seen here as a bright red rounded structure on top of a dark red bulge) is the first functional organ to develop in the human embryo. It begins its existence as two simple tubes that quickly fuse to form a single chamber or heart tube that is busily pumping blood by the 23nd day. At around the 25th day, it exhibits four slightly bulged areas that represent the earliest heart chambers called sinus venosus, atrium, ventricle, bulbous cordis. During the next three weeks of development, the heart tube undergoes dramatic contortions so as to change its structure to become a four-chambered organ capable of acting as a double pump. This image dipicts the heart at the 36th day of development. The tubes have undergone the aforementioned changes and the heart is divided into its four definitive chambers. They will assume their adult positions in just one more month. This image also offers a clear depiction of the vessels that convey blood to and from the heart and brain. By the fourth week of development, the heart is pumping blood through the rudimentary vascular system. The blood largely bypasses the liver (seen here as the dark red bulge posterior to the heart). The umbilical vessels (posterior and anterior to the heart and liver) convey blood between the fetal circulation and the placenta where gas and nutrient exchanges occur with the mothers blood. Once the fetal circulatory system is formed, few vascular changes occur until birth and the umbilical vessels closed. In the eye region (as represented by a red dot surrounded by a green ring) the lens is almost completely closed and are starting to undergo retinal pigmentation. The growing nerve endings around the spinal cord are indicated in white. The brain is also undergoing rapid differentiation as the irregularly shaped vesicles continue to form. The prominent uppermost bump in this image represents the future cerebellum. Continual development in the brain will bring about three major components, the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain.
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Embryo 44 Day Old (Week 8 for Gestational Age) Hand and Foot Plate
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 13.0 mm - This image presents a left-frontal view of a 7-week-old embryo. The left eye can be seen as the red circle in the head region; it has already undergone retinal pigmentation. The eyelids are developing. The black groove in the lower part of the head indicates the developing external ear. Digital rays can be seen in both the hand and foot plates. The digital rays in the hand plates are more defined as the hands typically develop a few days earlier than the feet.
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Human Embryo 26 Day Old (Week 6 for Gestational Age) with Placenta
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 4.0 mm - This image provides a left-sided view of the embryo during its fourth week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The developing spinal cord can be seen, highlighted in dark yellow. The indentations in head region are pharyngeal arches, which contribute to formation and develop of the head and neck regions. The developing heart is highlighted in red, the left atrium can be observed. Early growth of the cardiovascular system begins during the third week, when blood vessels form, and continue into the following weeks of development. The round, red structure beside the embryo is the placenta. The placenta with the umbilical cord functions as a mean for transporting nutrients, waste products, and gases between mother and embryo.
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Embryo 51 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Brain and Liver
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 18.0 mm - This image presents a frontal view of the embryo during the eighth week of embryonic development. Age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The three major, differentiated components of the brain can be seen, with the forebrain protruding downwards, the midbrain as the narrow part of the brain, and the hindbrain connecting to the spinal cord. The light pink ring-like structure in the facial region is the developing eye, the rings highlighting eyelid formation. The larger groove with a black hole in the middle represents the growing external ear, the ring-like appearance indicating the auricle of the external ear. The arms bend at newly formed elbows and the knee begins to develop as well. The hand plate has a web-like appearance as the digital rays slowly become more distinguishable from one another. The foot plate has the digital rays, but remains less distinguished than the hand plate. It typically develops a few days after the hand plate. The large red organ protruding is the liver. As well, the red tube-like structure near the foot of the embryo indicates the umbilical cord, which provides a means of transporting nutrients and wastes between mother and embryo.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 26 Day Old (Week 5 for Gestational Age) Suspended in Chorionic Cavity
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 4.0 mm - This image presents a right-sided view of the embryo during its fourth week of embryonic development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. At the beginning of the 4th week, the heart begins to beat and the embryonic circulation sets in. At the end of 4 weeks over 30 somites are present . Somites are paired blocks of cells which in the later stages of development give rise to connective tissue, bone, muscle and the spine. The embryo is suspended in the protective chorionic cavity by the body stalk (the amniotic cavity and yolk sac have been removed to demonstrate the C-shaped curvature of the embryo). The red spot in the head region indicates the developing eye.
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8 Week Old (Week 10 Gestational Age, Week 8 Fetal Age) Embryo within Womb
Contained entirely within the nurturing space of the womb, the developing embryo cannot eat or breathe, and therefore must obtain all nutrients from other sources. For the first nine weeks, the early embryo depends on the yolk sac of the embryo for nourishment. Inside the yolk sac, tiny structures called blood islands' form. These will become the first blood and the first blood vessels. As pregnancy continues, these important external structures develop into the embryo's link to the mother's system - the umbilical cord and the supporting network known as the placenta. Until birth, the developing embryo is completely dependent on the mother for nutrients and waste disposal through the umbilical cord and the placenta.
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Embryo 54 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) with Translucent Skin
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 26.0 mm - This image provides a left-sided view of the embryo undergoing its eighth week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The skin has been made translucent so that the internal structures and systems are visible. The brain and spinal cord, the main components of the central nervous system are indicated in orange. The nerve endings surrounding the spinal cord, providing a means for transmitting messages from the central nervous system, are highlighted in white. The tube-like structure in the neck region is the esophagus, marked in yellow. The heart is highlighted in magenta and situated beside it, in red-orange is the lung. The large purplish-red organ situated below the lung is the liver.
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Embryo 48 Day Old Internal Anatomy
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 16.0 mm - This image presents a right-sided view of many of the embryo's internal organ structures during the seventh week of development. This age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The image has been manipulated so the focus is solely on the internal development; the brain and spinal cord are highlighted pale pink. The circular structure located beneath the brain is the eye. The nerve endings are highlighted in orange and growing spinal backbone is indicated in white. The magenta-colored structure indicates the liver and the structure above it is the heart.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 56 Day Old (Week 10 Gestational Age, Week 8 Fetal Age) Lung, Adrenal and Kidney
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 30.0 mm - This image provides a dorsal view of an embryo at the end of the eighth week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The image demonstrates the symmetry found in many of the developed internal organ structures. In the forefront of the image is the spinal cord, indicated in pale pink. Behind the spinal cord, the lungs, highlighted in orange, can be observed. The kidneys, which have been producing urine since week 6, are indicated in violet red. Behind the kidneys is the liver, marked in pale pink.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 40 Day Old (Week 7 for Gestational Age) Brain Development
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 8.0 mm - This image presents a frontal perspective of the embryo from the left side. The embryo is in its sixth week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The head is prominently bent forward and differentiation of components of the brain has begun. The purple circle in the head region indicates the developing eye. The chambered heart and liver can be seen, highlighted in dark orange. The left lower limb is protruding out; it can be seen to have elongated.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 40 Day Old (Week 7 for Gestational Age) Heart and Liver
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 8.0 mm - This image of the embryo presented from the left-dorsal side shows the internal organs duringthe sixth week of embryonic development. This age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The prominent C-shaped curvature of the spinal cord (in red) remains. The chambered heart, marked in red, can be seen from the backside perspective. The liver is highlighted in violet. Veins and blood vessels connect the heart to the brain to supply nutrients and oxygen.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 44 Day Old (Week 6) Nervous and Circulatory System
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 13.0 mm - This left-sided view of a sixth week old embryo has been manipulated so that the concentration is on the internal organ development. Age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The three major components of the brain (the forebrain, midbrain and hindbrain) are highlighted in a brown-red. The blood vessels, highlighted in red, connect the brain to the heart to provide the necessary oxygen. The orange, sponge-like structure near the heart is the developing lung. The spinal cord is indicated in dark orange and around it are the nerve endings, marked in white.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 44 Day Old (Week 8 for Gestational Age) Circulatory System
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 13.0 mm - This image presents a frontal view of the embryo during the seventh week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The primary focus is on the circulatory system; the great number of blood vessels and veins throughout the embryo's body. The heart is indicated in bright red and the large structure underneath in deep violet red is the liver. The left lung is marked in orange. The spinal region is indicated in white. The umbilical cord, a transport mechanism for nutrients and wastes between the embryo and mother is visible on the right side.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 44 Day Old (Week 6) Circulatory System
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 13.0 mm - This image presents a left-sided view of the embryo during the seventh week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The primary focus is on the circulatory system; the great number of blood vessels and veins throughout the embryo's body. The heart is indicated in bright red and the large structure underneath in deep violet red is the liver. The left lung is marked in orange. The spinal region is indicated in white. The umbilical cord, a transport mechanism for nutrients and wastes between the embryo and mother is visible on the right side of the embyro
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 44 Day Old (Week 8 for Gestational Age) Showing Hand Plate
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 13.0 mm - This right-sided image of an embryo developing during the seventh week has been manipulated so that the focus centers on internal organ systems. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The three major components of the brain can be seen. The forebrain is the largest portion and can be is visible near the front portion of the head region. The midbrain is the narrower part of the brain in the middle and the hindbrain connects with the spinal cord. The red-purplish circle seen in the head region is the developing eye. The nerve endings of the spinal cord are indicated in white. The heart is marked in bright red. One of the lungs seen is marked in yellow. The kidney organ is indicated in green. The thick red blood vessel is seen inside the umbilical cord, a transport mechanism for nutrients and wastes between embryo and mother.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 44 Day Old (Week 8 for Gestational Age) Brain and Blood Circulation
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 13.0 mm - This right-sided image of an embryo developing during the seventh week has been manipulated so that the focus centers on internal organ systems. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The three major components of the brain can be seen. The forebrain is the largest portion and can be is visible near the front portion of the head region. The midbrain is the narrower part of the brain in the middle and the hindbrain connects with the spinal cord. The red-purplish circle seen in the head region is the developing eye. The nerve endings of the spinal cord are indicated in white. The heart is marked in bright red. One of the lungs seen is marked in yellow. The kidney organ is indicated in green. The thick red blood vessel is seen inside the umbilical cord, a transport mechanism for nutrients and wastes between embryo and mother.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 44 Day Old (Week 8 for Gestational Age) Circulatory System
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 13.0 mm - This image presents a left-frontal perspective of the embryo during its seventh week of development. This age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The concentration of this image is on the circulatory system. The heart is indicated as a red, bulk-like structure. Blood vessels can be seen extending towards the brain and to the rest of the embryo's body. The umbilical cord, as observed potruding from the body, serves as a means of exchanging nutrients and wastes between the embryo and mother. The nerve endings surrounding the spinal cord are indicated in white.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 9 Week Old (Week 2) Showing Lung and Kidney
Computer generated image reconstructed from scanned human data. Actual size of embryo = 1.5 inches, 0.14 oz. This image presents a dorsal view of the embryo during its ninth week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The posterior part of the brain can be observed on top, indicated in dark purple. The spinal cord, one of the first structures to develop, is highlighted in dark peach. The lungs are indicated in dark orange and the liver, shown behind the spinal cord, is indicated in dark purple. The kidneys are marked in bright red.
Image by TheVisualMD
Human Embryo 18 Day Old (Week 4 for Gestational Age) with Primitive Streak
This image presents a side-view of an embryo during its third week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The embryo is attached to the uterine wall and attains a pear-shaped structure. The white line seen on the embryo is the primitive streak, which establishes the longitudinal axis of the embryo and signals the development of the right and left sides of the body. The primitive streak also indicates where the division of the brain will occur.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 56 Day Old (Week 10 Gestational Age, Week 8 Fetal Age) Visible Lung and Liver
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 30 mm - This image presents a left-sided view of the embryo undergoing its eighth week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. At this point of development, all body parts have been differentiated and all body systems are in place. The right eye is indicated as the pink circle in the facial region. The arms and legs have elongated, and distinctions of fingers and toes can be observed. The heart is indicated in red and the lungs are indicated in white. The liver is the large purplish-red organ below. The pink tube-like protrusion from the embryo is the umbilical cord, which serves as a mechanism of gas exchange, nutrient delivery and waste removal.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 26 Day Old (Week 5 for Gestational Age) with Developing Spinal Cord
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 4.0 mm - This image provides a dorsal view of the embryo during its fourth week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The two yellow band-like structures indicate the developing spinal cord that is derived from the neural tube. On the left-side of the embryo, an upper-body limb bud can be observed.
Image by TheVisualMD
Human embryogenesis
The initial stages of human embryogenesis.
Image by Zephyris
Embryo with Prominent Yolk Sac, somites, neural tube
From Conception to Birth
Cleavage in Developing Embryo
Anatomical Technology Demo
Embryo Inside Womb Carnegie Stage 16
Embryo at Carnegie Stage 23 Inside Womb
Embryo at Carnegie Stage 24 Showing Facial Expression
3 Week Old Embryo with Beating Rudimentary Heart
Four timepoints in gastrulation
Chris Higgins, UNC Chapel Hill, and Liang Gao, Janelia Farm
7 week old embryo
From a Cell to a Baby
Embryo 40 Day Old (Week 7 for Gestational Age) External and Internal Anatomy
Embryo 36 Day Old (Week 7 for Gestational Age) Brain and Cardiovascular System
Embryo 36 Day Old (Week 7 for Gestational Age) External and Internal Anatomy
Embryo 36 Day Old (Week 7 for Gestational Age) Brain and Cardiovascular System
Embryo 51 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Liver and Nervous System
Embryo 54 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Without Skin
Embryo 51 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Nervous System and Liver
Embryo 54 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Heart and Nervous System
Embryo 51 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) with Visible Brain
Embryo 36 Day Old (Week 7 for Gestational Age) Cardiovascular System
Embryo 36 Day Old (Week 7 for Gestational Age) Brain and Cardiovascular System
Embryo 44 Day Old (Week 8 for Gestational Age) Hand and Foot Plate
Human Embryo 26 Day Old (Week 6 for Gestational Age) with Placenta
Embryo 51 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Brain and Liver
Embryo 26 Day Old (Week 5 for Gestational Age) Suspended in Chorionic Cavity
8 Week Old (Week 10 Gestational Age, Week 8 Fetal Age) Embryo within Womb
Embryo 54 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) with Translucent Skin
Embryo 48 Day Old Internal Anatomy
Embryo 56 Day Old (Week 10 Gestational Age, Week 8 Fetal Age) Lung, Adrenal and Kidney
Embryo 40 Day Old (Week 7 for Gestational Age) Brain Development
Embryo 40 Day Old (Week 7 for Gestational Age) Heart and Liver
Embryo 44 Day Old (Week 6) Nervous and Circulatory System
Embryo 44 Day Old (Week 8 for Gestational Age) Circulatory System
Embryo 44 Day Old (Week 6) Circulatory System
Embryo 44 Day Old (Week 8 for Gestational Age) Showing Hand Plate
Embryo 44 Day Old (Week 8 for Gestational Age) Brain and Blood Circulation
Embryo 44 Day Old (Week 8 for Gestational Age) Circulatory System
Embryo 9 Week Old (Week 2) Showing Lung and Kidney
Human Embryo 18 Day Old (Week 4 for Gestational Age) with Primitive Streak
Embryo 56 Day Old (Week 10 Gestational Age, Week 8 Fetal Age) Visible Lung and Liver
Embryo 26 Day Old (Week 5 for Gestational Age) with Developing Spinal Cord
Human embryogenesis
Blastocyst on day 5
Image by TheVisualMD
Blastocyst on day 5
Blastocyst on day 5 -A post-MORULA preimplantation mammalian embryo that develops from a 32-cell stage into a fluid-filled hollow ball of over a hundred cells. A blastocyst has two distinctive tissues. The outer layer of trophoblasts gives rise to extra-embryonic tissues. The inner cell mass gives rise to the embryonic disc and eventual embryo proper.
Image by TheVisualMD
Pre-Implantation Embryonic Development
Following fertilization, the zygote and its associated membranes, together referred to as the conceptus, continue to be projected toward the uterus by peristalsis and beating cilia. During its journey to the uterus, the zygote undergoes five or six rapid mitotic cell divisions. Although each cleavage results in more cells, it does not increase the total volume of the conceptus. Each daughter cell produced by cleavage is called a blastomere (blastos = “germ,” in the sense of a seed or sprout).
Approximately 3 days after fertilization, a 16-cell conceptus reaches the uterus. The cells that had been loosely grouped are now compacted and look more like a solid mass. The name given to this structure is the morula (morula = “little mulberry”). Once inside the uterus, the conceptus floats freely for several more days. It continues to divide, creating a ball of approximately 100 cells, and consuming nutritive endometrial secretions called uterine milk while the uterine lining thickens. The ball of now tightly bound cells starts to secrete fluid and organize themselves around a fluid-filled cavity, the blastocoel. At this developmental stage, the conceptus is referred to as a blastocyst. Within this structure, a group of cells forms into an inner cell mass, which is fated to become the embryo. The cells that form the outer shell are called trophoblasts (trophe = “to feed” or “to nourish”). These cells will develop into the chorionic sac and the fetal portion of the placenta (the organ of nutrient, waste, and gas exchange between mother and the developing offspring).
The inner mass of embryonic cells is totipotent during this stage, meaning that each cell has the potential to differentiate into any cell type in the human body. Totipotency lasts for only a few days before the cells’ fates are set as being the precursors to a specific lineage of cells.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (12)
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Cleavage in Developing Embryo
Being shown is the embryonic cleavage or rapid division of a zygote to form a multicellular morula. A morula is an embryo at an early stage of embryonic development, consisting of approximately 12-32 cells (blastomeres) in a sold ball contained within the zona pellucida.
Video by TheVisualMD
Human Embryonic and Fetal Development
Three-dimensional visualization reconstructed from scanned human data of a 8 cell zygote, a 14-16 day old embryo, a 44 day old embryo, and a 9 week old fetus. The body does not increase greatly in size during the embryonic period. But during the the fetal period, beginning at week nine, a phase of rapid growth starts that continues until after birth.
Image by TheVisualMD
Morula Containing Blastomere
This image depicts a morula, which is a spherical mass usually containing between twelve and sixteen blastomeres. Formation of a morula typically occurs about three days after fertilization. When the morula enters the uterus, changes occur to this sphere of cells to form a structure called the blastocyst.
Image by TheVisualMD
Mitotic Division Resulting in Sixteen Blastomere
Photograph, actual size of zygote = 0.2 mm approx. - This image depicts the zygote, which has undergone about four mitotic divisions. Sixteen cells, also called blastomeres, can be seen. They are all indicated in gray-green with a white-purple outline. At this point, the cluster of cells is called a morula and continues to divide. When the morula enters the uterus, changes occur to this sphere of cells to form a structure called the blastocyst.
Image by TheVisualMD
Early embryogenesis - Cleavage, blastulation, gastrulation, and neurulation | MCAT | Khan Academy
Video by khanacademymedicine/YouTube
Image by Wolfmankurd
Maturation of a Follicle and Ovulation
A follicle matures and its primary oocyte (follicle) resumes meiosis to form a secondary oocyte in the secondary follicle. The follicle ruptures and the oocyte leaves the ovary during ovulation.
Maturation of a Follicle and Ovulation. A follicle matures and its primary oocyte (follicle) resumes meiosis to form a secondary oocyte in the secondary follicle. The follicle ruptures and the oocyte leaves the ovary during ovulation.
Interactive by TheVisualMD
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Egg Moving Down the Fallopian Tube
Ovulation of an egg through the fallopian tube. The mature egg is released from the ovaries where it is pushed down the fallopian tube, and is available to be fertilized.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Female Reproductive System Showing Ovulation
Close up shot of a still image of the female pelvis and the reproductive system. There is a sagital cross-section view of the uterus and bladder. The right ovary and fallopian tube is not crossed sectioned. Camera zooms in on the right ovary and the surface dissolves away to show a cross-section. Within the cross-section is the development of an ovarian follicle from day 4 up to day 14, when follicle ruptures and releases the ovum into the fallopian tube.
Video by TheVisualMD
8-cell human embryo, day 3
Image by ekem, Courtesy: RWJMS IVF Program
Pre-Embryonic Development
Ovulation, fertilization, pre-embryonic development, and implantation occur at specific locations within the female reproductive system in a time span of approximately 1 week.
Image by CNX Openstax
Cleavage in Developing Embryo
Human Embryonic and Fetal Development
Morula Containing Blastomere
Mitotic Division Resulting in Sixteen Blastomere
Early embryogenesis - Cleavage, blastulation, gastrulation, and neurulation | MCAT | Khan Academy
From conception to birth, the mother-fetal bond is biologically indivisible. The communication between the mother’s body and the genetically distinct fetus begins with a physiological negotiation that prevents the rejection of the embryo as foreign tissue. The biological conversation that ensues for 9 months will be marked by tremendous complexity and subtle coordination.
Image by TheVisualMD
At the end of the first week, the blastocyst comes in contact with the uterine wall and adheres to it, embedding itself in the uterine lining via the trophoblast cells. Thus begins the process of implantation, which signals the end of the pre-embryonic stage of development (image). Implantation can be accompanied by minor bleeding. The blastocyst typically implants in the fundus of the uterus or on the posterior wall. However, if the endometrium is not fully developed and ready to receive the blastocyst, the blastocyst will detach and find a better spot. A significant percentage (50–75 percent) of blastocysts fail to implant; when this occurs, the blastocyst is shed with the endometrium during menses. The high rate of implantation failure is one reason why pregnancy typically requires several ovulation cycles to achieve.
When implantation succeeds and the blastocyst adheres to the endometrium, the superficial cells of the trophoblast fuse with each other, forming the syncytiotrophoblast, a multinucleated body that digests endometrial cells to firmly secure the blastocyst to the uterine wall. In response, the uterine mucosa rebuilds itself and envelops the blastocyst. The trophoblast secretes human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), a hormone that directs the corpus luteum to survive, enlarge, and continue producing progesterone and estrogen to suppress menses. These functions of hCG are necessary for creating an environment suitable for the developing embryo. As a result of this increased production, hCG accumulates in the maternal bloodstream and is excreted in the urine. Implantation is complete by the middle of the second week. Just a few days after implantation, the trophoblast has secreted enough hCG for an at-home urine pregnancy test to give a positive result.
Most of the time an embryo implants within the body of the uterus in a location that can support growth and development. However, in one to two percent of cases, the embryo implants either outside the uterus (an ectopic pregnancy) or in a region of uterus that can create complications for the pregnancy. If the embryo implants in the inferior portion of the uterus, the placenta can potentially grow over the opening of the cervix, a condition call placenta previa.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (10)
Blastocyst Implanted in the Uterine Wall with coagulation plug
Computer - This image depicts the blastocyst implanted to the uterine wall. The structure of the blastocyst consists of inner cells, called embryoblasts, and of outer cells, called trophoblasts. Early implantation occurs around the sixth day after fertilization. Trophoblasts penetrate into the uterine epithelium wall and by the eleventh and twelfth day, the blastocyst is embedded in the endometrium, which lines the inside wall.
Image by TheVisualMD
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Animation showing a surface view of an implantation site of a human conceptus at an estimated fertilization age of 14 days. The animation is off the different layers of the endometrium (decidua) as they dissolve away to reveal the developing embryo within the amniotic cavity. The circular formation off to the left is the closing plug which is formed when the blastocyst entered the decidua. The decidua above the implant (decidua capsularis) is smooth and stained brownish red, whereas the remain decidua (decidua parietalis) is lined by deeps folds. Beneath the first layer lies the zona compacta wtih many decidual cells followed by the zona spongiosa with broadened glandular ducts. The chorion is embedded in the zona compacta. The embryo with the amniotic cavity and the yolk sac is suspended in the wide chorionic cavity by the body stalk.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Animation showing a surface view of an implantation site of a human conceptus at an estimated fertilization age of 14 days. The animation is off the different layers of the endometruium (decidua) as they dissolve away to reveal the developing embryo within the amniotic cavity. The circular formation off to the left is the closing plug which is formed when the blastocyst entered the decidua. The decidua above the implant (decidua capsularis) is smooth and stained brownish red, whereas the remain decidua (decidua parietalis) is lined by deeps folds. Beneath the first layer lies the zona compacta wtih many decidual cells followed by the zona spongiosa with broadened glandular ducts. The chorion is embedded in the zona compacta. The embryo with the amniotic cavity and the yolk sac is suspended in the wide chorionic cavity by the body stalk.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Implantation of Fertilized Egg in Lining of Uterus
Close up shot of a blastocyst as it implants itself in the lining of the uterus. Implantation is the process of attachment of the embryo to the endometrial lining of the uterine wall which will eventually connect to the mother's circulatory system. Implantation usually occurs after the blastocyst arrives in the uterus about a week after ovulation and fertilization.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Implantation of Fertilized Egg in Lining of Uterus
Close up shot of a blastocyst as it implants itself in the lining of the uterus. Implantation is the process of attachment of the embryo to the endometrial lining of the uterine wall which will eventually connect to the mother's circulatory system. Implantation usually occurs after the blastocyst arrives in the uterus about a week after ovulation and fertilization.
Video by TheVisualMD
Bilaminar Embryonic Disc
Computer Generated visualization. Actual size = 0.2 mm - This image reveals the changes the blastocyst undergoes during the process of implantation in the uterine wall. While the trophoblasts, the outer cells of the blastocyst, are directly involved in the process of implantation, the inner cells undergo changes. They differentiate into two layers called the epiblast and hypoblast, which together constitute the bilaminar embryonic disc. The space seen in the image, the round pale pink opening, indicates the amniotic cavity.
Image by TheVisualMD
This image depicts the blastocyst implanted to the uterine wall. The structure of the blastocyst consists of inner cells, called embryoblasts, and of outer cells, called trophoblasts. Early implantation occurs around the sixth day after fertilization.
This image depicts the blastocyst implanted to the uterine wall. The structure of the blastocyst consists of inner cells, called embryoblasts, and of outer cells, called trophoblasts. Early implantation occurs around the sixth day after fertilization. Trophoblasts penetrate into the uterine epithelium wall and by the eleventh and twelfth day, the blastocyst is embedded in the endometrium, which lines the inside wall.
Image by TheVisualMD
Blastocyst Embedded in Uterine Wall
Blastocyst Embedded in Uterine Wall : This image provides a side-view of the blastocyst, the mass of cells in light pink, implanted to the uterine wall. The blastocyst is developed when the cells of the morula begin to differentiate into two layers. The outer layer, the trophoblast, will develop into the placenta and the inner layer, the embryoblast, serves as the template for the embryo. This image illustrates the position of the blastocyst which is situated in the mother's uterus.
Image by TheVisualMD
Blastocyst Embedded in Uterine Wall
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size = 0.2 mm - This image provides a side-view of the blastocyst, the mass of cells in light pink, implanted to the uterine wall. The blastocyst is developed when the cells of the morula begin to differentiate into two layers. The outer layer, the trophoblast, will develop into the placenta and the inner layer, the embryoblast, serves as the template for the embryo. This image illustrates the position of the blastocyst which is situated in the mother's uterus.
Image by TheVisualMD
Establishing New Life : Within hours, the nuclei of the egg and sperm merge, combining the 23 maternal chromosomes and 23 paternal chromosomes into the set of blueprints that will allow this cellular union to create a unique human being. In less than a day, your baby`s gender, eye color, hair color, and much more have been determined. Cell division begins, and when the fertilized egg, or zygote, has divided into 16 cells, it is referred to as the morula ("mulberry" in Latin). The morula travels down the fallopian tube and arrives in the uterus.
Image by TheVisualMD
Blastocyst Implanted in the Uterine Wall with coagulation plug
Implantation of Fertilized Egg in Lining of Uterus
Implantation of Fertilized Egg in Lining of Uterus
Bilaminar Embryonic Disc
This image depicts the blastocyst implanted to the uterine wall. The structure of the blastocyst consists of inner cells, called embryoblasts, and of outer cells, called trophoblasts. Early implantation occurs around the sixth day after fertilization.
Blastocyst Embedded in Uterine Wall
Blastocyst Embedded in Uterine Wall
Embryonic Membranes
Bilaminar Embryonic Disc and Surrounding Structures
Image by TheVisualMD
Bilaminar Embryonic Disc and Surrounding Structures
At conception the mother's body begins an extraordinary transformation, although a woman may not know she is pregnant for weeks. The earliest stages take place on a microscopic scale. The developing embryo mass divides, rapidly forming a two-layered disc (Bilaminar Embryonic Disc). The top layer of cells will become the embryo and amniotic cavity, while the lower cells will become the yolk sac.
Image by TheVisualMD
Second Week of Development - Embryonic Membranes - Yolk Sac, Amnion, Chorion
Embryonic Membranes - During the second week of development, with the embryo implanted in the uterus, cells within the blastocyst start to organize into layers. Some grow to form the extra-embryonic membranes needed to support and protect the growing embryo: the amnion, the yolk sac, the allantois, and the chorion.
At the beginning of the second week, the cells of the inner cell mass form into a two-layered disc of embryonic cells, and a space—the amniotic cavity—opens up between it and the trophoblast. Cells from the upper layer of the disc (the epiblast) extend around the amniotic cavity, creating a membranous sac that forms into the amnion by the end of the second week. The amnion fills with amniotic fluid and eventually grows to surround the embryo. Early in development, amniotic fluid consists almost entirely of a filtrate of maternal plasma, but as the kidneys of the fetus begin to function at approximately the eighth week, they add urine to the volume of amniotic fluid. Floating within the amniotic fluid, the embryo—and later, the fetus—is protected from trauma and rapid temperature changes. It can move freely within the fluid and can prepare for swallowing and breathing out of the uterus.
On the ventral side of the embryonic disc, opposite the amnion, cells in the lower layer of the embryonic disk (the hypoblast) extend into the blastocyst cavity and form a yolk sac. The yolk sac supplies some nutrients absorbed from the trophoblast and also provides primitive blood circulation to the developing embryo for the second and third week of development. When the placenta takes over nourishing the embryo at approximately week 4, the yolk sac has been greatly reduced in size and its main function is to serve as the source of blood cells and germ cells (cells that will give rise to gametes). During week 3, a finger-like outpocketing of the yolk sac develops into the allantois, a primitive excretory duct of the embryo that will become part of the urinary bladder. Together, the stalks of the yolk sac and allantois establish the outer structure of the umbilical cord.
The last of the extra-embryonic membranes is the chorion, which is the one membrane that surrounds all others. The development of the chorion will be discussed in more detail shortly, as it relates to the growth and development of the placenta.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (13)
Human Embryo 22 Day Old (Week 5 for Gestational Age) with Yolk Sac
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 2.5 mm - This image presents a left-sided view of the embryo at the end of its third week of embryonic development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The prominent yolk sac seen the on left hand side of the embryo contains nutritive proteins and expands rapidly during this phase. The orange ridge-like markings on the back of the embryo are somites, which line up on both sides of the neural tube, the region of spinal cord development. The somites serve as the basis for the development of the skeletomuscular system.
General Embryology - Detailed Animation On Second Week Of Development
Video by Medical Animations/YouTube
General Embryology - Detailed Animation On Embryonic Folding
Video by Medical Animations/YouTube
Video by Walter Jahn/YouTube
Difference Between Amnion and Chorion
Video by Health/YouTube
Fertilization, Implantation, and Chorion Development
Video by Dale Button/YouTube
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Chorionc Cavity
Zoom into an embryo within the chorionic cavity. The embryo is suspended in the chorionic cavity by the body stalk.
Video by TheVisualMD
Embryo 26 Day Old (Week 5 for Gestational Age) Suspended in Chorionic Cavity
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 4.0 mm - This image presents a right-sided view of the embryo during its fourth week of embryonic development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. At the beginning of the 4th week, the heart begins to beat and the embryonic circulation sets in. At the end of 4 weeks over 30 somites are present . Somites are paired blocks of cells which in the later stages of development give rise to connective tissue, bone, muscle and the spine. The embryo is suspended in the protective chorionic cavity by the body stalk (the amniotic cavity and yolk sac have been removed to demonstrate the C-shaped curvature of the embryo). The red spot in the head region indicates the developing eye.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo with Prominent Yolk Sac, somites, neural tube
Embryo with Prominent Yolk Sac, somites, neural tube
Contained entirely within the nurturing space of the womb, the developing embryo cannot eat or breathe, and therefore must obtain all nutrients from other sources. For the first nine weeks, the early embryo depends on the yolk sac of the embryo for nourishment. Inside the yolk sac, tiny structures called 'blood islands' form. These will become the first blood and the first blood vessels. As pregnancy continues, these important external structures develop into the embryo's link to the mother's system - the umbilical cord and the supporting network known as the placenta. Until birth, the developing embryo is completely dependent on the mother for nutrients and waste disposal through the umbilical cord and the placenta.
Image by TheVisualMD
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Embryo at Carnegie Stage 14
Environment is within the womb with an embryo at Carnegie stage 14, about 32-day developing. The embryo is encompassed within the amniotic sac and situated beside the fetus is the yolk-sac. Different camera angles rotate around the embryo. Through the amniotic sac, the fetus' heart is represented by the red structure in the centre. The 4 chambers or the heart have developed. The arm and feet plates are visible.
Video by TheVisualMD
Human Embryo 26 Day Old with Yolk Sac
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 4.0 mm - This image provides an anterior view of the embryo during its fourth week of embryonic development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The forebrain (yellow) has enlarged and the neural tube has closed. The yolk sac, containing nutritive proteins, is seen as a prominent pouch on the right side of the embryo.
Image by TheVisualMD
Human Embryo 22 Day Old (Week 5 for Gestational Age) with Yolk Sac
Human Embryo 18 Day Old (Week 4 for Gestational Age) with Primitive Streak
Image by TheVisualMD
Human Embryo 18 Day Old (Week 4 for Gestational Age) with Primitive Streak
This image presents a side-view of an embryo during its third week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The embryo is attached to the uterine wall and attains a pear-shaped structure. The white line seen on the embryo is the primitive streak, which establishes the longitudinal axis of the embryo and signals the development of the right and left sides of the body. The primitive streak also indicates where the division of the brain will occur.
Image by TheVisualMD
As the third week of development begins, the two-layered disc of cells becomes a three-layered disc through the process of gastrulation, during which the cells transition from totipotency to multipotency. The embryo, which takes the shape of an oval-shaped disc, forms an indentation called the primitive streak along the dorsal surface of the epiblast. A node at the caudal or “tail” end of the primitive streak emits growth factors that direct cells to multiply and migrate. Cells migrate toward and through the primitive streak and then move laterally to create two new layers of cells. The first layer is the endoderm, a sheet of cells that displaces the hypoblast and lies adjacent to the yolk sac. The second layer of cells fills in as the middle layer, or mesoderm. The cells of the epiblast that remain (not having migrated through the primitive streak) become the ectoderm.
Each of these germ layers will develop into specific structures in the embryo. Whereas the ectoderm and endoderm form tightly connected epithelial sheets, the mesodermal cells are less organized and exist as a loosely connected cell community. The ectoderm gives rise to cell lineages that differentiate to become the central and peripheral nervous systems, sensory organs, epidermis, hair, and nails. Mesodermal cells ultimately become the skeleton, muscles, connective tissue, heart, blood vessels, and kidneys. The endoderm goes on to form the epithelial lining of the gastrointestinal tract, liver, and pancreas, as well as the lungs.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (2)
Human embryogenesis
The initial stages of human embryogenesis.
Image by Zephyris
Germ Layer
Illustration of Germ Layers in Embryogenisis
Image by OpenStax College
Human embryogenesis
Germ Layer
OpenStax College
Development of the Placenta
Placenta and HCG
Image by TheVisualMD
Placenta and HCG
Placenta and HCG - Promotes progesterone synthesis during pregnancy and inhibits immune response against fetus
Image by TheVisualMD
Development of the Placenta
During the first several weeks of development, the cells of the endometrium—referred to as decidual cells—nourish the nascent embryo. During prenatal weeks 4–12, the developing placenta gradually takes over the role of feeding the embryo, and the decidual cells are no longer needed. The mature placenta is composed of tissues derived from the embryo, as well as maternal tissues of the endometrium. The placenta connects to the conceptus via the umbilical cord, which carries deoxygenated blood and wastes from the fetus through two umbilical arteries; nutrients and oxygen are carried from the mother to the fetus through the single umbilical vein. The umbilical cord is surrounded by the amnion, and the spaces within the cord around the blood vessels are filled with Wharton’s jelly, a mucous connective tissue.
The maternal portion of the placenta develops from the deepest layer of the endometrium, the decidua basalis. To form the embryonic portion of the placenta, the syncytiotrophoblast and the underlying cells of the trophoblast (cytotrophoblast cells) begin to proliferate along with a layer of extraembryonic mesoderm cells. These form the chorionic membrane, which envelops the entire conceptus as the chorion. The chorionic membrane forms finger-like structures called chorionic villi that burrow into the endometrium like tree roots, making up the fetal portion of the placenta. The cytotrophoblast cells perforate the chorionic villi, burrow farther into the endometrium, and remodel maternal blood vessels to augment maternal blood flow surrounding the villi. Meanwhile, fetal mesenchymal cells derived from the mesoderm fill the villi and differentiate into blood vessels, including the three umbilical blood vessels that connect the embryo to the developing placenta.
The placenta develops throughout the embryonic period and during the first several weeks of the fetal period; placentation is complete by weeks 14–16. As a fully developed organ, the placenta provides nutrition and excretion, respiration, and endocrine function (image). It receives blood from the fetus through the umbilical arteries. Capillaries in the chorionic villi filter fetal wastes out of the blood and return clean, oxygenated blood to the fetus through the umbilical vein. Nutrients and oxygen are transferred from maternal blood surrounding the villi through the capillaries and into the fetal bloodstream. Some substances move across the placenta by simple diffusion. Oxygen, carbon dioxide, and any other lipid-soluble substances take this route. Other substances move across by facilitated diffusion. This includes water-soluble glucose. The fetus has a high demand for amino acids and iron, and those substances are moved across the placenta by active transport.
Maternal and fetal blood does not commingle because blood cells cannot move across the placenta. This separation prevents the mother’s cytotoxic T cells from reaching and subsequently destroying the fetus, which bears “non-self” antigens. Further, it ensures the fetal red blood cells do not enter the mother’s circulation and trigger antibody development (if they carry “non-self” antigens)—at least until the final stages of pregnancy or birth. This is the reason that, even in the absence of preventive treatment, an Rh− mother doesn’t develop antibodies that could cause hemolytic disease in her first Rh+ fetus.
Although blood cells are not exchanged, the chorionic villi provide ample surface area for the two-way exchange of substances between maternal and fetal blood. The rate of exchange increases throughout gestation as the villi become thinner and increasingly branched. The placenta is permeable to lipid-soluble fetotoxic substances: alcohol, nicotine, barbiturates, antibiotics, certain pathogens, and many other substances that can be dangerous or fatal to the developing embryo or fetus. For these reasons, pregnant women should avoid fetotoxic substances. Alcohol consumption by pregnant women, for example, can result in a range of abnormalities referred to as fetal alcohol spectrum disorders (FASD). These include organ and facial malformations, as well as cognitive and behavioral disorders.
Functions of the Placenta
Nutrition and digestion
Endocrine function
Mediates diffusion of maternal glucose, amino acids, fatty acids, vitamins, and minerals
Stores nutrients during early pregnancy to accommodate increased fetal demand later in pregnancy
Excretes and filters fetal nitrogenous wastes into maternal blood
Mediates maternal-to-fetal oxygen transport and fetal-to-maternal carbon dioxide transport
Secretes several hormones, including hCG, estrogens, and progesterone, to maintain the pregnancy and stimulate maternal and fetal development
Mediates the transmission of maternal hormones into fetal blood and vice versa
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (14)
Human Embryo 26 Day Old (Week 6 for Gestational Age) with Placenta
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 4.0 mm - This image provides a left-sided view of the embryo during its fourth week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The developing spinal cord can be seen, highlighted in dark yellow. The indentations in head region are pharyngeal arches, which contribute to formation and develop of the head and neck regions. The developing heart is highlighted in red, the left atrium can be observed. Early growth of the cardiovascular system begins during the third week, when blood vessels form, and continue into the following weeks of development. The round, red structure beside the embryo is the placenta. The placenta with the umbilical cord functions as a mean for transporting nutrients, waste products, and gases between mother and embryo.
Image by TheVisualMD
Meet the placenta! | Reproductive system physiology | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy
Video by khanacademymedicine/YouTube
Fetus in utero, between fifth and sixth months.
Image by Gray38.png: User Magnus Manske on en.wikipedia derivative work: Amada44
Image by BruceBlaus
3D Visualization of Fetus and Placenta
The placenta is an indispensable but temporary organ that physiologically joins the mother and the developing fetus. This remarkable, shared structure is the centerpiece of the complex dance that takes place between the needs of the mother’s body and the demands of the growing fetus. The placenta’s role is to facilitate the constant exchange of nutrients and wastes, including gases, as well as hormones and key immune factors.
Image by TheVisualMD
Placenta, fetus
Placenta in humans linking the fetus to the mother.
Image by Scientific Animations, Inc.
Human Placenta
Human Placenta
Image by Inferis
Fetus and placenta.
Image by Wei Hsu and Shang-Yi Chiu
Fetus at 22 Weeks (Week 24 Gestational Age, Week 22 Fetal Age) with Placenta and Amnion
At 22 weeks, the fetus may measure about 8\" (20 cm) from crown to rump and weigh more than 1 lb, 5 oz (630 g). The circulatory system continues to expand; the blood vessels of the lungs, in particular, are increasing their development. The fetus's tiny blood vessels can be seen through the skin, which is still transparent. All of the eye parts are developed, and the fetus has a hand and startle reflex.
Image by TheVisualMD
Cord & Placenta
Human placenta - Picture of freshly delivered placenta and umbilical cord wrapped around Kelly clamps
Image by sarindam7 (talk)
Fetal side close-up of freshly delivered placenta
This is a close-up of the fetal side of a freshly delivered placenta.
Captured after delivery of my second child at Magee Hospital in Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Image by AxsDeny
Nurture & Protect
The placenta is an indispensable but temporary organ that physiologically joins the mother and the developing fetus. This remarkable, shared structure is the centerpiece of the complex dance that takes place between the needs of the mother’s body and the demands of the growing fetus. The placenta’s role is to facilitate the constant exchange of nutrients and wastes, including gases, as well as hormones and key immune factors.
Image by TheVisualMD
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20 Week Old Fetus and Placenta
Lateral view of fetus, approximately 20 weeks within the placenta. Womb environment is nondescript and rendered in dark red and black. Camera zooms in. Skin appears translucent showing underlying structures. The shape of the brain is closer to its final one but is still smooth and has no definition yet. Its development is ongoing years after birth.
Video by TheVisualMD
Nurture & Protect
As the fetus grows, there is a strict separation of maternal and fetal blood supplies. This is the work of the placenta, which allows maternal and fetal capillaries to intertwine closely enough to allow the exchange of gas, nutrient, and messenger molecules, but keeps them separate enough to prevent the triggering of an immune response. The fetus would be seen as an unwelcome invader by the mom`s immune system. The placenta serves as a traffic cop, making sure that nutrients are delivered to the fetus and wastes removed, but doing its best to keep harmful substances out. Certain pathogens such as the measles virus, and poisons such as heavy metals, drugs, and alcohol do seep through to the fetus, and can impair normal growth and development. In many cases, the timing of the exposure plays a key role in the degree of impact.
Image by TheVisualMD
Human Embryo 26 Day Old (Week 6 for Gestational Age) with Placenta
Meet the placenta! | Reproductive system physiology | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy
Gray38.png: User Magnus Manske on en.wikipedia derivative work: Amada44
3D Visualization of Fetus and Placenta
Placenta, fetus
Scientific Animations, Inc.
Human Placenta
Wei Hsu and Shang-Yi Chiu
Fetus at 22 Weeks (Week 24 Gestational Age, Week 22 Fetal Age) with Placenta and Amnion
Cord & Placenta
sarindam7 (talk)
Fetal side close-up of freshly delivered placenta
Nurture & Protect
20 Week Old Fetus and Placenta
Nurture & Protect
Fetal Development
Fetal Development
Fetal Development
Fetal Development
Embryo Development at 40 Days (Week 5)
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Fetal Development
Fetal Development
Fetal Development
Fetal Development
Embryo Development at 40 Days (Week 5)
The fetal period begins at the end of the 10th week of gestation (8th week of development). At the start of the fetal stage, the fetus is typically about 30 mm (1.2 inches) in length from crown to rump, and weighs about 8 grams. The head makes up nearly half of the fetus' size. The heart, hands, feet, brain and other organs are present, but are only at the beginning of development and have minimal operation. At 40 days, the embryo begins to curve into a C shape. The heart bulges, further develops, and begins to beat in a regular rhythm. Branchial arches, grooves which will form structures of the face and neck, form. At 56 days, the intestines, liver, kidneys, lungs, and heart are all taking shape. The brain and facial features of the fetus continue to develop. The arms and legs have lengthened, and the hands and feet have digits, but may still be webbed. During the sixth month, the brain is in a period of rapid development and the bones are becoming solid. The fetus is almost fully formed, but the lungs are not yet fully developed. The fetus obtains oxygen and nutrients from the mother through the placenta and the umbilical cord. All major structures are already formed in the fetus, but they continue to grow and develop.
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Following gastrulation, rudiments of the central nervous system develop from the ectoderm in the process of neurulation. Specialized neuroectodermal tissues along the length of the embryo thicken into the neural plate. During the fourth week, tissues on either side of the plate fold upward into a neural fold. The two folds converge to form the neural tube. The tube lies atop a rod-shaped, mesoderm-derived notochord, which eventually becomes the nucleus pulposus of intervertebral discs. Block-like structures called somites form on either side of the tube, eventually differentiating into the axial skeleton, skeletal muscle, and dermis. During the fourth and fifth weeks, the anterior neural tube dilates and subdivides to form vesicles that will become the brain structures.
Folate, one of the B vitamins, is important to the healthy development of the neural tube. A deficiency of maternal folate in the first weeks of pregnancy can result in neural tube defects, including spina bifida—a birth defect in which spinal tissue protrudes through the newborn’s vertebral column, which has failed to completely close. A more severe neural tube defect is anencephaly, a partial or complete absence of brain tissue.
The embryo, which begins as a flat sheet of cells, begins to acquire a cylindrical shape through the process of embryonic folding. The embryo folds laterally and again at either end, forming a C-shape with distinct head and tail ends. The embryo envelops a portion of the yolk sac, which protrudes with the umbilical cord from what will become the abdomen. The folding essentially creates a tube, called the primitive gut, that is lined by the endoderm. The amniotic sac, which was sitting on top of the flat embryo, envelops the embryo as it folds.
Within the first 8 weeks of gestation, a developing embryo establishes the rudimentary structures of all of its organs and tissues from the ectoderm, mesoderm, and endoderm. This process is called organogenesis.
Like the central nervous system, the heart also begins its development in the embryo as a tube-like structure, connected via capillaries to the chorionic villi. Cells of the primitive tube-shaped heart are capable of electrical conduction and contraction. The heart begins beating in the beginning of the fourth week, although it does not actually pump embryonic blood until a week later, when the oversized liver has begun producing red blood cells. (This is a temporary responsibility of the embryonic liver that the bone marrow will assume during fetal development.) During weeks 4–5, the eye pits form, limb buds become apparent, and the rudiments of the pulmonary system are formed.
During the sixth week, uncontrolled fetal limb movements begin to occur. The gastrointestinal system develops too rapidly for the embryonic abdomen to accommodate it, and the intestines temporarily loop into the umbilical cord. Paddle-shaped hands and feet develop fingers and toes by the process of apoptosis (programmed cell death), which causes the tissues between the fingers to disintegrate. By week 7, the facial structure is more complex and includes nostrils, outer ears, and lenses. By the eighth week, the head is nearly as large as the rest of the embryo’s body, and all major brain structures are in place. The external genitalia are apparent, but at this point, male and female embryos are indistinguishable. Bone begins to replace cartilage in the embryonic skeleton through the process of ossification. By the end of the embryonic period, the embryo is approximately 3 cm (1.2 in) from crown to rump and weighs approximately 8 g (0.25 oz).
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (13)
Embryo Development at 7 Weeks
Embryo Development at 7 Weeks
Embryo Development at 7 Weeks
Embryo Development at 7 Weeks
View the internal organs and systems of an embryo at 7 weeks.
Contained entirely within the nurturing space of the womb, the developing embryo cannot eat or breathe, and therefore must obtain all nutrients from other sources. For the first nine weeks, the early embryo depends on the yolk sac of the embryo for nourishment. Inside the yolk sac, tiny structures called 'blood islands' form. These will become the first blood and the first blood vessels. As pregnancy continues, these important external structures develop into the embryo's link to the mother's system - the umbilical cord and the supporting network known as the placenta. Until birth, the developing embryo is completely dependent on the mother for nutrients and waste disposal through the umbilical cord and the placenta.
Image by TheVisualMD
HCL Learning | Embryonic Development in Humans
Video by HCL Learning/YouTube
Embryo 22 Day Old (Week 5 for Gestational Age) Somite and Neural Tube
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 2.5 mm - This image presents a dorsal view of the embryo at the end of its third week of embryonic development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The central white tube-like structure on the back of the embryo is the neural tube. The neural tube serves as the precursor for the spinal cord. The white ridges appearing on both sides of the neural tube are somites. Somites serve as the basis for the development of the skeletomuscular system. In the background, the placenta can be observed. The placenta connects with the embryo by the umbilical cord, allowing for gas and nutrient exchange between mother and embryo.
Image by TheVisualMD
Folate, Neural Tube Formation Connected to Placenta
Folate (also known as vitamin B9) is necessary for red blood cell production and the prevention of anemia, as well as the synthesis and maintenance of DNA and is especially important in cell division and growth in fetal development. Deficiencies of the vitamin in pregnancy is a common cause of birth defects; defects of the neural tube, in which tissue surrounding the fetal spine or brain does not develop properly are one of the most common birth defects, occurring in about 1 in 1,000 infants.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo with Prominent Yolk Sac, somites, neural tube
Embryo with Prominent Yolk Sac, somites, neural tube
Image by TheVisualMD
Neural Tube of embryo at Week six of development
Neural Tube of embryo at Week six of development
Image by TheVisualMD
7 Week old Embryo and Nervous System over leafy vegetable
7 Week old Embryo and Nervous System over leafy vegetable
Image by TheVisualMD
Fetoscopy for Spina Bifida
Fetoscopy for Spina Bifida
Image by Denise Pedreira
Embryo 26 Day Old (Week 5 for Gestational Age) with Developing Spinal Cord
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 4.0 mm - This image provides a dorsal view of the embryo during its fourth week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The two yellow band-like structures indicate the developing spinal cord that is derived from the neural tube. On the left-side of the embryo, an upper-body limb bud can be observed.
Image by TheVisualMD
Human Embryo 22 Day Old (Week 5 for Gestational Age) with Yolk Sac
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 2.5 mm - This image presents a left-sided view of the embryo at the end of its third week of embryonic development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The prominent yolk sac seen the on left hand side of the embryo contains nutritive proteins and expands rapidly during this phase. The orange ridge-like markings on the back of the embryo are somites, which line up on both sides of the neural tube, the region of spinal cord development. The somites serve as the basis for the development of the skeletomuscular system.
Image by TheVisualMD
Human Embryo 26 Day Old with Yolk Sac
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 4.0 mm - This image provides an anterior view of the embryo during its fourth week of embryonic development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The forebrain (yellow) has enlarged and the neural tube has closed. The yolk sac, containing nutritive proteins, is seen as a prominent pouch on the right side of the embryo.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo Back View
Embryo Back View : Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 4.0 mm - This image provides a dorsal view of the embryo during its fourth week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The two yellow band-like structures indicate the developing spinal cord that is derived from the neural tube. On the left-side of the embryo, an upper-body limb bud can be observed.
Embryo 22 Day Old (Week 5 for Gestational Age) Somite and Neural Tube
Folate, Neural Tube Formation Connected to Placenta
Embryo with Prominent Yolk Sac, somites, neural tube
Neural Tube of embryo at Week six of development
7 Week old Embryo and Nervous System over leafy vegetable
Fetoscopy for Spina Bifida
Denise Pedreira
Embryo 26 Day Old (Week 5 for Gestational Age) with Developing Spinal Cord
Human Embryo 22 Day Old (Week 5 for Gestational Age) with Yolk Sac
Human Embryo 26 Day Old with Yolk Sac
Embryo Back View
Developing Heart
Image by TheVisualMD
Developing Heart
Developing rapidly and early, the heart is the first organ to function in the embryo, and it takes up most of the room in the fetus's midsection in the first few weeks of its life. During its initial stages of development, the fetal heart actually resembles those of other animals. In its tubelike, two-chambered phase, the fetal heart resembles that of a fish. In its three-chambered phase, the heart looks like that of a frog. As the atria and then the ventricles start to separate, the human heart resembles that of a turtle, which has a partial septum in its ventricle. The final, four-chambered design is common to mammals and birds. The four chambers allow low-pressure circulation to the lungs and high pressure circulation to the rest of the body.
Image by TheVisualMD
Development of the Heart
The human heart is the first functional organ to develop. It begins beating and pumping blood around day 21 or 22, a mere three weeks after fertilization. This emphasizes the critical nature of the heart in distributing blood through the vessels and the vital exchange of nutrients, oxygen, and wastes both to and from the developing baby. The critical early development of the heart is reflected by the prominent heart bulge that appears on the anterior surface of the embryo.
The heart forms from an embryonic tissue called mesoderm around 18 to 19 days after fertilization. Mesoderm is one of the three primary germ layers that differentiates early in development that collectively gives rise to all subsequent tissues and organs. The heart begins to develop near the head of the embryo in a region known as the cardiogenic area . Following chemical signals called factors from the underlying endoderm (another of the three primary germ layers), the cardiogenic area begins to form two strands called the cardiogenic cords (image). As the cardiogenic cords develop, a lumen rapidly develops within them. At this point, they are referred to as endocardial tubes . The two tubes migrate together and fuse to form a single primitive heart tube . The primitive heart tube quickly forms five distinct regions. From head to tail, these include the truncus arteriosus, bulbus cordis, primitive ventricle, primitive atrium, and the sinus venosus. Initially, all venous blood flows into the sinus venosus, and contractions propel the blood from tail to head, or from the sinus venosus to the truncus arteriosus. This is a very different pattern from that of an adult.
Development of the Human Heart
Figure 19.36 Development of the Human Heart This diagram outlines the embryological development of the human heart during the first eight weeks and the subsequent formation of the four heart chambers.
The five regions of the primitive heart tube develop into recognizable structures in a fully developed heart. The truncus arteriosus will eventually divide and give rise to the ascending aorta and pulmonary trunk. The bulbus cordis develops into the right ventricle. The primitive ventricle forms the left ventricle. The primitive atrium becomes the anterior portions of both the right and left atria, and the two auricles. The sinus venosus develops into the posterior portion of the right atrium, the SA node, and the coronary sinus.
As the primitive heart tube elongates, it begins to fold within the pericardium, eventually forming an S shape, which places the chambers and major vessels into an alignment similar to the adult heart. This process occurs between days 23 and 28. The remainder of the heart development pattern includes development of septa and valves, and remodeling of the actual chambers. Partitioning of the atria and ventricles by the interatrial septum, interventricular septum, and atrioventricular septum is complete by the end of the fifth week, although the fetal blood shunts remain until birth or shortly after. The atrioventricular valves form between weeks five and eight, and the semilunar valves form between weeks five and nine.
The heart is the first organ to form and become functional, emphasizing the importance of transport of material to and from the developing infant. It originates about day 18 or 19 from the mesoderm and begins beating and pumping blood about day 21 or 22. It forms from the cardiogenic region near the head and is visible as a prominent heart bulge on the surface of the embryo. Originally, it consists of a pair of strands called cardiogenic cords that quickly form a hollow lumen and are referred to as endocardial tubes. These then fuse into a single heart tube and differentiate into the truncus arteriosus, bulbus cordis, primitive ventricle, primitive atrium, and sinus venosus, starting about day 22. The primitive heart begins to form an S shape within the pericardium between days 23 and 28. The internal septa begin to form about day 28, separating the heart into the atria and ventricles, although the foramen ovale persists until shortly after birth. Between weeks five and eight, the atrioventricular valves form. The semilunar valves form between weeks five and nine.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (39)
Primitive Heart Tube
Fused Heart Tube
Heart of Human Embryo Forming Atria and Ventricle
Heart of Human Embryo Forming Chamber
Heart of Human Embryo
Embryonic Heart
By the 25th day of gestation, a "heart" is already pumping and circulating blood through a network of vessels. These initial heartbeats come from a very different organ than the one seen in an adult. This early heart is really only a simple tube twisted back on itself because there is not enough room to grow. By the 5th week, the twisted tube fuses and becomes a two-chambered heart with one atrium and one ventricle. By the 6th week, a vertical wall - known as the septum - grows up the middle of the two chambers, dividing them to form the four-chambered heart that will persist into adulthood.
Interactive by TheVisualMD
Fetal circulation right before birth | Circulatory system physiology | NCLEX-RN | Khan Academy
Video by khanacademymedicine/YouTube
Fetal Development
Fetal Development
Fetal Development
Fetal Development
Fetal Development at 8 Weeks
The fetal period begins at the end of the 10th week of gestation (8th week of development). At the start of the fetal stage, the fetus is typically about 30 mm (1.2 inches) in length from crown to rump, and weighs about 8 grams. The head makes up nearly half of the fetus' size. The heart, hands, feet, brain and other organs are present, but are only at the beginning of development and have minimal operation. At 40 days, the embryo begins to curve into a C shape. The heart bulges, further develops, and begins to beat in a regular rhythm. Branchial arches, grooves which will form structures of the face and neck, form. At 56 days, the intestines, liver, kidneys, lungs, and heart are all taking shape. The brain and facial features of the fetus continue to develop. The arms and legs have lengthened, and the hands and feet have digits, but may still be webbed. During the sixth month, the brain is in a period of rapid development and the bones are becoming solid. The fetus is almost fully formed, but the lungs are not yet fully developed. The fetus obtains oxygen and nutrients from the mother through the placenta and the umbilical cord. All major structures are already formed in the fetus, but they continue to grow and develop.
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Embryo Inside Womb Carnegie Stage 16
Room full of women doing yoga. Slow zoom into one of the woman's torso to reveal the womb and an embryo at Carnegie stage 16, about 40 days developing. The Micro Magnetic Resonance Imaging based visualization reveals upper limb buds that are paddle-shaped and lower limb buds that are flipper-like. The heart is the prominent pink structure at the center of the embryo. Right above the heart is the first and second pharyngeal arches which have overgrown to make the third and forth arches indistinct.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Embryo at Carnegie Stage 14
Environment is within the womb with an embryo at Carnegie stage 14, about 32-day developing. The embryo is encompassed within the amniotic sac and situated beside the fetus is the yolk-sac. Different camera angles rotate around the embryo. Through the amniotic sac, the fetus' heart is represented by the red structure in the centre. The 4 chambers or the heart have developed. The arm and feet plates are visible.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Embryo at Carnegie Stage 18
Creative take showing a water bottle transitioning into an embryo. When the water bottle is removed from the table, it is replaced with an embryo at Carnegie stage 18, about 44 days. As the camera zooms on the embryo the background fades to black. The eye and external ear auricle are distinct. The heart is represented by the red structure in the centre with the chambers beginning to take shape. The hand and foot plates are more also more distinct.
Video by TheVisualMD
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3 Week Old Embryo with Beating Rudimentary Heart
A VG Max animation of a three week old embryo in the womb. The scene opens with the camera traveling through the semi-transparent tissue of the chorion and comes upon a three week old fetus and yolk sac. As the camera comes closer to the embryo, a red rudimentary heart is seen beating in it's pericardial cavity. The camera then rotates around the embryo and travels though the tissue of the chorion.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Embryo at Carnegie Stage 14
Environment is within the womb of an embryo at Carnegie stage 14, about 32 days, developing. The embryo is encompassed within the amniotic sac and situated beside the fetus is the yolk-sac. Different camera angles rotate around the fetus. Through the amniotic, the fetus' heart is represented by the red structure in the centre. The 4 chambers heart can be see beating at the camera rotates from behind. The arm and feet plates are visible.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Cardiovascular System of 8 Week Old Embryo
The heart and circulatory system of an eight week old embryo beginning with a closeup of it's back within the red chorion. As the camera rotates, the embryo becomes semi-transparent in order to view its beating heart and circulatory system. Once the embryo is in profile, the circulatory system begins fading out. The lungs also fade in and out. The skin fades in almost immediately following the lungs and the camera zooms out to end the scene.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Embryo at Carnegie Stage 19 Cardiovascular System
Lateral view of a woman doing a sit up on the floor. Camera zooms into woman's pelvic area to reveal an embryo at Carnegie stage 19, about 48 days. As the embryo rotates, all of its structures dissolve away to only leave the cardiovascular system. By this stage, the embryo's cardiovascular system is a vast and intricate system needed to fuel its growth.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Carnegie Stage 13 to Carnegie Stage 15
Left lateral view of an embryo at Carnegie stage 13, about 28 days. The liver and heart are equal in volume and the early division of what will be the heart's 4 chambers are visible. The embryo morphs to Carnegie stage 15, about 36 days. The chambers of the heart have developed and the arm and foot plates are now more apparent.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Fetus 8 Week Old Internal Organ
Week eight is a milestone in a baby's life. The Micro Magnetic Resonance Imaging based, visualization depicts a normal, but oversized looking liver in the thorax, a fairly defined lung with already distinguishable lobes, an already 4 chamber heart that beats now for about 4 weeks. By the end of this week the embryo has distinct human characteristics. Every organ and system is already in place. Developmental in the fetal period needs further differentiation of the organs and tissues and a rapid gain in size and weight.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Embryo - Week 11
View the embryo and its beating heart, audible now with a stethoscope
Embryo 54 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Heart and Nervous System
Embryo 54 Day Old Heart and Nervous System: Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 26.0 mm - This image provides a left-sided view from the left side of the embryo during its eighth week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The image has been manipulated so that the skin appears translucent. The primary focus of this image is the central nervous system. The two main organs that comprise this system are the brain and spinal cord which are highlighted in orange. The three main components of the brain can be observed. The largest portion in the front of the head is called the forebrain, the narrow middle segment is called the midbrain, and the hindbrain is the portion that connects the midbrain with the spinal cord. The nerve endings surrounding the spinal cord are indicated in white. Proportionately, the brain and central nervous system make up far less of the baby's body mass. The embryonic brain has yet to develop the iconic folds and wrinkles we recognize in adult brains. The heart is highlighted in bright red.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 36 Day Old (Week 7 for Gestational Age) Brain and Cardiovascular System
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 6.0 mm. This image offers a right-sided perspective of the internal organ development of an embryo at the beginning of six weeks. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. Of the prominent organs displayed are those of the cardiovascular system which continue to develop at a rapid rate during this phase. The heart (seen here as somewhat shadowed red rounded structure in the medial aspect of the embryo) is the first functional organ to develop in the human embryo. It begins its existence as two simple tubes that quickly fuse to form a single chamber or heart tube that is busily pumping blood by the 23nd day. At around the 25th day, it exhibits four slightly bulged areas that represent the earliest heart chambers called sinus venosus, atrium, ventricle, bulbous cordis. During the next three weeks of development, the heart tube undergoes dramatic contortions so as to change its structure to become a four-chambered organ capable of acting as a double pump. This image dipicts the heart at the 36th day of development. The tubes have undergone the aforementioned changes and the heart is divided into its four definitive chambers. They will assume their adult positions in just one more month. By the fourth week of development, the heart is pumping blood through the rudimentary vascular system. In the eye region (as represented by a red dot surrounded by a green ring) the lens is almost completely closed and are starting to undergo retinal pigmentation. The brain is also undergoing rapid differentiation as the irregularly shaped vesicles continue to form. The prominent uppermost bump in this image represents the future cerebellum. Continual development in the brain will bring about three major components, the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 36 Day Old (Week 7 for Gestational Age) Brain and Cardiovascular System
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 6.0 mm. This image offers a right-sided perspective of the internal organ development of an embryo at the beginning of six weeks. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. Of the prominent organs displayed are those of the cardiovascular system which continue to develop at a rapid rate during this phase. The heart (seen here as somewhat shadowed red rounded structure in the medial aspect of the embryo) is the first functional organ to develop in the human embryo. The heart begins its existence as two simple tubes that quickly fuse to form a single chamber or heart tube that is busily pumping blood by the 23nd day. At around the 25th day, it exhibits four slightly bulged areas that represent the earliest heart chambers called sinus venosus, atrium, ventricle, bulbous cordis. During the next three weeks of development, the heart tube undergoes dramatic contortions so as to change its structure to become a four-chambered organ capable of acting as a double pump. This image depicts the heart at the 36th day of development. The tubes have undergone the aforementioned changes and the heart is divided into its four definitive chambers. They will assume their adult positions in just one more month. By the fourth week of development, the heart is pumping blood through the rudimentary vascular system. In the eye region (as represented by a red dot surrounded by a green ring) the lens is almost completely closed and are starting to undergo retinal pigmentation. The brain is also undergoing rapid differentiation as the irregularly shaped vesicles continue to form. The prominent uppermost bump in this image represents the future cerebellum. Continual development in the brain will bring about three major components, the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 54 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Kidney and Nervous System
Embryo 54 Day Nervous System and Internal Organs: Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 26.0 mm - This image provides a left-sided view of the embryo undergoing its eighth week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The primary focus of this image is on the internal organ structures of the embryo. The two major components of the central nervous system, the brain and the spinal cord are highlighted in brown. The three major parts of the brain can be observed. The largest part facing downwards is the forebrain. The narrow segment in the middle is the midbrain. The hindbrain connects the midbrain and spinal cord. The heart is marked in bright red and is situated alongside the lung, marked in orange. The structures below the lung are the stomach ( white ) and kidneys ( red orange. ) The red structure protruding outwards from the embryo is the umbilical cord, which serves as a mechanism for gas exchange, nutrient delivery and waste removal.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 36 Day Old (Week 7 for Gestational Age) Cardiovascular System
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 6.0 mm. This image offers a left-sided perspective of the internal organ development of an embryo at the beginning of six weeks. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The most prominent organs displayed are those of the cardiovascular system which continue to develop at a rapid rate during this phase. The heart (seen here as a bright red rounded structure on top of a dark red bulge) is the first functional organ to develop in the human embryo. It begins its existence as two simple tubes that quickly fuse to form a single chamber or heart tube that is busily pumping blood by the 23nd day. At around the 25th day, it exhibits four slightly bulged areas that represent the earliest heart chambers called sinus venosus, atrium, ventricle, bulbous cordis. During the next three weeks of development, the heart tube undergoes dramatic contortions so as to change its structure to become a four-chambered organ capable of acting as a double pump. This image depicts the heart at the 36th day of development. The tubes have undergone the aforementioned changes and the heart is divided into its four definitive chambers. They will assume their adult positions in just one more month. This image also offers a clear depiction of the vessels that convey blood to and from the heart and brain. By the fourth week of development, the heart is pumping blood through the rudimentary vascular system. The blood largely bypasses the liver (seen here as the dark red bulge posterior to the heart). The umbilical vessels (posterior and anterior to the heart and liver) convey blood between the fetal circulation and the placenta where gas and nutrient exchanges occur with the mother's blood. Once the fetal circulatory system is formed, few vascular changes occur until birth and the umbilical vessels closed. In the eye region (as represented by a red dot surrounded by a green ring) the lens is almost completely closed and are starting to undergo retinal pigmentation. The growing nerve endings around the spinal cord are indicated in white. The brain is also undergoing rapid differentiation as the irregularly shaped vesicles continue to form. The prominent uppermost bump in this image represents the future cerebellum. Continual development in the brain will bring about three major components, the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 56 Day Old (Week 10 Gestational Age, Week 8 Fetal Age) Heart and Blood Vessel
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 30.0 mm - This image provides a right-sided perspective of an embryo during its eighth week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The skin has been made translucent so that internal organs can be observed. The brain is highlighted in yellow-orange. Red blood vessels branching from the functionally complete, four-chambered heart, indicated in red, extend towards the brain. In the facial region, the red circle indicates the eye. The liver, shown in pale yellow, is situated below the heart.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 40 Day Old (Week 7 for Gestational Age) Heart and Liver
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 8.0 mm - This image of the embryo presented from the left-dorsal side shows the internal organs duringthe sixth week of embryonic development. This age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The prominent C-shaped curvature of the spinal cord (in red) remains. The chambered heart, marked in red, can be seen from the backside perspective. The liver is highlighted in violet. Veins and blood vessels connect the heart to the brain to supply nutrients and oxygen.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 56 Day Old (Week 10 Gestational Age, Week 8 Fetal Age) Blood Vessel to Brain
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 30.0 mm - This image provides a right-sided perspective of an embryo during its eighth week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The skin has been made translucent so that internal organs can be observed. The brain is highlighted in yellow-orange. Red blood vessels branching from the functionally complete, four-chambered heart, indicated in red, extend towards the brain. In the facial region, the red circle indicates the eye. The liver, shown in pale yellow, is situated below the heart.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 44 Day Old (Week 6) Circulatory System
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 13.0 mm - This image presents a left-sided view of the embryo during the seventh week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The primary focus is on the circulatory system; the great number of blood vessels and veins throughout the embryo's body. The heart is indicated in bright red and the large structure underneath in deep violet red is the liver. The left lung is marked in orange. The spinal region is indicated in white. The umbilical cord, a transport mechanism for nutrients and wastes between the embryo and mother is visible on the right side of the embyro
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 44 Day Old (Week 8 for Gestational Age) Brain and Blood Circulation
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 13.0 mm - This right-sided image of an embryo developing during the seventh week has been manipulated so that the focus centers on internal organ systems. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The three major components of the brain can be seen. The forebrain is the largest portion and can be is visible near the front portion of the head region. The midbrain is the narrower part of the brain in the middle and the hindbrain connects with the spinal cord. The red-purplish circle seen in the head region is the developing eye. The nerve endings of the spinal cord are indicated in white. The heart is marked in bright red. One of the lungs seen is marked in yellow. The kidney organ is indicated in green. The thick red blood vessel is seen inside the umbilical cord, a transport mechanism for nutrients and wastes between embryo and mother.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 44 Day Old (Week 8 for Gestational Age) Circulatory System
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 13.0 mm - This image presents a left-frontal perspective of the embryo during its seventh week of development. This age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The concentration of this image is on the circulatory system. The heart is indicated as a red, bulk-like structure. Blood vessels can be seen extending towards the brain and to the rest of the embryo's body. The umbilical cord, as observed potruding from the body, serves as a means of exchanging nutrients and wastes between the embryo and mother. The nerve endings surrounding the spinal cord are indicated in white.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 56 Day Old (Week 10 Gestational Age, Week 8 Fetal Age) Visible Lung and Liver
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 30 mm - This image presents a left-sided view of the embryo undergoing its eighth week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. At this point of development, all body parts have been differentiated and all body systems are in place. The right eye is indicated as the pink circle in the facial region. The arms and legs have elongated, and distinctions of fingers and toes can be observed. The heart is indicated in red and the lungs are indicated in white. The liver is the large purplish-red organ below. The pink tube-like protrusion from the embryo is the umbilical cord, which serves as a mechanism of gas exchange, nutrient delivery and waste removal.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 40 Day Old (Week 7 for Gestational Age) with Developing Organ
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 8.0 mm - This left-sided image reveals the general shape and forms of the organs that have developed in the embryo by six weeks. The age is calculated by the day of fertilization. The brain is highlighted in peach. In the head region, the purple circle indicates the developing eye. As well in the head region, the two grooves or indentations are the pharyngeal arches; the first two can be seen here. The third and fourth pharyngeal arches have disappeared. The remaining two arches will help in developing parts of the nervous and muscular system in the facial region. The upper and lower limbs have continued to elongate; they are the templates for arm and leg development.
Image by TheVisualMD
Prenatal development (Week 7 Gestational Age, Week 5 Fetal Age)
Embryo 36 Day Old (Week 7 for Gestational) Without Skin: Computer generated image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 6.0 mm. This image offers a left-sided perspective of the internal organ development of an embryo at the beginning of six weeks. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The most prominent organs displayed are those of the cardiovascular system which continue to develop at a rapid rate during this phase. The heart (seen here as a bright red rounded structure on top of a dark red bulge) is the first functional organ to develop in the human embryo. It begins its existence as two simple tubes that quickly fuse to form a single chamber, or heart tube, that is busily pumping blood by the 23nd day. At around the 25th day, it exhibits four slightly bulged areas that represent the earliest heart chambers called sinus venosus, atrium, ventricle, bulbous cordis. During the next three weeks of development, the heart tube undergoes dramatic contortions so as to change its structure to become a four-chambered organ capable of acting as a double pump. This image depicts the heart at the 36th day of development. The tubes have undergone the aforementioned changes and the heart is divided into its four definitive chambers. They will assume their adult positions in just one more month. This image also offers a clear depiction of the vessels that convey blood to and from the heart and brain. By the fourth week of development, the heart is pumping blood through the rudimentary vascular system. The blood largely bypasses the liver (seen here as the dark red bulge posterior to the heart). The umbilical vessels (posterior and anterior to the heart and liver) convey blood between the fetal circulation and the placenta where gas and nutrient exchanges occur with the mother's blood. Once the fetal circulatory system is formed, few vascular changes occur until birth and the umbilical vessels close. In the eye region (as represented by a red dot surrounded by a green ring) the lens is almost completely closed and are starting to undergo retinal pigmentation. The growing nerve endings around the spinal cord are indicated in white. The brain is also undergoing rapid differentiation as the irregularly shaped vesicles continue to form. The prominent uppermost bump in this image represents the future cerebellum. Continual development in the brain will bring about three major components, the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain.
Image by TheVisualMD
Heart of Human Embryo (Week 6 for Gestational Age)
By the 25th day of gestation, a \"heart\" is already pumping and circulating blood through a network of vessels. These initial heartbeats come from a very different organ than the one seen in an adult. This early heart is really only a simple tube twisted back on itself because there is not enough room to grow. By the 5th week, the twisted tube fuses and becomes a two-chambered heart with one atrium and one ventricle. By the 6th week, a vertical wall - known as the septum - grows up the middle of the two chambers, dividing them to form the four-chambered heart that will persist into adulthood.
Image by TheVisualMD
Circulatory System of a Human Embryo
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI of the circulatory system of an embryo. The image has been manipulated so the skin is transparent so as to reveal the circulatory system. One of the first systems to develop in the embryo, the heart can be seen near the center in the image, highlighted in bright red. Blood vessels extend from the heart, carrying blood to supply oxygen and nutrients to other parts of the body. The two gray orb-like structures in the head region indicate the developing eyes.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo at 6 Weeks
At 6 weeks, the embryo is only about half an inch (10-14 mm) long and weighs less than a paper clip. It's possible to see the tiny embryonic heart beating. The embryo is starting to acquire a human face. The folds of the eyelids and the jaws form, and the tip of the nose can be clearly seen. Ears are developing inside and out: internally, the semicircular canals are laid down, while externally mounds of tissue erupt where the whorls of the ears will grow. The eyes become pigmented and continue their extremely complex development, as delicate eye muscles begin to form and nerve cells appear in the retina. At this point male and female fetuses look identical both internally and externally. External genital development consists of an indifferent penis, which will either form into a penis and scrotum or clitoris and labia.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo at 8 Weeks
The embryo, which is termed a fetus at the end of its 8th week, may now measure just over an inch (28-30 mm) in length, about the size of an almond in its shell, and weigh about 1/30 oz (.9 g). The little \"tail\" disappears, as does the webbing between the fingers and the toes. Skin grows over the eyes to protect the delicate cornea. The upper lip forms, and the folds of the ears attain their final shape. Internally, all of the body's parts-cells, tissues, organs, systems-have been differentiated. The heart is now functionally complete and major blood vessels assume their final plan. The lungs have divided into lobes.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 56 Day Old Heart and Blood Vessel
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 30.0 mm - This image provides a right-sided perspective of an embryo during its eighth week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The skin has been made translucent so that internal organs can be observed. The brain is highlighted in yellow-orange. Red blood vessels branching from the functionally complete, four-chambered heart, indicated in red, extend towards the brain. In the facial region, the red circle indicates the eye. The liver, shown in pale yellow, is situated below the heart.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 26 Day Old Heart and Somite
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 4.0 mm - This image provides a right-sided view of the embryo during its fourth week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The embryo acquires a C-shaped curvature as the spinal cord (in dark yellow) begins to develop. The ridge-like markings in the head region are the pharyngeal arches which contribute to formation and development of the head and neck regions. The eye and the ear which appear as slight indentations in the cranial regions have begun to form. The valves and septa appear in the growing heart (highlighted in red). The pale pink ridge-like structures along the back are somites (of which there are now twenty-one to twenty-nine) that serve as precursors to the skeletomuscular system.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo and embryonic and fetal heart Development
Embryo and embryonic and fetal heart Development
Image by TheVisualMD
Human embryogenesis
Embryo at Carnegie Stage 14 : Environment is within the womb of an embryo at Carnegie stage 14, about 32 days, developing. The embryo is encompassed within the amniotic sac and situated beside the fetus is the yolk-sac. Different camera angles rotate around the fetus. Through the amniotic, the fetus' heart is represented by the red structure in the centre. The 4 chambers heart can be see beating at the camera rotates from behind. The arm and feet plates are visible.
Image by TheVisualMD
Anatomy of Week 8 Embryo -Heart
View the various anatomical features of an embryo during its 8th week of development.
Image by TheVisualMD
Heart Formation
The fertilized egg, termed a zygote, divides into 2 cells after about 24 hours, 4 cells after 48 hours, and 6-12 cells in 3 days. At about 5 days, the zygote has transformed into a hollow ball called the blastocyst. The heart develops by folding in upon itself like a piece of origami. The early heart is not much more than two simple tubes that have fused together, twisted, and looped back on themselves. By week 5, the twisted tube fuses and becomes a two-chambered heart with one atrium and one ventricle. By week 6, a vertical wall known as the septum grows up into the middle of the two chambers.
Image by "Conception to Birth: The Visual Guide to Your Pregnancy" by Alexander Tsiaras
Skeletal System of a 14 Week Old (Week 16 Gestational Age, Week 14 Fetal Age) Fetus
Image by TheVisualMD
Skeletal System of a 14 Week Old (Week 16 Gestational Age, Week 14 Fetal Age) Fetus
3D visualization of the fetal skeletal system reconstructed from scanned human data. At six weeks after conception, rods of collagen, tightly wound chains of long protein molecules, become the body's template, laying out a model for the full skeleton. Within two months, minerals from the blood crystallize and surround the rods, although the bones still aren't connected at the joints. At birth, the bones have ossified enough to support the body, but it will take another year or more before complex joint mechanisms tie them all together to deliver enough strength and flexibility to permit toddling. The skeletal system of an adult consists of 206 bones that provide protection, support, and mobility.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryonic Development of the Axial Skeleton
The axial skeleton begins to form during early embryonic development. However, growth, remodeling, and ossification (bone formation) continue for several decades after birth before the adult skeleton is fully formed. Knowledge of the developmental processes that give rise to the skeleton is important for understanding the abnormalities that may arise in skeletal structures.
Development of the Skull
During the third week of embryonic development, a rod-like structure called the notochord develops dorsally along the length of the embryo. The tissue overlying the notochord enlarges and forms the neural tube, which will give rise to the brain and spinal cord. By the fourth week, mesoderm tissue located on either side of the notochord thickens and separates into a repeating series of block-like tissue structures, each of which is called a somite. As the somites enlarge, each one will split into several parts. The most medial of these parts is called a sclerotome. The sclerotomes consist of an embryonic tissue called mesenchyme, which will give rise to the fibrous connective tissues, cartilages, and bones of the body.
The bones of the skull arise from mesenchyme during embryonic development in two different ways. The first mechanism produces the bones that form the top and sides of the brain case. This involves the local accumulation of mesenchymal cells at the site of the future bone. These cells then differentiate directly into bone producing cells, which form the skull bones through the process of intramembranous ossification. As the brain case bones grow in the fetal skull, they remain separated from each other by large areas of dense connective tissue, each of which is called a fontanelle (image). The fontanelles are the soft spots on an infant’s head. They are important during birth because these areas allow the skull to change shape as it squeezes through the birth canal. After birth, the fontanelles allow for continued growth and expansion of the skull as the brain enlarges. The largest fontanelle is located on the anterior head, at the junction of the frontal and parietal bones. The fontanelles decrease in size and disappear by age 2. However, the skull bones remained separated from each other at the sutures, which contain dense fibrous connective tissue that unites the adjacent bones. The connective tissue of the sutures allows for continued growth of the skull bones as the brain enlarges during childhood growth.
The second mechanism for bone development in the skull produces the facial bones and floor of the brain case. This also begins with the localized accumulation of mesenchymal cells. However, these cells differentiate into cartilage cells, which produce a hyaline cartilage model of the future bone. As this cartilage model grows, it is gradually converted into bone through the process of endochondral ossification. This is a slow process and the cartilage is not completely converted to bone until the skull achieves its full adult size.
At birth, the brain case and orbits of the skull are disproportionally large compared to the bones of the jaws and lower face. This reflects the relative underdevelopment of the maxilla and mandible, which lack teeth, and the small sizes of the paranasal sinuses and nasal cavity. During early childhood, the mastoid process enlarges, the two halves of the mandible and frontal bone fuse together to form single bones, and the paranasal sinuses enlarge. The jaws also expand as the teeth begin to appear. These changes all contribute to the rapid growth and enlargement of the face during childhood.
Newborn Skull The bones of the newborn skull are not fully ossified and are separated by large areas called fontanelles, which are filled with fibrous connective tissue. The fontanelles allow for continued growth of the skull after birth. At the time of birth, the facial bones are small and underdeveloped, and the mastoid process has not yet formed.
Development of the Vertebral Column and Thoracic cage
Development of the vertebrae begins with the accumulation of mesenchyme cells from each sclerotome around the notochord. These cells differentiate into a hyaline cartilage model for each vertebra, which then grow and eventually ossify into bone through the process of endochondral ossification. As the developing vertebrae grow, the notochord largely disappears. However, small areas of notochord tissue persist between the adjacent vertebrae and this contributes to the formation of each intervertebral disc.
The ribs and sternum also develop from mesenchyme. The ribs initially develop as part of the cartilage model for each vertebra, but in the thorax region, the rib portion separates from the vertebra by the eighth week. The cartilage model of the rib then ossifies, except for the anterior portion, which remains as the costal cartilage. The sternum initially forms as paired hyaline cartilage models on either side of the anterior midline, beginning during the fifth week of development. The cartilage models of the ribs become attached to the lateral sides of the developing sternum. Eventually, the two halves of the cartilaginous sternum fuse together along the midline and then ossify into bone. The manubrium and body of the sternum are converted into bone first, with the xiphoid process remaining as cartilage until late in life.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (16)
Development of the Vertebrae: Sclerotome, Ribs & Sternum – Embryology | Lecturio
Video by Lecturio Medical/YouTube
Embryo 6 Week Old Skeletal and Nervous Systems
3D visualization reconstructed from scanned human data of the developing skeletal system of a six week old embryo. During this phase of development, the foreshadowing cartilaginous models of bone begin to ossify and terminal portions of the limb buds become flattened to form the hand plates and footplates, the future hands and feet. Growing outward from the middle of the shaft, the long bones that give the body its adult contours continue to grow until the age of 17 to 21.
Image by TheVisualMD
Fetus Skull
The sutures (joints) in the skull don’t completely fuse until after birth.
Image by TheVisualMD
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Developing Skeletal System of 28 Week Old Fetus
Micro Magnetic Resonance Imaging based, stylized visualization of the developing skeletal system of a 28 week old fetus. The fetus is positioned in a lateral view. The camera zooms in and rotates over the top of the fetus. The animation continues with the camera diving down through the skeleton showing each bone as it passes to eventually the feet. The blackground is black.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Comparison of Fetal and Adult Skeletal System
Micro Magnetic Resonance Imaging based, stylized visualization of a comparsion of an adult skeletal sytem and the developing skeletal system of a 28 week old fetus. The background is black. The adult skeletal is positioned in a frontal view while the fetus is positioned in a lateral view. The camera zooms in and rotates superior so that the shot is looking at the tops of the skulls. The animation continues with the camera diving down through the skeletons showing each bone as it passes to eventually the feet.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Developing Skeletal System of 20 Week Old Fetus
Glass style of a 20-week old fetus within the womb. The focus is on the developing skeletal system. The system develops from embryonic connective tissue. After 8 weeks the bones start ossifying. Womb environment is nondescript and rendered in dark red and black. Camera zooms around the fetus.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Skeletal System of Full Term Fetus
Close up lateral view of a full term 3-D rendered fetus. The shot is cropped at the shoulder and at the top of the pelvis. Only shwoing is the fetus' torso with part of the arm and knee. The skin is translucent to show the developing skeleton below. Camera pans from this starting position to the fetus's feet. The background is black.
Video by TheVisualMD
Embryology | Development of Skeletal System
Video by Ninja Nerd/YouTube
Skeleton and bones - Fetus newborn baby
Skeleton and bones - Fetus newborn baby
Image by Laboratoires Servier
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Mother's Skeletal System and Fetus Inside Amniotic Sac
Micro Magnetic Resonance Imaging based, stylized visualization of a mother's skeletal system and her 8-month old fetus as it resides in a translucent amniotic sac.The skeleton is in a sitting postion with the right hand positioned to mimic the mother stroking her pregnant belly. The camera is positioned to focus on the mother's torso. The camera zooms into the fetus.
Video by TheVisualMD
Fetus at 26 Weeks (Skeletal System)
At 26 weeks the organs throughout the fetus's body are becoming more mature. The heart and lungs continue to develop and rapid brain development also occurs. The central nervous system is developed enough to control breathing and body temperature. Layers of fat are starting to add and muscle coordination is beginning. The spine is growing longer and stronger to support the fetus's growing body.
Image by TheVisualMD
Pregnant woman skeleton system in Yoga pose and fetal bone structure
Pregnant woman skeleton system in Yoga pose and fetal bone structure
Image by TheVisualMD
Fetus at 26 Weeks
At 26 weeks the organs throughout the fetus's body are becoming more mature. The heart and lungs continue to develop and rapid brain development also occurs. The central nervous system is developed enough to control breathing and body temperature. Layers of fat are starting to add and muscle coordination is beginning. The spine is growing longer and stronger to support the fetus's growing body.
Image by TheVisualMD
Fetus at 26 Weeks
At 26 weeks the organs throughout the fetus's body are becoming more mature. The heart and lungs continue to develop and rapid brain development also occurs. The central nervous system is developed enough to control breathing and body temperature. Layers of fat are starting to add and muscle coordination is beginning. The spine is growing longer and stronger to support the fetus's growing body.
Image by TheVisualMD
Fetus at 26 Weeks
At 26 weeks the organs throughout the fetus's body are becoming more mature. The heart and lungs continue to develop and rapid brain development also occurs. The central nervous system is developed enough to control breathing and body temperature. Layers of fat are starting to add and muscle coordination is beginning. The spine is growing longer and stronger to support the fetus's growing body.
Image by TheVisualMD
Fetus at 26 Weeks
At 26 weeks the organs throughout the fetus's body are becoming more mature. The heart and lungs continue to develop and rapid brain development also occurs. The central nervous system is developed enough to control breathing and body temperature. Layers of fat are starting to add and muscle coordination is beginning. The spine is growing longer and stronger to support the fetus's growing body.
Image by TheVisualMD
Development of the Vertebrae: Sclerotome, Ribs & Sternum – Embryology | Lecturio
Lecturio Medical/YouTube
Embryo 6 Week Old Skeletal and Nervous Systems
Fetus Skull
Developing Skeletal System of 28 Week Old Fetus
Comparison of Fetal and Adult Skeletal System
Developing Skeletal System of 20 Week Old Fetus
Skeletal System of Full Term Fetus
Embryology | Development of Skeletal System
Ninja Nerd/YouTube
Skeleton and bones - Fetus newborn baby
Laboratoires Servier
Mother's Skeletal System and Fetus Inside Amniotic Sac
Fetus at 26 Weeks (Skeletal System)
Pregnant woman skeleton system in Yoga pose and fetal bone structure
Fetus at 26 Weeks
Fetus at 26 Weeks
Fetus at 26 Weeks
Fetus at 26 Weeks
Appendicular Skeleton
Embryo 6 Week Old Skeletal and Nervous Systems
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 6 Week Old Skeletal and Nervous Systems
3D visualization reconstructed from scanned human data of the developing skeletal system of a six week old embryo. During this phase of development, the foreshadowing cartilaginous models of bone begin to ossify and terminal portions of the limb buds become flattened to form the hand plates and footplates, the future hands and feet. Growing outward from the middle of the shaft, the long bones that give the body its adult contours continue to grow until the age of 17 to 21.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryonic Development of the Appendicular Skeleton (Limbs)
Embryologically, the appendicular skeleton arises from mesenchyme, a type of embryonic tissue that can differentiate into many types of tissues, including bone or muscle tissue. Mesenchyme gives rise to the bones of the upper and lower limbs, as well as to the pectoral and pelvic girdles. Development of the limbs begins near the end of the fourth embryonic week, with the upper limbs appearing first. Thereafter, the development of the upper and lower limbs follows similar patterns, with the lower limbs lagging behind the upper limbs by a few days.
Limb Growth
Each upper and lower limb initially develops as a small bulge called a limb bud, which appears on the lateral side of the early embryo. The upper limb bud appears near the end of the fourth week of development, with the lower limb bud appearing shortly after (image).
Limb buds are visible in an embryo at the end of the seventh week of development (embryo derived from an ectopic pregnancy). (credit: Ed Uthman/flickr)
Initially, the limb buds consist of a core of mesenchyme covered by a layer of ectoderm. The ectoderm at the end of the limb bud thickens to form a narrow crest called the apical ectodermal ridge. This ridge stimulates the underlying mesenchyme to rapidly proliferate, producing the outgrowth of the developing limb. As the limb bud elongates, cells located farther from the apical ectodermal ridge slow their rates of cell division and begin to differentiate. In this way, the limb develops along a proximal-to-distal axis.
During the sixth week of development, the distal ends of the upper and lower limb buds expand and flatten into a paddle shape. This region will become the hand or foot. The wrist or ankle areas then appear as a constriction that develops at the base of the paddle. Shortly after this, a second constriction on the limb bud appears at the future site of the elbow or knee. Within the paddle, areas of tissue undergo cell death, producing separations between the growing fingers and toes. Also during the sixth week of development, mesenchyme within the limb buds begins to differentiate into hyaline cartilage that will form models of the future limb bones.
The early outgrowth of the upper and lower limb buds initially has the limbs positioned so that the regions that will become the palm of the hand or the bottom of the foot are facing medially toward the body, with the future thumb or big toe both oriented toward the head. During the seventh week of development, the upper limb rotates laterally by 90 degrees, so that the palm of the hand faces anteriorly and the thumb points laterally. In contrast, the lower limb undergoes a 90-degree medial rotation, thus bringing the big toe to the medial side of the foot.
Ossification of Appendicular Bones
All of the girdle and limb bones, except for the clavicle, develop by the process of endochondral ossification. This process begins as the mesenchyme within the limb bud differentiates into hyaline cartilage to form cartilage models for future bones. By the twelfth week, a primary ossification center will have appeared in the diaphysis (shaft) region of the long bones, initiating the process that converts the cartilage model into bone. A secondary ossification center will appear in each epiphysis (expanded end) of these bones at a later time, usually after birth. The primary and secondary ossification centers are separated by the epiphyseal plate, a layer of growing hyaline cartilage. This plate is located between the diaphysis and each epiphysis. It continues to grow and is responsible for the lengthening of the bone. The epiphyseal plate is retained for many years, until the bone reaches its final, adult size, at which time the epiphyseal plate disappears and the epiphysis fuses to the diaphysis. (Seek additional content on ossification in the chapter on bone tissue.)
Small bones, such as the phalanges, will develop only one secondary ossification center and will thus have only a single epiphyseal plate. Large bones, such as the femur, will develop several secondary ossification centers, with an epiphyseal plate associated with each secondary center. Thus, ossification of the femur begins at the end of the seventh week with the appearance of the primary ossification center in the diaphysis, which rapidly expands to ossify the shaft of the bone prior to birth. Secondary ossification centers develop at later times. Ossification of the distal end of the femur, to form the condyles and epicondyles, begins shortly before birth. Secondary ossification centers also appear in the femoral head late in the first year after birth, in the greater trochanter during the fourth year, and in the lesser trochanter between the ages of 9 and 10 years. Once these areas have ossified, their fusion to the diaphysis and the disappearance of each epiphyseal plate follow a reversed sequence. Thus, the lesser trochanter is the first to fuse, doing so at the onset of puberty (around 11 years of age), followed by the greater trochanter approximately 1 year later. The femoral head fuses between the ages of 14–17 years, whereas the distal condyles of the femur are the last to fuse, between the ages of 16–19 years. Knowledge of the age at which different epiphyseal plates disappear is important when interpreting radiographs taken of children. Since the cartilage of an epiphyseal plate is less dense than bone, the plate will appear dark in a radiograph image. Thus, a normal epiphyseal plate may be mistaken for a bone fracture.
The clavicle is the one appendicular skeleton bone that does not develop via endochondral ossification. Instead, the clavicle develops through the process of intramembranous ossification. During this process, mesenchymal cells differentiate directly into bone-producing cells, which produce the clavicle directly, without first making a cartilage model. Because of this early production of bone, the clavicle is the first bone of the body to begin ossification, with ossification centers appearing during the fifth week of development. However, ossification of the clavicle is not complete until age 25.
The bones of the appendicular skeleton arise from embryonic mesenchyme. Limb buds appear at the end of the fourth week. The apical ectodermal ridge, located at the end of the limb bud, stimulates growth and elongation of the limb. During the sixth week, the distal end of the limb bud becomes paddle-shaped, and selective cell death separates the developing fingers and toes. At the same time, mesenchyme within the limb bud begins to differentiate into hyaline cartilage, forming models for future bones. During the seventh week, the upper limbs rotate laterally and the lower limbs rotate medially, bringing the limbs into their final positions.
Endochondral ossification, the process that converts the hyaline cartilage model into bone, begins in most appendicular bones by the twelfth fetal week. This begins as a primary ossification center in the diaphysis, followed by the later appearance of one or more secondary ossifications centers in the regions of the epiphyses. Each secondary ossification center is separated from the primary ossification center by an epiphyseal plate. Continued growth of the epiphyseal plate cartilage provides for bone lengthening. Disappearance of the epiphyseal plate is followed by fusion of the bony components to form a single, adult bone.
The clavicle develops via intramembranous ossification, in which mesenchyme is converted directly into bone tissue. Ossification within the clavicle begins during the fifth week of development and continues until 25 years of age.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (27)
Special embryology - Skeletal system - Limbs
Video by dissectors/YouTube
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Embryo Inside Womb Carnegie Stage 16
Room full of women doing yoga. Slow zoom into one of the woman's torso to reveal the womb and an embryo at Carnegie stage 16, about 40 days developing. The Micro Magnetic Resonance Imaging based visualization reveals upper limb buds that are paddle-shaped and lower limb buds that are flipper-like. The heart is the prominent pink structure at the center of the embryo. Right above the heart is the first and second pharyngeal arches which have overgrown to make the third and forth arches indistinct.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Embryo at Carnegie Stage 18
Creative take showing a water bottle transitioning into an embryo. When the water bottle is removed from the table, it is replaced with an embryo at Carnegie stage 18, about 44 days. As the camera zooms on the embryo the background fades to black. The eye and external ear auricle are distinct. The heart is represented by the red structure in the centre with the chambers beginning to take shape. The hand and foot plates are more also more distinct.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Embryo at Carnegie Stage 14
Environment is within the womb with an embryo at Carnegie stage 14, about 32-day developing. The embryo is encompassed within the amniotic sac and situated beside the fetus is the yolk-sac. Different camera angles rotate around the embryo. Through the amniotic sac, the fetus' heart is represented by the red structure in the centre. The 4 chambers or the heart have developed. The arm and feet plates are visible.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Embryo at Carnegie Stage 15 to 17
Lateral view of an embryo at Carnegie stage 15, about 36 days. The animation morphs the embryo to a Carnegie stage 17, about 42 days. After the morph, the hand plates become more defined and shaped with digital rays apparent. The eye, auricular hillocks (primordia of external ear), and external acoustic meatus (auditory canal) are more obvious.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Embryo at Carnegie Stage 20
Camera zooms into a computer monitor with an image of an embryo at Carnegie stage 20, about 51 does on it. The image of the embryo transitions to a 3-D SEM-looking embryo. The camera rotates around the embryo to give a 360 view of all sides. At this stage the embryo's fingers are separated and the toes are beginning to separate. the nose is stubby and the eye is pigmented.
Video by TheVisualMD
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7 week old embryo
Slow zoom out from an extreme close up of the face and than back to a close up of a face of a Carnegie19 stage, about 7 weeks old embryo. Well developed eyes, nasal openings and separated fingers are already present.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Embryo at Carnegie Stage 19 Cardiovascular System
Lateral view of a woman doing a sit up on the floor. Camera zooms into woman's pelvic area to reveal an embryo at Carnegie stage 19, about 48 days. As the embryo rotates, all of its structures dissolve away to only leave the cardiovascular system. By this stage, the embryo's cardiovascular system is a vast and intricate system needed to fuel its growth.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Embryo at Carnegie Stage 14
Environment is within the womb of an embryo at Carnegie stage 14, about 32 days, developing. The embryo is encompassed within the amniotic sac and situated beside the fetus is the yolk-sac. Different camera angles rotate around the fetus. Through the amniotic, the fetus' heart is represented by the red structure in the centre. The 4 chambers heart can be see beating at the camera rotates from behind. The arm and feet plates are visible.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Embryo at Carnegie Stage 16
Camera view from the underside of an embryo at Carnegie stage 16, about 40 days. View is of the tail and the foot plates.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Embryo at Carnegie Stage 18
Lateral view of a woman doing a sit up on the floor. Camera zooms into woman's pelvic area to reveal an embryo at Carnegie stage 18, about 44 days. As the embryo rotates, all of its structures dissolve away to only leave the cardiovascular system. By this stage, the embryo's cardiovascular system is a vast and intricate system needed to fuel its growth.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Embryo at Carnegie Stage 18
Lateral view of a woman doing a sit up on the floor. Camera zooms into woman's pelvic area to reveal an embryo at Carnegie stage 18, about 44 days. As the embryo rotates, all of its structures dissolve away to only leave the cardiovascular system. By this stage, the embryo's cardiovascular system is a vast and intricate system needed to fuel its growth.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Embryo at Carnegie Stage 16
Morphing of an SEM-looking embryo at Carnegie stage 16, about 40 days to an embryo at Carnegie stage 17, about 42 days. The eye, auricular hillocks (primordia of external ear), and external acoustic meatus (auditory canal) are more obvious. Digital rays in the large hand plate, indicating the future site of digits, are becoming visible.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Embryo at Carnegie Stage 20
Cropped view of an embryo at Carnegie stage 20, about 51 days. At this stage, the upper limb extend ventrally. The fingers are well formed but are short and webbed. The embryo morphs into an 8 month fetus. By this stage, the skin is smooth and pink and the quantity of white fat is about 8%. The fetus is about to survive if born prematurely.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Eye Development from Embryo to Fetus
Close-up view of the development of an embryo's eye at Carnegie stage 16, about 40 days. At this stage, the eye is distinct and heavily pigmented. A morph occurs and shows the eye developing into an eye of fetus at 8 months. During the morph, eyelids developed and approximated one another to cover the eyeball.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Embryo at Carnegie Stage 20
Lateral view of an embryo at Carnegie stage 20, about 51 days. The eyelids and auricle are well developed. The eyelids have not approximated yet therefore revealing the heavily pigmented eye.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Hand Development from Embryo to Fetus
Close up shot of a the lateral view of an embryo at about 40 days. The embryo morphs through development to a full-term fetus at 8 months.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Embryo at Carnegie Stage 23
Video shows a woman blowing bubbles. Camera follows one bubble with an embryo at Carnegie stage 23, inside it. The embryo is transparent and the background fades to black. Camera continues to pan around the embryo bubble. The skin of the embryo becomes translucent and shows skeletal, circulatory system beneath it. Camera zooms into the face and then zooms out to reveal the embryo embedded in the developing placental tissue.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Embryo at Carnegie Stage 23 Inside Womb
Video footage of a doctor and a woman discussing an image of a sonogram. Camera zooms down a hallway and into the woman's belly. Cut to womb environment showing a developing embryo at about Carnegie stage 23. Skin is translucent and shows some underlying structures. Camera zooms in to the face and there is subtle movement of the mouth.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Embryo at Carnegie Stage 24 Showing Facial Expression
Slow zoom in on a fetus at Carnegie stage 23 in utero. The umbilical cord is large in comparison to the fetus. The environment is dark and textured suggesting the womb. The camera zooms onto the face of the fetus where a subtle movement of the face is seen.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Embryo at Carnegie Stage 23
Video shows a woman blowing bubbles. Camera follows one bubble with an embryo at Carnegie stage 23, inside it. The embryo is transparent and the background fades to black. Camera continues to pan around the embryo bubble. The skin of the embryo becomes translucent and shows skeletal, circulatory system beneath it. Camera zooms into the face and then zooms out to reveal the embryo embedded in the developing placental tissue.
Video by TheVisualMD
Limb Development
Video by Itzel García/YouTube
Limb Development and Muscle Migration – Embryology | Lecturio
Video by Lecturio Medical/YouTube
Introduction to Limb Development
Video by Kate Lee/YouTube
Embryonic development - Weeks 5 to 8
Video by Homework Clinic/YouTube
Skeletal System of a 14 Week Old (Week 16 Gestational Age, Week 14 Fetal Age) Fetus
3D visualization of the fetal skeletal system reconstructed from scanned human data. At six weeks after conception, rods of collagen, tightly wound chains of long protein molecules, become the body's template, laying out a model for the full skeleton. Within two months, minerals from the blood crystallize and surround the rods, although the bones still aren't connected at the joints. At birth, the bones have ossified enough to support the body, but it will take another year or more before complex joint mechanisms tie them all together to deliver enough strength and flexibility to permit toddling. The skeletal system of an adult consists of 206 bones that provide protection, support, and mobility.
Image by TheVisualMD
24 Week Old (Week 26 Gestational Age, Week 24 Fetal Age) Fetus Skeletal System
Computer generated image reconstructed from scanned human data. Actual size of fetus 10+ inches. This image presents a right-sided, frontal view of a 24-week-old fetus. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The image has been manipulated so that the skin appears reddish and translucent so as to focus on the skeletal system, highlighted in white. The vertebrae and the rib cage are see outlined in the torso. The spine, which is made up of about 150 joints and 1,000 ligaments is visible.
Image by TheVisualMD
Special embryology - Skeletal system - Limbs
Embryo Inside Womb Carnegie Stage 16
Embryo at Carnegie Stage 18
Embryo at Carnegie Stage 14
Embryo at Carnegie Stage 15 to 17
Embryo at Carnegie Stage 20
7 week old embryo
Embryo at Carnegie Stage 19 Cardiovascular System
Embryo at Carnegie Stage 14
Embryo at Carnegie Stage 16
Embryo at Carnegie Stage 18
Embryo at Carnegie Stage 18
Embryo at Carnegie Stage 16
Embryo at Carnegie Stage 20
Eye Development from Embryo to Fetus
Embryo at Carnegie Stage 20
Hand Development from Embryo to Fetus
Embryo at Carnegie Stage 23
Embryo at Carnegie Stage 23 Inside Womb
Embryo at Carnegie Stage 24 Showing Facial Expression
Embryo at Carnegie Stage 23
Limb Development
Itzel García/YouTube
Limb Development and Muscle Migration – Embryology | Lecturio
Lecturio Medical/YouTube
Introduction to Limb Development
Kate Lee/YouTube
Embryonic development - Weeks 5 to 8
Homework Clinic/YouTube
Skeletal System of a 14 Week Old (Week 16 Gestational Age, Week 14 Fetal Age) Fetus
24 Week Old (Week 26 Gestational Age, Week 24 Fetal Age) Fetus Skeletal System
Respiratory System
Fetus 9 Week Old (11 Weeks Gestational Age, 9 Weeks Fetal Age) Brain and Lung
Image by TheVisualMD
Fetus 9 Week Old (11 Weeks Gestational Age, 9 Weeks Fetal Age) Brain and Lung
Computer generated Image reconstructed from scanned human data. Actual size of fetus = 1.5 inches, 0.14 oz. This image provides a left-sided view of a 9-week-old fetus. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The image has been manipulated so that both internal and external structures are visible. In the head region, the brain is highlighted in pale yellow, and the left eye and left ear are indicated as pink rings. The left lung, shown beneath the arm, is marked in dark yellow. The liver, shown beneath the lung, is highlighted in pink. The dark pink tube-like structure alongside the fetus is the umbilical cord, which provides means of exchanging nutrients and wastes between mother and fetus. At this phase, the fetus begins to uncurl. Its head becomes more erect, back straightens, and the abdomen tucks in.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryonic Development of the Respiratory System
Development of the respiratory system begins early in the fetus. It is a complex process that includes many structures, most of which arise from the endoderm. Towards the end of development, the fetus can be observed making breathing movements. Until birth, however, the mother provides all of the oxygen to the fetus as well as removes all of the fetal carbon dioxide via the placenta.
Time Line
The development of the respiratory system begins at about week 4 of gestation. By week 28, enough alveoli have matured that a baby born prematurely at this time can usually breathe on its own. The respiratory system, however, is not fully developed until early childhood, when a full complement of mature alveoli is present.
Weeks 4–7
Respiratory development in the embryo begins around week 4. Ectodermal tissue from the anterior head region invaginates posteriorly to form olfactory pits, which fuse with endodermal tissue of the developing pharynx. An olfactory pit is one of a pair of structures that will enlarge to become the nasal cavity. At about this same time, the lung bud forms. The lung bud is a dome-shaped structure composed of tissue that bulges from the foregut. The foregut is endoderm just inferior to the pharyngeal pouches. The laryngotracheal bud is a structure that forms from the longitudinal extension of the lung bud as development progresses. The portion of this structure nearest the pharynx becomes the trachea, whereas the distal end becomes more bulbous, forming bronchial buds. A bronchial bud is one of a pair of structures that will eventually become the bronchi and all other lower respiratory structures (image).
Development of the Lower Respiratory System
Weeks 7–16
Bronchial buds continue to branch as development progresses until all of the segmental bronchi have been formed. Beginning around week 13, the lumens of the bronchi begin to expand in diameter. By week 16, respiratory bronchioles form. The fetus now has all major lung structures involved in the airway.
Weeks 16–24
Once the respiratory bronchioles form, further development includes extensive vascularization, or the development of the blood vessels, as well as the formation of alveolar ducts and alveolar precursors. At about week 19, the respiratory bronchioles have formed. In addition, cells lining the respiratory structures begin to differentiate to form type I and type II pneumocytes. Once type II cells have differentiated, they begin to secrete small amounts of pulmonary surfactant. Around week 20, fetal breathing movements may begin.
Weeks 24–Term
Major growth and maturation of the respiratory system occurs from week 24 until term. More alveolar precursors develop, and larger amounts of pulmonary surfactant are produced. Surfactant levels are not generally adequate to create effective lung compliance until about the eighth month of pregnancy. The respiratory system continues to expand, and the surfaces that will form the respiratory membrane develop further. At this point, pulmonary capillaries have formed and continue to expand, creating a large surface area for gas exchange. The major milestone of respiratory development occurs at around week 28, when sufficient alveolar precursors have matured so that a baby born prematurely at this time can usually breathe on its own. However, alveoli continue to develop and mature into childhood. A full complement of functional alveoli does not appear until around 8 years of age.
Fetal “Breathing”
Although the function of fetal breathing movements is not entirely clear, they can be observed starting at 20–21 weeks of development. Fetal breathing movements involve muscle contractions that cause the inhalation of amniotic fluid and exhalation of the same fluid, with pulmonary surfactant and mucus. Fetal breathing movements are not continuous and may include periods of frequent movements and periods of no movements. Maternal factors can influence the frequency of breathing movements. For example, high blood glucose levels, called hyperglycemia, can boost the number of breathing movements. Conversely, low blood glucose levels, called hypoglycemia, can reduce the number of fetal breathing movements. Tobacco use is also known to lower fetal breathing rates. Fetal breathing may help tone the muscles in preparation for breathing movements once the fetus is born. It may also help the alveoli to form and mature. Fetal breathing movements are considered a sign of robust health.
Prior to birth, the lungs are filled with amniotic fluid, mucus, and surfactant. As the fetus is squeezed through the birth canal, the fetal thoracic cavity is compressed, expelling much of this fluid. Some fluid remains, however, but is rapidly absorbed by the body shortly after birth. The first inhalation occurs within 10 seconds after birth and not only serves as the first inspiration, but also acts to inflate the lungs. Pulmonary surfactant is critical for inflation to occur, as it reduces the surface tension of the alveoli. Preterm birth around 26 weeks frequently results in severe respiratory distress, although with current medical advancements, some babies may survive. Prior to 26 weeks, sufficient pulmonary surfactant is not produced, and the surfaces for gas exchange have not formed adequately; therefore, survival is low.
The development of the respiratory system in the fetus begins at about 4 weeks and continues into childhood. Ectodermal tissue in the anterior portion of the head region invaginates posteriorly, forming olfactory pits, which ultimately fuse with endodermal tissue of the early pharynx. At about this same time, an protrusion of endodermal tissue extends anteriorly from the foregut, producing a lung bud, which continues to elongate until it forms the laryngotracheal bud. The proximal portion of this structure will mature into the trachea, whereas the bulbous end will branch to form two bronchial buds. These buds then branch repeatedly, so that at about week 16, all major airway structures are present. Development progresses after week 16 as respiratory bronchioles and alveolar ducts form, and extensive vascularization occurs. Alveolar type I cells also begin to take shape. Type II pulmonary cells develop and begin to produce small amounts of surfactant. As the fetus grows, the respiratory system continues to expand as more alveoli develop and more surfactant is produced. Beginning at about week 36 and lasting into childhood, alveolar precursors mature to become fully functional alveoli. At birth, compression of the thoracic cavity forces much of the fluid in the lungs to be expelled. The first inhalation inflates the lungs. Fetal breathing movements begin around week 20 or 21, and occur when contractions of the respiratory muscles cause the fetus to inhale and exhale amniotic fluid. These movements continue until birth and may help to tone the muscles in preparation for breathing after birth and are a sign of good health.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (11)
Embryology of the Lungs (Easy to Understand)
Video by Dr. Minass/YouTube
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10 Week Old Fetus Lung and Liver
Micro Magnetic Resonance Imaging based, stylized visualization of a 10-week fetus in utero. From this view, the developing liver can be seen as the large purple structure, the heart is the red structure in the middle of the torso and the developing nervous system is seen as the yellow nerve endings running along the back.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Fetus 8 Week Old Internal Organ
Week eight is a milestone in a baby's life. The Micro Magnetic Resonance Imaging based, visualization depicts a normal, but oversized looking liver in the thorax, a fairly defined lung with already distinguishable lobes, an already 4 chamber heart that beats now for about 4 weeks. By the end of this week the embryo has distinct human characteristics. Every organ and system is already in place. Developmental in the fetal period needs further differentiation of the organs and tissues and a rapid gain in size and weight.
Video by TheVisualMD
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10 Week Old Fetus with Developing Organ
Lateral view of a 10-week fetus in utero. The skin of the skin of the fetus is translucent to reveal the developing organs and systems. As the camera slowly zooms in, the skin fades away to reveal the developing liver, represented by the large purple mass and the developing heart, represented by the red structure above the liver. Also shown is the developing nevous system represented by the nerve endings along the back.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Fetus 8 Week Old Internal Anatomy
Week eight is a milestone in a baby's life. The Micro Magnetic Resonance Imaging based visualization reveals a normal, but oversized looking liver (purple) in the thorax, a fairly defined lung, an already 4 chamber heart that beats now for about 4 weeks. By the end of this week the embryo has distinct human characteristics. Every organ and system is already in place. Developmental in the fetal period needs further differentiation of the organs and tissues and a rapid gain in size and weight.
Video by TheVisualMD
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10 Week Old Fetus with Developing Organ
Micro Magnetic Resonance Imaging based, stylized visualization of a 10-week fetus in utero. The camera zooms in on the laterally placed fetus. As it does this the skin fades away to reveal the developing organ systems. From this view, the developing liver can be seen as the large purple structure, the heart is the red structure in the middle of the torso and the developing nervous system is seen as the yellow nerve endings running along the back.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Developing Body System of a Fetus
Camera zooms into a womb-like environment. Initially the fetus is seen within the environment, but is obscured by the surface of the womb-like bubble. The 6-month fetus is then revealed, and the camera rotates around it. As the camera rotates, the skin becomes more transparent. The various body systems are revealed in sequence. The clip ends by zooming out with the skin becoming more opaque.
Video by TheVisualMD
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Heart and Pulmonary System
An animation of a close up of the heart and pulmonary system. The camera rotates from right to left to show the heart, bronchi, pulmonary arteries, veins, within glass lungs, and a semi-transparent thorax and scapula. Since this animation was created in VG-Studiomax the background is black
Video by TheVisualMD
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From Cell to Whole Body
Animation showing an individual cell, camera zooms out as it then shows clusters of cells, then tissues then the whole body
Video by TheVisualMD
Embryology | Development of the Respiratory System
Video by Ninja Nerd/YouTube
Development of lungs- EASY NOTES ANATOMY
Video by MedgossipHD/YouTube
Embryology of the Lungs (Easy to Understand)
Dr. Minass/YouTube
10 Week Old Fetus Lung and Liver
Fetus 8 Week Old Internal Organ
10 Week Old Fetus with Developing Organ
Fetus 8 Week Old Internal Anatomy
10 Week Old Fetus with Developing Organ
Developing Body System of a Fetus
Heart and Pulmonary System
From Cell to Whole Body
Embryology | Development of the Respiratory System
Ninja Nerd/YouTube
Development of lungs- EASY NOTES ANATOMY
Endocrine System
Embryo 56 Day Old (Week 10 Gestational Age, Week 8 Fetal Age) Lung, Adrenal and Kidney
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 56 Day Old (Week 10 Gestational Age, Week 8 Fetal Age) Lung, Adrenal and Kidney
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 30.0 mm - This image provides a dorsal view of an embryo at the end of the eighth week of development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The image demonstrates the symmetry found in many of the developed internal organ structures. In the forefront of the image is the spinal cord, indicated in pale pink. Behind the spinal cord, the lungs, highlighted in orange, can be observed. The kidneys, which have been producing urine since week 6, are indicated in violet red. Behind the kidneys is the liver, marked in pale pink.
Image by TheVisualMD
Development and Aging of the Endocrine System
The endocrine system arises from all three embryonic germ layers. The endocrine glands that produce the steroid hormones, such as the gonads and adrenal cortex, arise from the mesoderm. In contrast, endocrine glands that arise from the endoderm and ectoderm produce the amine, peptide, and protein hormones. The pituitary gland arises from two distinct areas of the ectoderm: the anterior pituitary gland arises from the oral ectoderm, whereas the posterior pituitary gland arises from the neural ectoderm at the base of the hypothalamus. The pineal gland also arises from the ectoderm. The two structures of the adrenal glands arise from two different germ layers: the adrenal cortex from the mesoderm and the adrenal medulla from ectoderm neural cells. The endoderm gives rise to the thyroid and parathyroid glands, as well as the pancreas and the thymus.
As the body ages, changes occur that affect the endocrine system, sometimes altering the production, secretion, and catabolism of hormones. For example, the structure of the anterior pituitary gland changes as vascularization decreases and the connective tissue content increases with increasing age. This restructuring affects the gland’s hormone production. For example, the amount of human growth hormone that is produced declines with age, resulting in the reduced muscle mass commonly observed in the elderly.
The adrenal glands also undergo changes as the body ages; as fibrous tissue increases, the production of cortisol and aldosterone decreases. Interestingly, the production and secretion of epinephrine and norepinephrine remain normal throughout the aging process.
A well-known example of the aging process affecting an endocrine gland is menopause and the decline of ovarian function. With increasing age, the ovaries decrease in both size and weight and become progressively less sensitive to gonadotropins. This gradually causes a decrease in estrogen and progesterone levels, leading to menopause and the inability to reproduce. Low levels of estrogens and progesterone are also associated with some disease states, such as osteoporosis, atherosclerosis, and hyperlipidemia, or abnormal blood lipid levels.
Testosterone levels also decline with age, a condition called andropause (or viropause); however, this decline is much less dramatic than the decline of estrogens in women, and much more gradual, rarely affecting sperm production until very old age. Although this means that males maintain their ability to father children for decades longer than females, the quantity, quality, and motility of their sperm is often reduced.
As the body ages, the thyroid gland produces less of the thyroid hormones, causing a gradual decrease in the basal metabolic rate. The lower metabolic rate reduces the production of body heat and increases levels of body fat. Parathyroid hormones, on the other hand, increase with age. This may be because of reduced dietary calcium levels, causing a compensatory increase in parathyroid hormone. However, increased parathyroid hormone levels combined with decreased levels of calcitonin (and estrogens in women) can lead to osteoporosis as PTH stimulates demineralization of bones to increase blood calcium levels. Notice that osteoporosis is common in both elderly males and females.
Increasing age also affects glucose metabolism, as blood glucose levels spike more rapidly and take longer to return to normal in the elderly. In addition, increasing glucose intolerance may occur because of a gradual decline in cellular insulin sensitivity. Almost 27 percent of Americans aged 65 and older have diabetes.
The endocrine system originates from all three germ layers of the embryo, including the endoderm, ectoderm, and mesoderm. In general, different hormone classes arise from distinct germ layers. Aging affects the endocrine glands, potentially affecting hormone production and secretion, and can cause disease. The production of hormones, such as human growth hormone, cortisol, aldosterone, sex hormones, and the thyroid hormones, decreases with age.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (18)
Male and Female Endocrine System - Hormone Production Glands
Male and Female Endocrine System - Hormone Production Glands
Image by TheVisualMD
Aging Changes of the Senses Endocrine And Immune Systems and Mentation
Video by BYU Nursing Gerontology/YouTube
Germ layer derivatives | Behavior | MCAT | Khan Academy
Video by khanacademymedicine/YouTube
Man Sitting on the Floor Showing Endocrine System
3D visualization reconstructed from scanned human data. The endocrine system is the regulator of the human body as it responsible for maintaining homeostasis by producing and directing chemical messengers called hormones. Hormones act on just about every cell to carry out a variety of functions related to the following: metabolism, water and mineral balance, sexual development, growth, and stress reactions. Most hormones travel throughout the body via the bloodstream to affect their target organs and tissues. Other hormones act locally and arrive at their site of action via microcirculation.
Image by TheVisualMD
Male Endocrine System
3D visualization reconstructed from scanned human data of the male endocrine system. The Leydig cells of the testis produces the main male sex hormone, testosterone. Testosterone facilitates sexual maturity of the male, production of sperm and secondary sex characteristics such as hair growth and voice modulation.
Image by TheVisualMD
Allocation of the germ layer derivatives to the embryonic head structures
Allocation of the germ layer derivatives to the embryonic head structures. (a) Regionalization of germ layer progenitors in the epiblast elicited by the graded signalling activity across the prospective anterior–posterior plane of the embryo. (b–d) Allocation of epiblast-derived cells during gastrulation to (b) the ectoderm tissues that contribute to the brain, neural crest and the surface ectoderm, (c) the mesoderm tissues in the cranial mesenchyme and the heart, and (d) endoderm tissues of the embryonic foregut. The fate maps of the progenitor tissues of the embryonic head reveals that the domains and boundaries of the progenitors in the three germ layers are generally aligned with each other, although a clear demarcation of head versus non-head progenitors is not yet evident at the late gastrulation stage. ade, anterior definitive (gut) endoderm; ame, anterior mesendoderm; amn, amnion ectoderm; ave, anterior visceral endoderm; crm, cranial mesoderm; en, endoderm; fb, forebrain; fg, foregut; hb, hindbrain; ht, heart; md, midbrain; mes, mesoderm; ncc, neural crest cells; n-ect, neuroectoderm; se, surface ectoderm.
Image by Ruth M. Arkell, and Patrick P. L. Tam Open Biol 2012;2:120030
Embryo 42 Day Old (Week 8 for Gestational Age) with Brain Differentiation
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 11.0 mm - This left-sided image presents the internal organ developments of an embryo at the end of the sixth week of embryonic development. This age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The brain has undergone differentiation into its three major components, the forebrain, which is the largest and protrudes outward here; the midbrain, and hindbrain. The pink circle on the facial region indicates the eye. Having undergone retinal pigmentation, now the eye region is beginning to develop eyelids. The two pharyngeal arches (there are four to begin with, but only the first two remain) can be seen on the side of the head region as grooves. The right upper limb has elongated and the lower portion of the limb is where the hand plate forms. The spinal cord with the nerve endings can be seen somewhat, swooping in on the bottom of the embryo. The pink tube-like structure coming out from the embryo is the umbilical cord, a mechanism for transporting nutrients and wastes between the embryo and mother.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 51 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) with Visible Brain
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 18.0 mm - This image presents a frontal view of the embryo during the eighth week of embryonic development. Age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The three major, differentiated components of the brain can be seen, with the forebrain protruding downwards, the midbrain as the narrow part of the brain, and the hindbrain connecting to the spinal cord. The light pink ring-like structure in the facial region is the developing eye, the rings highlighting eyelid formation. The larger groove with a black hole in the middle represents the growing external ear, the ring-like appearance indicating the auricle of the external ear. The arms bend at newly formed elbows and the knee begins to develop as well. The hand plate has a web-like appearance as the digital rays slowly become more distinguishable from one another. The foot plate has the digital rays, but remains less distinguished than the hand plate. It typically develops a few days after the hand plate. The large red organ protruding is the liver. As well, the red tube-like structure near the foot of the embryo indicates the umbilical cord, which provides a means of transporting nutrients and wastes between mother and embryo.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 36 Day Old (Week 7 for Gestational Age) Showing Limb Bud
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 6.0 mm. This image provides a left-sided perspective of the developing embryo at six weeks. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The spinal cord can be seen here as well as the ridges beside it, which are the nerve endings. Distinct regions of the hand, forearm and arm can be discerned in the upper and lower limb region. The lower limb bud has begun to round off and will eventually form the foot. The distal portions of the limb buds become flattened to form the hand plates and footplates. Fingers and toes will develop when a process called cell death separates the these structures into five distinct parts.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 40 Day Old (Week 7 for Gestational Age) with Visible Spinal Cord
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 8.0 mm - This image presents a dorsal view of the developing embryo at six weeks. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The spinal region is highlighted in yellow. The spinal cord has grown thicker during embryonic development. The two upper body limbs have elongated and the lower portions have begun to develop into hand plates which serve as the templates for hand development.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 40 Day Old (Week 7 for Gestational Age) Brain and Spinal Cord
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 8.0 mm - This image provides a frontal perspective from the left side of the developing embryo during the sixth week of embryonic development. This age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The image has been manipulated so that the concentration is focused on the major structures of the central nervous system, the brain and the spinal cord. The brain and spinal cord are highlighted dark orange. The image of the brain indicates the beginnings of differentiation in this region. The three major components are the forebrain, midbrain, and hindbrain. The central nervous system was one of the first organ systems to develop and it continues to grow.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 42 Day Old (Week 8 for Gestational Age) with Brain Differentiation
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 11.0 mm - This image presents a left-sided view of the embryo at the end of the sixth week in embryonic development. This age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The differentiated components of the brain can be seen, the forebrain, the most prominent part is up front, the midbrain is in the middle, and the hindbrain is in the back leading into the spinal cord. The purplish circle in the facial region is the developing eye. Digital rays can be seen in the right hand plate; these rays are the precursors to more distinguishable fingers. The foot plate has not undergone the same type of development; it is usually follows a few days afterwards.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 48 Day Old (Week 8 for Gestational Age) with Developing External Ear
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 16.0 mm - This image presents a right-frontal view of the embryo during the seventh week of development. This age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The embryo no longer has an extreme C-shaped curvature as the trunk continues to elongate. The digital rays in the hand and foot plates are visible. The rays are more distinguishable in the hand plates as the hand regions develop earlier than the foot regions. The groove-like structure on the left-most part of the head region is the developing external ear, which continues to migrate upwards, while the ring-like structure in the forefront is the growing eye, the ring indicating the developing eyelid.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 48 Day Old (Week 8 for Gestational Age) Internal Anatomy
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 16.0 mm - This image presents a dorsal view of the embryo during the seventh week of development. This age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The bright red structure is the liver and orange structure above it indicates one of the lungs. Behind these structures, two chambers of the heart can be seen. The spinal region is also undergoing development; growing cartilage will eventually give way to harder bone tissue. The short white line to the immediate right of the spinal cord is the developing esophagus. The nerve endings are indicated in orange. The tube-like structure extending outwards on the right is the umbilical cord.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 48 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Hand and Foot Plate
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 16.0 mm - This image presents a right-frontal view of the embryo during the seventh week of development. This age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The embryo no longer has an extreme C-shaped curvature as the trunk continues to elongate. The digital rays in the hand and foot plates are visible. The rays are more distinguishable in the hand plates as the hand regions develop earlier than the foot regions. The groove-like structure on the left-most part of the head region is the developing external ear, which continues to migrate upwards, while the ring-like structure in the forefront is the growing eye, the ring indicating the developing eyelid.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 51 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) with Visible Spinal Cord
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 18.0 mm - This image presents a left-dorsal view of the embryo during the eighth week of development. This age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The spinal cord can be discerned. The groove-like structure on the bottom part of the head indicates a developing external ear, called the auricle. The bulging, round structure near the front of the face is the eye where developing eyelids begin to close up. The limbs can be seen to have elongated.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 51 Day (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) with Visible Brain
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 18.0 mm - This image provides a frontal view of the embryo undergoing its eighth week of embryonic development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The focus of this image is on the embryo's internal organ systems. The brain is highlighted in orange and the three major components can be seen, the forebrain in the front and bent downward, the midbrain, the narrower part of the brain; and the hindbrain that connects to the spinal cord. The spinal cord is also highlighted in orange with the nerve endings, highlighted in pink, which provide means for transferring information between the brain and spinal cord to other organ systems. The liver can be seen, highlighted in red. The white marking on the facial region indicates the developing eye.
Image by TheVisualMD
Embryo 51 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Head and Tail
Computer Generated Image from Micro-MRI, actual size of embryo = 18.0 mm - This image reveals structural development of the embryo undergoing its eighth week of embryonic development. The age is calculated from the day of fertilization. The two eyes, the centers highlighted in red to reflect on its retinal pigmentation, can be seen in the facial region. It is far apart now, but will appear closer to one another as development continues. Webbed digits can be seen in the hand plates while the foot plates do not exhibit the same degree of development. The red tube-like structure protruding out from the embryo is the umbilical cord, a transport mechanism for nutrient and waste exchange between the embryo and mother. The tail can be seen on the bottom of the image, protruding outwards.
Image by TheVisualMD
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Ruth M. Arkell, and Patrick P. L. Tam Open Biol 2012;2:120030
Embryo 42 Day Old (Week 8 for Gestational Age) with Brain Differentiation
Embryo 51 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) with Visible Brain
Embryo 36 Day Old (Week 7 for Gestational Age) Showing Limb Bud
Embryo 40 Day Old (Week 7 for Gestational Age) with Visible Spinal Cord
Embryo 40 Day Old (Week 7 for Gestational Age) Brain and Spinal Cord
Embryo 42 Day Old (Week 8 for Gestational Age) with Brain Differentiation
Embryo 48 Day Old (Week 8 for Gestational Age) with Developing External Ear
Embryo 48 Day Old (Week 8 for Gestational Age) Internal Anatomy
Embryo 48 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Hand and Foot Plate
Embryo 51 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) with Visible Spinal Cord
Embryo 51 Day (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) with Visible Brain
Embryo 51 Day Old (Week 9 Gestational Age, Week 7 Fetal Age) Head and Tail
Fetal Development and Inheritance
Image by TheVisualMD
Infant and his chromosomes
Image by TheVisualMD
Fetal Development and Inheritance
In approximately nine months, a single cell—a fertilized egg—develops into a fully formed infant consisting of trillions of cells with myriad specialized functions. The dramatic changes of fertilization, embryonic development, and fetal development are followed by remarkable adaptations of the newborn to life outside the womb. An offspring’s normal development depends upon the appropriate synthesis of structural and functional proteins. This, in turn, is governed by the genetic material inherited from the parental egg and sperm, as well as environmental factors.
Source: CNX OpenStax
Additional Materials (6)
Multifactorial Inheritance - A pattern of inheritance of a trait that includes the contributions from more than one gene.
Inheritance Patterns - The different ways GENES and their ALLELES interact during the transmission of genetic traits that effect the outcome of GENE EXPRESSION. (NCBI/NLM/NIH)
Image by Thomas Shafee / TheVisualMD
Modern Understandings of Inheritance
Chromosomes are threadlike nuclear structures consisting of DNA and proteins that serve as the repositories for genetic information. The chromosomes depicted here were isolated from a fruit fly’s salivary gland, stained with dye, and visualized under a microscope. Akin to miniature bar codes, chromosomes absorb different dyes to produce characteristic banding patterns, which allows for their routine identification. (credit: modification of work by “LPLT”/Wikimedia Commons; scale-bar data from Matt Russell)
Image by CNX Openstax (credit: modification of work by “LPLT”/Wikimedia Commons; scale-bar data from Matt Russell)
Chromosomal Theory and Genetic Linkage
Inheritance patterns of unlinked and linked genes are shown. In (a), two genes are located on different chromosomes so independent assortment occurs during meiosis. The offspring have an equal chance of being the parental type (inheriting the same combination of traits as the parents) or a nonparental type (inheriting a different combination of traits than the parents). In (b), two genes are very close together on the same chromosome so that no crossing over occurs between them. The genes are therefore always inherited together and all of the offspring are the parental type. In (c), two genes are far apart on the chromosome such that crossing over occurs during every meiotic event. The recombination frequency will be the same as if the genes were on separate chromosomes. (d) The actual recombination frequency of fruit fly wing length and body color that Thomas Morgan observed in 1912 was 17 percent. A crossover frequency between 0 percent and 50 percent indicates that the genes are on the same chromosome and crossover occurs some of the time.
Image by CNX Openstax
Baby and chromosomes - Inheritance
Image by TheVisualMD
Autosomal Dominant and Baby
Autosomal dominant : an autosomal dominant pattern.
Image by TheVisualMD / Domaina
Autosomal Dominant and baby.
Autosomal dominant : an autosomal dominant pattern.
Image by TheVisualMD / Domaina
Thomas Shafee / TheVisualMD
Modern Understandings of Inheritance
CNX Openstax (credit: modification of work by “LPLT”/Wikimedia Commons; scale-bar data from Matt Russell)
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Early Embryonic Development
Early embryonic development is an intricate process that marks the beginning of life itself. From a single fertilized egg, complex cellular interactions and transformations set the stage for the formation of various tissues and organs. Dive into the mysteries of embryonic development by exploring our comprehensive guide on this journey of life.